Jesus Went After Him Like A Star Trek Tractor Beam

One afternoon in Athens Greece Socrates had a bad argument with Plato and Aristotle on what is Truth. You see Socrates was a natural philosopher, where Plato was trying to learn to be one by rationalism; but Aristotle only thought Empiricism, or only the outward five senses, was the best way to reach Truth. They did not know that Socrates became a natural philosopher because he had a contentious wife. So, Socrates threw up his hands in dismay saying God Help! – Jesus heard that cry while in Jerusalem healing a blind man. Jesus stopped everything and told his disciples that He would be right back. Immediately Jesus went after Him like a Star Trek tractor beam and He walked across the Mediterranean Sea in stormy and calm weather to get to Socrates before it was too late. And sat beside the Panthenon, the most perfect made building ever designed, that had the bottomless well with plain water beside it. Socrates climbed the hill to where Jesus was setting and asked Him what is Truth? Jesus said all I have is living Water you know not of. My question is this? Does Socrates follow Jesus for living water or does he jump into the bottomless well of plain water? It would be safer to jump into the well of plain water but the adventure would only come by sincerely following Jesus and having continual living water that would never end. Which would you do today?

© 2001, by the well-known Southern scribe, Kevin Little (aka Thumper) from his best selling tome: Following Jesus Inspirational Art







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