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Chin’s Nature Corner

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A brief note about me

The Blue Pansy (Junonio orithya wallacei). Copyright © Chin Fah Chin MY name is Chin Fah Shin. I live in Kuala Lumpur (the capital city of Malaysia) from where I used to make forays into the rainforests, far and near. Although I took up photography as a hobby when I was 15, it wasn't until much later in life, after acquiring the necessary equipment in 1982, that I began capturing living butterflies and other small creatures on film. There was a time when I wanted to be photojournalist because I just liked taking pictures. I have now retired after working 25 years at various jobs in Kuala Lumpur.

My wife and our two sons and daughter used to join me in my jaunts into the jungles some of the time. All my three children are now young adults pursuing their own careers. They do not seem to be interested in taking up nature photography as a hobby. They all nonetheless love watching nature, both in the wild and on TV (especially National Geographic, Discovery and Kingdoms of Survival wildlife documentaries).

After completing this website in December 1997, I have gone on to build other sites, namely Chin's Butterfly Gallery, UP CLOSE and PERSONAL, UP CLOSE with NATURE, UP CLOSE with SPIDERS, and Gallery Malaysiana. The butterfly gallery can be considered as completed although I may still have some additional material to place in it. You are certainly welcome to visit all my websites, and if you have benefited in anyway I hope you will support by web-authoring efforts by shopping with the merchants or vendors represented (by their banners or logos or other graphic links) on this site. I earn a commission from sales originating from this site - and that's money I need to meet my own expenses.

In 1999, I came down with a health condition -- dermatomyositis, a rare auto-immune disorder in which the white blood cells attack the body's own healthy cells, in my case the skin and muscles. I have recovered considerably following treatment, but the doctors have advised me against "going out in the sun". So I have stopped jungle trekking and chasing butterflies in the sun. However, it (my health condition) has not stopped me from using my camera ... I now take photos for my church. I certainly hope to be able to go back to the jungle and chase butterflies again one day.

 This page revised on 23 October 2007. Copyright © Chin Fah Shin.






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