Chapter 3

"You think anyone else has ‘woken’ up?" Justin questioned when he, Cady, and Lance were getting into the car the next morning before the others were up and about.

"Hard to know," Lance answered. "Should be stay until everyone’s up, you think?"

Cady shook her head. "We’re up early enough that they should still be asleep when we get back from looking around. There’s not too much to the town really."

"If you’re sure," Lance shrugged, pulling out of the driveway. "Where to first?"

"Lets head through the park, it’s just across the street."

"You live across from the park?" Justin said. "That must’ve been nice when you were growing up."

"It was," Cady agreed. "Whenever we got bored it was just a simple matter of crossing the street to find something to do."

"That’ll cool."

"This is nice," Lance commented looking at the areas they were driving past.

"I can’t decide if it’s better or worse than it is now," Cady replied. "We’ll have to go to the zoo sometime."

"What’s there?"

"Um, I assume Monkey Island and the duck pond were here, I’m not sure about the other animals though," Cady answered. "You might like Monkey Island, the first monkey in Space was born there."

"Really? Cool."

Justin made a face. "That creepy looking monkey in DC came from here?"

Cady nodded. "There’s a sign or whatever there now."

"Where to next?" Lance questioned when they were finished at the park.

"Um, downtown," Cady suggested. "Truthfully, I’m not even sure what’s down there now, but I at least wanna see what my uncle’s restaurant was."

"That’s cool," he nodded. "Is it mostly businesses now?"

"We’ve got like an old time downtown or whatever with like shops," Cady shook her head.

"Cool. Direct me to your uncle’s restaurant."

"This is a neat town," Lance said when they were driving back to the house.

"I guess. It’s nice to see it hasn’t changed too terribly much," Cady replied. "Mostly just more modern stores and more houses."

"Did you want to see any of your families houses?" Justin questioned.

"Most of them aren’t built yet," Cady answered. "My grandparents’ home was built the year I was born and my mom’s wasn’t built until the late nineties."


When they reached the house there was a truck parked in front of it.

"Who’s that?" Justin asked.

Lance shrugged while Cady replied, "Beatrice said Tim Bradley would be here to build a storage shed today."

"That’s your stepfather?" Lance stated.

Cady nodded. "Yah, it is."

"You gonna go talk to him?"

"Might as well," Cady answered. "Y’all go see if any of the others are awake."

The two nodded and went into the house while Cady went around back to see Tim Bradley.

"Hello, Tim," she called from the gate.

"Good morning, Cady Lynn," he replied. "You’re up early."

"Jerrid, James, and I went for a drive," she answered. "You’re here early."

"I decided to get this done before it got too hot," he explained.

"That’s cool," Cady nodded.

"You all gonna check out the races this weekend?"

"When are they?"


"We might."

"If you do and you wanna go for a ride, lemme know."

"I don’t think Beatrice would let me, but thanks for the offer," Cady smiled.

"Offer’s always there if you ever change your mind," he replied.

"Cool," Cady smiled again. "Well I better let you get back to work. It was good to see you, Tim."

"You too, Cady Lynn."

When Cady entered the house she found Lance and Justin sitting at the table while Beatrice made breakfast.

"Good morning, Beatrice," she greeted, sitting down next to Lance.

"Good morning, Cady Lynn," Beatrice answered. "Breakfast will be ready soon."

"All right," she nodded. "Anyone else awake?"

"Not yet," Beatrice said, while Lance and Justin shook their heads. "I’m sure they’ll be up soon."

"All right."

"What have you got planned for this weekend, besides baby sitting the Higgins?" Beatrice asked.

"Tim mentioned there were some races--"

"I don’t like you going to those things," Beatrice interrupted. "They’re so unladylike."

"You think everything is unladylike," Cady grumbled.

"You pick all unladylike hobbies," Beatrice replied.

"So? I’m twenty years old, I think I can decide for myself what I do."

"Can we please not have that argument this morning?" Beatrice sighed. "I know it’s been two whole days since we’ve had it but I’m really not in the mood to fight with you right now."


"Thank you. Now why don’t you go get the guys up so that they can join us for breakfast, while I go ask Tim if he’d like anything," Beatrice suggested.

"All right," Cady nodded, getting up from the table.

"I’ll came with you," Lance offered.

"Okay," Cady agreed, glad not to have to wake the others herself in case something happened.

"I’ll only be out for a moment, Jerrid, can you make sure the food doesn’t burn?" Beatrice questioned as Lance and Cady exited the room.

"I think I can manage," Justin replied.

Justin was standing at the stove stirring the hash browns when Cady and Lance returned.

"So?" he questioned.

"We’ve got Shortcuts," Cady answered.

"That’s a good thing, right?"

"I think so," Lance nodded.

"I dunno, I wouldn’t mind JC wakin up here or maybe Tony Lucca," Cady said.

"What about The Beatles?" Justin put in.

"They’re alive and if all goes well I’ll getta meet them in a couple of months," Cady answered.

