Deep Insight, Presley Bastards, Evilsons, & Damn Seagulls @ Ilokivi, Jyv�skyl� (Sat May 3, 2003)

By Tuomas Koskinen

I went to Ilokivi early because I didn't have any clue when the bands would start to play. After sitting there for a while some people arrived, but not many, everybody was sitting watching ice hockey I guess...

The first band was Deep Insight. It was emo type stuff and once again Feathers Are Beautiful popped in my mind. They weren't bad, but my friend said that they were an average band. Hard to say because I'm not an expert on emo.

Then the stage was Presley Bastards'. This was the band I really wanted to see. Really good punk 'n' roll with the right mentality. And of course I have to mention singer, Masa's, stage charisma. He does all those rock moves with the microphone stand and it really puts me in a good mood. They played my favorite song, �Never Looking Back�, along with other good songs. The new song sounded really good so I'm waiting for some releases...

Evilsons played skacore/rock/whatever. I had heard they're a good live band and they were. The singer had a really good voice. Songs were a perfect mix between ska, rock, punk, and maybe hardcore. Enough of everything. They were the best band with Presley Bastards.

I knew only one song by Damn Seagulls who was the last band this night. That song was really good, but I didn't get really excited by their stuff. Well, they played good rock and organs which were really cool. And it's always nice to see bands that play with enthusiasm. Even though there were only about 30 people, they rocked hard. DS was good, but maybe I was little bit tired because I wasn't into them as much as I expected I would be.

And I have to mention that it was nice to see so many different kinds of bands from different scenes. There should be more gigs like this! And what the heck, let's put the good old quote from Sham 69: "If the kids are united we will never be divided!"