Chapter 3

Josh was right, Justice called as soon as the show was over. We spent three hours talking, trying to make up for the time that had passed. When we were finished talking I was in a better mood.

"You wanna go to dinner?" Josh asked, after I hung up.

"Sure, ask the others where they wanna go," I nodded.

"No, I meant just you and me," he said.

"Alone?" I asked, trying to remember the last time we’d actually gone out just the two of us.

"Yep, just you and me," he nodded. "How does that sound?"

"Wonderful!" I exclaimed, hugging him.

"Where should we go?" he asked, smiling.

"Hmm, I dunno. You know of any good places in St. Louis?" I asked, looking at the calendar we had to tell us what city we were in or were heading to.

"I’m sure we can find one," he said. "What do you want to eat?"


"You hate Sushi, Jus," he said.

"But you love it," I replied.

"How about Chinese?" he said.

"Whatever you want."

"Chinese it is."

"Jus, baby, you gonna sign any autographs?" Josh asked when our bus pulled up at the hotel the next day after our concert.

"I want to, but I’m about to pass out," I mumbled, leaning against him.

"Lonnie, get him through," Josh said. "I’ll see you inside," he added to me, before stepping off the bus with Dre right behind him.

After Josh and Chris had gotten off Lonnie told me it was time to go. I tried to muster up the energy to sign autographs for the fans gathered outside or at least acknowledge them but I was too fair gone to do much. I did however spot an older lady that if I remembered correctly is named Cindy. Justice usually had some humorous e-mails to send me about her and her ‘stalking’ us cross country. I’ll have to let Justice know she was here, I thought to myself. The screams were making my head pound and as rude as I knew it was I brushed fans off.

"That’s fine, I like JC better than you anyway," yelled one girl when I shook my head at the paper she held out me.

"That’s nice," I mumbled, thinking I like Josh better too.

"What happened last night, Justin?" Lance asked when I joined him in the restaurant for breakfast, waiting for the others to come.

"Excuse me?" I asked sitting down. He tossed me a paper. "What the fuck?" I yelled after reading the article that was highlighted.

"What’s wrong, Jus?" Josh asked coming into restaurant.

I gave him the paper and waited for him to finish reading it. Chris and Joey walked up after Josh read it.

"What’s wrong with those two?" Joey asked Lance noticing the angry looks on our faces.

"Geez, Justin, I didn’t realize you were such the jealous boyfriend," Chris joked after reading the article.

"This isn’t a joking matter, Chris!" I exclaimed. "I’m going to fucked over by some little girl because I didn’t sign a stupid piece of paper for her!"

"Jus, don’t worry about it," Josh said trying to calm me down. "Nobody’s going to believe this girl."

"Really, Justin! Why would you go off on fan because she said she liked JC better than you?" Lance said. "Shut up, Chris," he added when Chris opened his mouth.

"Yah I guess you’re right...," I said rubbing my head. "I need to talk to Johnny about this," I continued, pulling out my cell phone to call him.


Johnny told me not to worry about it and that he would take care of every thing. So I did as he said and put it out of my mind. Tour was going well and I was more than happy that it was almost over and that we would get almost a month off after it to relax.

"We goin out tonight?" Joey asked.

"Of course! We’ve got a technical free day tomorrow that involves bus time," Chris said.

"Then a hotel!" I smiled at the thought of being on a nonmoving bed.

"Isn’t Justice in LA?" Lance asked.

"I dunno but we’ll definitely have to find her and hang out if she is."

"What club are we going to tonight?" Josh asked changing that subject, giving me his ‘stay out of it’ look.

"She’s my sister," I whispered to him.

"Stay out of it," he replied.

"Stay out of what?" Chris asked.

"Justin’s trying to get involved in something that doesn’t have anything to do with him," Josh replied.

"It does so have to do with me!" I exclaimed.

"No it doesn’t and even if in some way it does, you need to stay out of it."

"What doesn’t involve Justin?" Joey asked.

"Justice’s love life."

"It does so!"

"It doesn’t and Justice will hurt you if you get involved," Josh reminded me.

"Oh no she wouldn’t! She’d be happy."

"Guys tell Justin you think it’s a bad idea that he gets involved in Justice’s love life," he said turning towards the others.

"He’s right, Jus, she maybe your best friend but it’s not wise to get involved," Joey said.

"I agree with Joey," Lance said.

"Well of course you do! You still want her," Chris cracked and I smirked at Josh.

"I do not," Lance denied and Josh smirked at me.

"Guys, we’re leaving," Joey said stopping next to the booth Josh and I were sitting at. "You coming with?"

"Naw, we’ll be there in a little while," Josh said.

