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Uchu Senkan Yamato



Dario Argento's Phenomena
Twelve Twisted Tricks

House Fried Rice: So named because of its mixture of ingredients to form a cohesive, yet tasty, whole.

Last updated February 1, 2005 -- for those keeping score.


In a rare fit of unmitigated candor, the execs at NBC recently admitted that their network may slip to an unprecedented fourth place. That's right, behind Fox's gift to humanity, THE SWAN. With the stiff competition from satellite TV and radio, the Internet, video games, and DVDs, I don't know what these guys are going to do. But here's a hint: pinning everything on fossils like ER and fatuous crap like JOEY just ain't gonna make it in the 21st century (obviously).

Hire better writers and producers, fewer egos next time.


The movie for a new millennium!

Need I say more? Unfortunately this sterling example of Hollywood's resounding genius isn't available on DVD...yet. Time to start another campaign!


In case you aren't aware, Yahoo is now offering 100MB of free storage as part of their Yahoo Mail. This is meant to compete with Google's new "Gmail," which initiated the same deal a few weeks ago. Pretty cool. But what the heck was their marketing department thinking with this horrible ad? Are these people supposed to be on acid or what???

Duuuuuh, I smoke crack while I check my email!


Is this country going nuts or what? There is a strong, completely wrong-headed movement currently underway to circumvent our rights to free speech. As always, the hoary excuses of "we're doing it for the children," "it's all about the children" are being dragged out and flayed to death. Ridiculous. If the politicos and those in power really cared about this, we'd see more good being done in our schools...we'd see teachers being paid what they're worth.

But we're not.

Instead we're getting an unwanted sequel to McCarthyism. Do our great nation--and yourself--a favor and take a moment to read more about this extremely important issue; let your local representatives know how you feel; and sign this petition.



Amateur Cat Films

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