Misconduct, Outbreak, Presley Bastards, and Armageddon Clock @ Lutakko, Jyv�skyl� January 17th, 2003.

By Tuomas Koskinen

Juhani, my bro, Tatu, and our friends, Aku and Markus, and I went to see some punk in Lutakko. I haven't heard of the Swedish bands Misconduct or Outbreak before, but I knew Armageddon Clock and Presley Bastards would rock. On the way there we listened a tape in the car. We wanted to listen to some Blood For Blood, but that side was in at end so we listen some Terveet K�det for a while...

I heard that Janne from Endstand was there with his distro so I went to interview him. The rest of the guys went to eat some burgers.

After the interview, it was time to spend some money. So I bought a couple of good records and some other stuff. I also said hi to some friends.

The first band was Armageddon Clock who plays good hardcore punk with political lyrics. I have both of their 7"s and I knew they would rock. They played a very good set. Most of the songs I had heard before. Some of the ones I hadn�t heard will be on their split with Silent Majority so I guess are new ones. Those songs really rocked and I'm waiting for that split. I don't know why, but I didn't go in the pit. There was only three guys who put in some action.

When Armageddon Clock finished, DJ Anger played some good music. It wasn't so much 80's like last time ;) Aku had some problems because he drank his beer outside of the bar. The bouncer took him away and first I wondered if they threw Aku out, but then Aku came back and said that the bouncers were kind.

The second band was a punk 'n' roll band called Presley Bastards who did a good job. I don't know, but I thought they sounded a little bit like Social Distortion. They also played an Elvis cover and they did it well. Some of the guys wanted hear some Raised Fist, but the singer of the band said they can only play Elvis...

After a break, the stage was Outbreak's. Before they started their set, their guitar player mounted his guitar while singing Bon Jovi which was heard through the speakers. That was funny... The band played metal core kind of stuff. I like them. Maybe I would have been more excited if I had known some of their songs.

During the break, I bought the semi-legendary Delta Force 2's demo cassette. There was only a limited amount of their first demo, so I didn't want to miss out on that one. Rumors I had heard said that they're playing thrashy, fast Chuck Norris hardcore...

The last band was Misconduct. I heard some shit about the band; that they totally sucked and the guys in the band were rock stars and stuff. I don't think they were anything special, but it was nice to hear Minor Threat's �Filler�. I think the band was like Pennywise meets hardcore. But I did enjoy their show.

When we went home we listened some Delta Force 2, but the rest of guys had enough after a couple of songs...