Chapter 9

"I can't believe we're actually in Time Square," Cady squealed looking around as they climbed out of the cab.

"It looks so different," Britney said. "I'm so used to seeing MTV Studios and The Virgin Mega Record Store."

"Where to first?" Cady questioned.

"How about Bloomingdale's?"

"Sounds good," Cady nodded.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Britney asked as they walked to Bloomingdale's stopping occasionally so that Cady could look at the little stands.

"I think so. I'm nervous though cause I've never performed in front of anyone, except for the small shows the band's done, which hasn't been many."

"What about the pageant you were in?"

"I wasn't singing, that's a big difference. I knew pretty much everyone when I was performing and even with the shows the band's done I recognized people," Cady replied.

"You'll be fine. When you get up there you'll forget all about the people out there."

"You think?"

"I do except for when I'm interacting with them. All you notice is how much fun they're having. You feel the energy, but it's like you're up in front of your friends and family who love you."

"Everything is so big here," Cady said looking around.

"It is," Britney agreed. "Shopping's amazing."

"I can't wait to start," Cady giggled, following Britney into the department store. "Should we do the guys first or after us?"

"We'll find our outfits first so that we don't have to try and find something to go with what we get them."

"Good thinking," Cady nodded.

"Hello, may I help you?" asked the saleswoman.

"We're just looking, thanks," Britney replied, hurrying Cady along. "Saleswomen are so pushy, they'll try to sell you everything under the sun. We'll look for ourselves," she told Cady.


They managed to find outfits they both liked in a short amount of time then went to find outfits for the guys.

"The women's department is that way," directed a salesman.

"We're quite aware of that. We're looking for outfits for the male members of our band," Britney replied.

"Then allow me to offer my services."

"We're fine."

"Really I-"

"I believe the ladies said they were fine," a man's voice cut him off, causing Cady to turn to the voice. "Go along then."

"Thank you," Britney said when the salesman was gone, turning to look at the man.

"Twas nothing," replied the man. "I couldn't help over hear what you said to the clerk. You're in a band, are you here for the showcase?"

"We are," Britney nodded. "We're The Shortcuts, you should come check us out if you've got a chance."

"We'll have to make sure we're there," said a second voice. "John's rude. Allow me to introduce us. I am Paul and he's John. You are?"

"Cady Lynn and Beatrice," Britney answered. "Nice to meet you."

"Does she speak?" Paul questioned, gesturing at Cady.

"Usually never shuts up," Britney replied. "What's wrong Cad?"

"They're-they're Paul and John!" Cady stuttered.

"We've covered that," Britney said.

"From The Beatles," Cady whispered.

"Ohmigod," Britney squeaked.

"You all right?" John questioned.

"We're fans of your music," Britney explained, "especially Cady Lynn."

"We're nothing special," Paul replied.

"But you are," Cady said. "To achieve fame in your own country is one thing but to do so in another country, especially America, is quite another."

"If you say so," Paul shrugged. "Well I'm sure you're busy, so maybe we'll see you tomorrow after the showcase?"

"Actually we aren't too busy, just need to pick up a few things. Maybe if you aren't busy you'd like to get a quick bite to eat?" Britney suggested.

"We'd love to," John said.

"Great," Britney smiled.

"Are you sure we shouldn't mention to the guys we met them today?" Britney asked when they got to the venue.

"The diaries say not to, we won't," Cady replied. "Obviously they had their reason for not telling, like Jerrid would've thrown a fit if he knew Beatrice went out with another man."


"What's true?" Justin questioned.

"We're going to be the best looking band here," Cady replied.

"We will," he agreed. "Fun shopping?"

Britney nodded. "It was amazing."

"Did you manage to get anywhere besides Bloomingdale's?" he asked, gesturing at their bags.

"Cad was having too much fun there," Britney replied. "It was her first time."

"Ohh you were a Bloomingdale's virgin?" Justin teased. "Was it everything you thought it'd be?"

"It didn't disappoint," Cady replied.

"As much as we'd love to hear about you're shopping trip, you've got a practice to do," Lance said.

"Actually, can I talk to Cad and Brit alone for a moment?" Tony questioned.

"Sure, we'll go a head and get started and you three can join us when you get back," Justin nodded, the others agreeing.

"What's up?" Cady asked when they were away from the others.

"I know you two met Paul and John," he said.

"You what? How?!" Britney exclaimed.

"Vicki talked James into letting her see his journal and she let me read it. James talked to the members of The Beatles before the others and Paul mentioned meeting Cady Lynn and Beatrice and how they went out to lunch."

"Why wouldn't he have said anything to them?"

"He knew how big of a fan Cady Lynn was of The Beatles and he didn't want to cause problems between Jerrid and Beatrice," Tony replied. "You've read the diaries, I'm sure you know why they didn't mention it."

"What are you talking about?

"Cady Lynn and Beatrice both had brief affairs with Paul and John respectfully. Surely you read about that."

