The 1998 cast :
Joane Labelle
Frank Sherbourne
Edith Fortin
Norman Groulx
Johnny Rockfort
(Corinne Perran) Kwin
Richard Groulx
Zéro Janiver
Patsy Gallant
Stella Spotlight
Marc Battistel, Cristina Becquet, Sirhan Djezzar, Said Gherbi, Marc Jugieu and 
Karin Kriström
Etoiles Noires


Spring 1991 : her first album "Histoire sans retour" was released. Six songs of the album became best selling records in Canada and Joane got an "album d'or" ("golden album") and three nominations at the ADISQ Awards (music awards in Quebec). 
In 1994, her second album was released in Quebec and two of the songs became hits.  
In 1995, Joane met Serge Perathoner and Jannick Top who wrote her an album "L'autre Chemin" who was released in Quebec in 1998. The same year, Luc Plamondon proposed her to join the "Starmania family".
Starmania 1998 : 20th anniversary


He began to study music when he was 8 years old. 
He also took modern dancing and tap-dancing lessons before he began his carreer as a musician and a singer in France and Belgium. He was part of the musical "l'Arche Delanöe" based on songs by Pierre Delanöe, who then wrote a few songs for Frank Sherbourne's album. He created the part of Ziggy in this production in 1993 and will soon play his thousandth performance as Ziggy.
Starmania 1998 : 20th anniversary


When she was 6 years old, Edith Fortin sang at the Montreal "Expo Théâtre". At 11, she had ballet dancing training at the "Ecole Supérieure de Danse" in Quebec. She had studied there for 8 years.  
In 1989, she was elected "Mlle Fille d'Aujourd'hui", a popular beauty contest. Two years later, she was elected "Mlle Laurentides" was a finalist of the "Miss Canada Pageant" contest.  
Edith Fortin also sang at the La Licorne cabaret in Montreal. She has been playing Cristal in Starmania for two years now.
Starmania 1998 : 20th anniversary


Norman Groulx made his debuts on stage in 1981 in Lewis Furey's show "Lorca". 
Norman first played Johnny Rockfort in 1986 in Montreal. 
In 1988, Michel Berger chose him to play the part in the Paris production of Starmania who was very successful until 1990. 
Since then, Norman recorded many commercials in Canada, and worked as a vocalist for some Canadian artists. This year, Norman plays Johnny Rockfort once again to have the great pleasure to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Starmania. 
Starmania 1998 : 20th anniversary


Kwin is from Guadeloupe. 
She has sung as the first part of many concerts of bands such as "Maceo Parker", "Made in Paris" and "Kovarea" and "Fay". She also worked on the albums of bands like "Zouk Machine" and "Menelik". 
She has been playing Sadia for the second year. 
Starmania 1998 : 20th anniversary
His musical theatre experience began in 1970 when he was cast to play Berger in "Hair". He then played M. Peachum in "L'Opéra de Quat' sous".  
In 1986, he was cast as Zéro Janvier in the Montreal production of Starmania  and in the Paris one from 1988 until 1990. The tour even went as far as Moscow and Leningrad. 
In 1997, he played the Duc de Bedford in the Montreal musical "Jeanne la pucelle" directed by Martin Charnin. 
He also worked with famous singers. 
This production of Starmania is his third one as Zéro Janvier.
Starmania 1998 : 20th anniversary

1976 : Patsy Gallant got the award for best singer of the year in Canada for her "From New York to L.A." album. 
She has then released about 20 albums. 
In 1988, she appeared in several musicals : "Cats", "Nunsense", "Piaf, l'amour triomphe de tout". 
She then presented her own music TV show during two years. 
Starmania 1998 : 20th anniversary


 Les "Etoiles Noires" (Black Stars) : Marc Battistel, Cristina Becquet, Sirhan Djezzar, Said Gherbi, Marc Jugieu and Karin Kriström
Last update : 5 April 1999
Starmania 1998 : 20th anniversary
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