good movies

animated the rest


Ghost in the Shell

The Maxx - i wanted to buy it again, it was so good

Patlabor 1 and 2 - same director of Ghost in the shell, 2 is better

Spawn, Spawn 2, Spawn 3 (HBO series) - number three rocks

the rest

All About My Mother - awesome

Boogie Nights

Bottle Rocket

Buffalo '66

Chasing Amy

The Fifth Element - Gaultier helped make this movie kewl

Four Days in September


Kicking & Screaming

Life Is Beautiful

The Matrix

The Opposite of Sex

Queen Margot

Raising Arizona


Waking Life

Welcome to the Dollhouse

emily was here
music pictures art gallery recipes good movies decent things to do in galveston downloads (not much yet) news links science

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