"There were no mentions at all of any affairs in either diaries," Cady said. "Cady Lynn and Beatrice cheated on James and Jerrid?!"

Tony nodded. "That's was the final straw in the fight they had the day Cady Lynn and Beatrice died. Beatrice refused to let Jerrid see Matthew and he said something like it's okay for you and your sister to carry on with John and Paul, but not for me to be with someone who might make me happy."

"And James overheard?"

"He wrote that he suspected Cady Lynn may have had an affair with Paul while they were dating, but didn't believe it until neither denied it."

"Should we tell the others so that Lance isn't shocked when it happens?" Britney asked.

"I think it's best, maybe if everyone knows then it will somehow change that it happened," Tony replied.

Cady and Britney agreed and the three went back to the stage where the others were practicing.

"We need to tell you all something," Cady said, stopping them.

"What's up?" Chris asked.

"Britney and I met Paul and John while we were shopping. We knew we were going to meet them, but the diaries said that Cady Lynn and Beatrice didn't tell the others so we felt we shouldn't tell you."

"Then why are you?" Lance questioned.

"James Basinger's is Marc Worden's stepfather and his youngest daughter, Vicki, and I are pretty good friends. She got his journal and let me read it. We're trying to prevent Cady Lynn and Beatrice from having affairs with Paul and John."

"You're kidding, right?" Justin exclaimed.

Tony shook his head. "I wish I were."

"Well, that's all, we need to practice," Cady said, wanting to drop the subject.


"That was amazing," Lance exclaimed when they finished their performance.

"Really?" Cady said.

"You'da made The Shortcuts proud," he nodded. "All of you."

"Thanks, man," Justin grinned. "Lets hope those record execs agree."

"We're about to find out," Tony said, nodding toward the well dressed man making his way toward them.

"Hello, I'm Scott Eden," the man introduced himself. "I'm a talent scout from RCA."

"Hello, Mr. Eden," Lance said shaking his hand. "I'm James Basinger, I manage The Shortcuts."

"Nice to meet you. I was very impressed with your performance. You were a nice change from some of the other acts, all seven of you were involved instead of just one lead singer."

"We thought it made no sense to not show everyone's talent," Cady said.

"You were right. Is there any chance I could set up a meeting to talk with you and the band tomorrow, maybe?"

"I think we might be able to," Lance nodded.



"Ohmigod, I can't believe we have a record deal," Britney squealed dancing around their hotel suite.

"Me either," Justin agreed.

"Hello, excluding Tony and I, everyone in this room already has record deals! Some, Justin, have two," Cady said.

"This is different though!" Justin exclaimed. "This like has nothing to do with the fact that we're *NSYNC or she's Britney Spears."

"Don't act like you don't think it's amazing," Britney said to Cady.

"I'm just glad we didn't ruin things for The Shortcuts," Cady replied.

"Of course you are. You're more excited about meeting The Beatles," JC teased.

"You're one to talk!" Cady exclaimed. "You almost blew our cover!"

"And you didn't?"

"Maybe a little, but really you might as well have said 'hello, my name is JC and I'm a popstar in the year 2002 and two of you are dead.'"

"He wasn't that bad," Justin said.

"Yes he was," Chris shook his head. "I think he may have prevented Cady Lynn and Beatrice's affairs though, I doubt they'll want to spend much time around any of The Shortcuts."

"Then I did good," JC grinned.

"That was your goal?!" Cady exclaimed.

JC nodded. "It was."

"Lets hope it works."

"Now we need to figure out a way to keep Jerrid from meeting Matthew Hale," Justin said.

"We can't do that to them," Cady shook her head. "They're too good for each other."

"You'll let Cady Lynn and Beatrice die because you don't want to hurt Jerrid and Matthew?" Justin exclaimed.

"You don't understand, Justin," Cady replied. "It's not about risking their lives, it's about ruining Jerrid's present. He's happy."

"Do you all feel different?" Britney asked interrupting Justin and Cady.

"I yah," agreed Joey.

In a blink of the eye Joey and Britney were gone, replaced with Jeremy and Beatrice. Before anyone had a chance to reply Justin and Chris were gone and then Tony and JC. Cady and Lance looked at each other, excusing themselves from the group.

"I guess that's a sign that we've done whatever it was we were sent here to do," Cady said when they were out on the balcony.

"I guess so," Lance agreed. "I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to say good-bye to the others."

"Makes it easier," Cady replied. "Since we don't know how much longer we'll be here, lets get it over with. Good-bye, Lance Bass. It's been fun being around you these last couple of months."

"Good-bye, Cady Adams," Lance said. "It has been fun and I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

They exchanged hugs then stood there looking at each other in silence. Cady watched Lance disappear and James appear in his place. She started at him for a moment then allowed him to lead her back inside to sit with the others. She watched them celebrate then felt herself begin to fade.


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