The Sex Pistols, Dropkick Murphys, & Reverend Horton Heat @ the FleetBoston Pavilion (Wednesday August 20, 2003)

By Dora Hammerle

I had been waiting for this day every since I first heard �Holidays in the Sun� was I was13 years old. The Sex Pistols are one of my all time favorite bands (anyone who has ever been to my house has seen my immense & priceless Sex Pistols collection). I know many people hate the Pistols, calling them a fake band & whatnot, but I don�t care. I still do & always will love them.

Anywho, moving on to the show�

We went to a crappy restaurant before the show that didn�t take credit cards. We ended up spending our beer money on the crappy food. Not a good way to start the night, but it was ok�they didn�t card me & let me have a few beers.

Before any of the bands started we ran into a couple of friends. Pete of Meat Depressed, his wife, & her daughter had just gotten tickets that day & ended up getting the second row, dead center. I totally would have killed them! Other friends of our scored free tickets & parking which is an excellent deal because tickets were $45 & parking was $20. Some people have all the luck :-P

We went to our seats for the Reverend (that�s right, there were seats�very bizarre for a punk rock show). All I have to say is WOW. This was the absolute best set I have seen the Reverend do in years. He played all the best, fastest songs. More than half of the crowd was sitting down while they were playing. I don�t understand how anybody can hear the Reverend or any good rockabilly band & stay seated! It�s just not right!

Then was the Dropkicks. I hate to say anything bad about any band, but I feel I can�t hold it in any more. The Dropkicks are by no means the same band they were 4, even 3 years ago. As a friend of mine put it, �MTV Dropkick Murphys�. They are trying far too hard to please everyone (especially the college kid crowd) & the music is suffering. For example, they didn�t play any of the old favorites. They didn�t even play �Barroom Hero� let alone �Skinhead on the MBTA�. This is a review of the Pistols, not the Dropkicks so I�ll let it go now�

The Sex Pistols. Fuck yea. That is all I can say. The sound was actually pretty bad (very echo-y). You couldn�t understand a word Jonny was saying with the heavy British accent on top of the bad sound, but I didn�t care! It was the Sex Pistols! Jonny actually looks very good for being nearly 50�I�d still do him ha ha ha ;-) During their set, we tried to sneak up front, but we were caught so I flipped off one of them & told the other one to eat me. They didn�t quite like that so they pushed me. I was jumping around like a psychopath all night. They played all the hits � �Holidays in the Sun�, �God Save the Queen�, & �Anarchy in the UK�, but if you ask me, all of their songs are awesome. I only wish they had more songs so they could play longer.

The night was amazing & I am still in shock. I can die now. I have seen the Sex Pistols.