The Templars: Phase II CD (GMM)

By Tuomas Koskinen

When I found The Templars� song, �Make Your Mark�, and listened to it a couple of times I knew it was time to get a record of these NY skinheads. And when I ordered this record I wanted good skinhead rock and this is exactly what I got and even more!

First about the music. I would call it more rock than punk or Oi! or anything like that. It�s like rock with a huge Oi! sound and I have to say that it sounds really great! I love that guitar sound. It�s almost without distortion and it sounds awesome. While we�re talking about the guitar, I have to mention those good sounding solos. The bass lines sound really good as well. I think The Templars can�t be The Templars without Carl�s voice. Those riffs are so catchy that it will force you to sing along at least to the choruses. All in all, this record sound really good.

Now about the lyrics. I didn�t really expect anything special so it was huge surprise how great these lyrics are! The recipe is personal, but kind of polemical without politics and I always like that kind of stuff. There�s also enough bitterness, but without whining. The lyrics are stories from everyday life. My favorite line is from a song called �Don�t Anything At All�: �You may think I'm anti-social; you may think I don't belong; Don't do me any favors; don't do anything at all.� And when almost all of the songs have good lines as this album does, you can be sure that I�m sold.

About the cover, I�ve seen several different covers to this record on the internet.

What else should I say? Oh yeah, get this record. This is a great skinhead rock album. If you don�t, piss off hippie! And if someone from The Templars is reading this, it would be nice to get you guys here in Finland. I have spoken.

1. Intro
2. Pawns in Their Game
3. City Traffic
4. Kids of Today
5. You're Free
6. Eastern Europe
7. Freedom Has Its Price
8. Their Plan
9. Worth My While
10. Make Your Mark
11. I Still Remember
12. Waiting for the Blood to Flow
13. Push & Shove
14. Don't Do Anything at All
15. Land of the Free