"All right, just don’t forget the bus leaves at seven whether you’re there or not," Chris warned.

"As if you’d get away with leaving us!" I exclaimed. "You, Chris, sure, but us? Never!"

"Whatever ego-boy. Enjoy your time on cause I ain’t watchin you all do your couple stuff on the bus," Chris said.

"Fine then, Lance, you ride with us! You don’t mind," I replied.

"At seven o’clock in the morning I’m not gonna care what bus I’m on," Lance replied yawning.

"Good then it’s settled, you’ll ride with us," I said. "We’ll catch you all later."

"Bye, be careful!"

"We will," Josh said.

"It’s nice to be alone," I muttered to Josh, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Alone? Jus, we’re at a crowded club with bodyguards sitting a table away, how are we alone?"

"We’ve been able to sit at this table all evening and no one but the guys have talked to us. As far as I’m concerned they’ve left so therefore we are now alone," I answered.

"You know, that makes sense," he said after a moment. "Although we’d be more alone at the hotel."

"But if we go there, I’ll just end up falling asleep, we both would."

"That’s true."

"Lets enjoy our time alone then," I said.


"You talk to Justice, Lance?" I asked when I woke up later the next day.

"Yes and I sent her your well wishes," he nodded, not looking up from his laptop.

"Thanks. So what’d you talk about?" I asked sitting down next to him.

"Nothing really."

"I think it’s really great of you to be so supportive of Benda even though you’ve been broken up almost two years."

"She’s a great girl," he shrugged.

"Do you send all girls you think are great flowers on a regular basis?" I asked. "Besides your sister and mother."


"Oh she doesn’t count! She’s just like your little sister!"

"Justin, leave him alone," Josh said coming into the front of the bus.

"I’m not doing anything," I pouted.

"You’re bothering Lance, babe."

"I’m not either, am I, Lance?"

"Actually you kinda are. I’m trying to get some stuff done," he replied.

"Now don’t pout," Josh said giving me a kiss. "You just have to learn to stay out of things that aren’t your business."

"Justice is my business."

"Don’t start that again," Lance sighed.

"What? She’s my sister, she’s my business!"

"I’m not saying she isn’t," Lance shrugged.

"You did yesterday."

"I said her love life wasn’t your business and I’m not going to fight with you about this," Lance replied. "I’ve got work to do."

"Leave it, Jus," Josh cut me off before I could say anything else. "Call Justice, we’re almost to the hotel," he added in suggestion.

"You know, that’s not a bad idea," I said digging out my cell phone.

"Hello?" Justice asked yawning.

"Hello to you too, Justice," I replied.

"Justie, hey, hon. Feeling better now that you’ve had some sleep?"

"Yup but you sound like you’re ready to head off to dream land now."

"Yah I’m thinking about taking a nap for a few hours then maybe hitting a club if I can talk Renee into letting me go out."

"Sounds like fun. Question is the screaming on my side or yours?"

"Well I’m in the hotel lobby and there’s a large group of girls outside screaming so it could be my side. Where are you?"

"Sitting on our bus in front of our hotel in- Lance, where are we again?" I asked pausing cause I couldn’t remember and I was too lazy to go look.

"We’re in LA, Justin," Lance replied, rolling his eyes at me.

"Thank you," I replied. "We’re outside our hotel in LA."

"Duh I should’ve known that. Lance said you were doing Leno tomorrow," she said.

"What hotel are you staying at?"

"Uhh? Renee, what hotel are we at? The Beverly Hilton," she answered after a short pause. "Where are you guys staying?"

"You sure you’re at the Hilton?" I asked, looking at the sign for our hotel.

"Lemme check," she replied sarcastically. "According the room service book yup I’m at the Hilton."

"We’re staying there too," I exclaimed happily.

"You are?? Kick ass!!"

"We’re going partying tonight, ya hear me?"

"You do realize I’m gonna break out my Goth clothes, don’t ya?"

"Go for it," I said, shrugging.

"Tell her I’m going to a Goth club if she gets bored of clubbin with you all," Lance said.

"Lance is gonna too cause he’s only going to the club with us for a bit before he runs off to one of you two’s type of club," I told her nodding to Lance. "He’s promising to take you with him if it gets too much," he added.

"Tell him I’ll think about it," she answered. "You guys coming in soon? The noise is unbelievable loud, you know. And I’m on the backside of the hotel right now."

"I think so. We’re trying to get around back so we don’t have to go through all of them but it doesn’t look like it’s going to work."

"I suppose it’ll be a lot harder for you to get in than it did me, huh?"

"Yah it is. What room are you in so that if we ever make it into the hotel I can come see you?"

She told me her room number then we told each other good-bye.

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