"You’d really be willing to continue doing this for months?" Justin exclaimed.

"To meet The Beatles? Hell yah," Cady replied.

"You’re an odd girl," Lance chuckled.

"Yah, I am," Cady agreed.

"Maybe if Chris and I do end up here in 2002, we can convince JC and Tony to join us," Justin said.

"That’d be awesome," Cady laughed. "You could stay at the house, Jerrid’s room would be available."

"I’ll keep that in mind," Justin grinned as Beatrice came into the house with Tim.

"Keep what in mind, dear?" she questioned.

"Cady Lynn was tellin me I probably shouldn’t stand so close to the stove with this shirt on," Justin answered, gesturing at the polyester shirt he was wearing, before saying hello to Tim.

Justin and Tim joined the table while Lance and Tim exchanged hellos.

"That’s good advice," Beatrice agreed. "Are the others up?"

Cady nodded. "They were up and moving when we left the rooms."

"Good morning, all," Jordan greeted as he entered the room with Thad. "Tim Bradley, I haven't seen you in months! How are you doin?"

"I'm doin good, Jordan," Tim nodded. "How about yourself?"

"That's good to hear," Jordan replied. "Can't complain. The Andrews Sisters keep things runnin smoothly."

"I'll bet they do," Tim grinned.

"So you're in Russia now, huh?" Cady stated when she, Justin, and Lance were walking through the zoo later that day.

"Yah, I am."

"Have you gotten to see anything?"

"A little, but I'm pretty busy with training and all that."

"I guess you would be," Cady agreed. "I plan to go to Russia one day."

"Why would you want to go there?" Justin questioned. "You wanna go into space?"

"That's be cool, but no, I'm more interested in going for the historical value," Cady answered.

Lance cocked an eyebrow. "You now about Russian history?"

"Not as much as I used to when I was in sixth and seventh grade, but I still know quite a bit."

"I've already said this once, but you're an odd girl," Lance laughed.

"What? Russian history is very interesting," Cady exclaimed. "All history is interesting!"

"You watch The History Channel, don't you?" Justin chuckled.

Cady blushed slightly. "So? It's cool to watch it now, Ozzy watches The History Channel!"

"That doesn't make it cool," Justin disagreed.

"Sure it does," Cady countered. "Everything that family does is cool."

"If you say so," Justin chortled.

"I do say so," Cady replied.

"What other odd things do you know about?" Lance questioned.

"I don't think the things I know about are odd," Cady answered. "I know about a lot of things though cause I go through like stages."


"I find something that peaks my interests and I try to learn as much about it as I can," she explained.

"That's cool," Lance nodded.

"Were you serious about being willing to wake up here for months at a time just to get the chance to meet The Beatles?" Justin asked, when the reached Monkey Island. "This is neat. Is it like this in 2002?" he questioned gesturing at the small castle-like building in front of them.

"No, it's not like this anymore, it's just pretty much the building and they planted some trees and stuff in the 80's," Cady answered. "And, yes, I was serious about that. As cool as it is to get to meet the Shortcuts when they were young and getting the chance to actually meet you two, as apposed to the way I got to 'meet' you at Challenge For The Children, meeting The Beatles is something I'd really like to do. My childhood was comprised of Cady Lynn and The Shortcuts and The Beatles."

"Then I hope you're able to continue this," Justin said.

"I've gotta admit, I'd like to meet John Lennon myself," Lance stated.

"Me too," Justin agreed. "Then we'd have braggin rights, even if they were only dream braggin rights."

"That's one way to look at it," Cady laughed.


"Cady, are you awake?" Geoff Adams called, knocking on her bedroom door.

"Yah, I'm up," Cady answered, opening the door. "What's up?"

"Jerrid Thompsen is here," Geoff answered.

"Jerrid Thompsen?"

Geoff shrugged. "He asked to speak to you."

Cady nodded and followed him downstairs to the foyer where Jerrid stood waiting. "Hello, Mr. Thompsen."

"Hello, Cady," he smiled.

"What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you were free for lunch," Jerrid answered. "I know you collect Cady Lynn affects, I came across a box of her belongs that James asked me to get rid of when I contacted him about them. I thought maybe you'd like to go through them and see if there's anything you might like to have."

"That's very nice of you, Mr. Thompsen," Cady smiled. "I'd love to have lunch with you."

"Please call me Jerrid, dear," he replied. "And it's no problem. Cad's things might as well be with someone who will enjoy them. Your grandparents told me you found Cady's old senior key necklace when you were in Florida."

"Yah I did," she nodded, pulling it out of her shirt to show him. "I've been meaning to contact you to see if you thought James Basinger or one of their children might want it."

"I'll ask, but I have a feeling James and the children would prefer for you to have it, someone who enjoys it and all."

"All right, but please tell him if he or the children change their minds at any point to let me know," Cady said.

"You're a good girl, Cady," Jerrid stated.


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