Chapter 4

"They’re so totally in love," I said the next morning after I finished getting dressed.

"Who?" Josh asked.

"Justice and Lance, duh!"

"Please don’t start that," he sighed.

"I’m serious! Did you not see them at dinner?" I asked. "Or when they were leaving the club last night?"

"Okay so there may be something there but you need to stay out of it, babe," he said pulling me into a hug.


"Because if you get involved, you won’t have time to pay attention to me," he answered.

"I’ve always got him for you," I replied giving him a kiss.

"Ready for breakfast?" he asked smiling.

"Yah, lets go."

"You two could end up being the next Brit-Justin thing," Johnny groaned, when I opened the door slightly.

"But who would Lance be gay with, Johnny? Chris is with Dani and Joey, well he just wouldn’t look right with Lance and besides he’s SO not gay," Justice giggled.

"We aren’t gay, we’re bi," I said opening the door.

"Uhh," Johnny groaned. "God I’m glad she’s not mine too! I’d never be able to deal with all six of them," he muttered.

"Yah but then I have to deal with her," Renee giggled.

"Fine, don’t love me, see if I care," Justice jokingly pouted.

"I love you, Justice," I said going over and hugging her.

"I love you too, Justie," she said.

"Enough of you two loving each other! Next thing you know the paper’s going to read "Justin Timberlake cheats on girlfriend Britney Spears with band mate, Lance Bass’ girlfriend, Justice Randall, then go on to tell about a major cat fight between Justice and Britney," Johnny groaned.

"Eww," Justice and I shuttered together.

"Tell them good-bye now, Justice, you’ve got to get ready for your meeting," Renee said after a minute.

"And you five should be getting ready for Leno," Johnny said. "Speaking of five, who’s waking the other two?"

"With how hung over they’re gonna be? You must be crazy," Josh laughed shaking his head.

"I’ll-" Justice started.

"You’ll leave them alone," Renee said pushing her into her room remember what happened last time she woke them up.

"You’re no fun," I heard Justice say as the door closed.

"Lance, how’s about you wake them up? Josh and I are going to get something breakfast," I said.

"Why me?" he pouted.

"Cause you kissed my sister," I shrugged, grabbing Josh’s hand and walking towards the elevator.

"I didn’t kiss her!" Lance exclaimed.

"Fine, you wanted to, whatever," I replied.

"See, even the papers realize they like each other!" I exclaimed when we were in the elevator.

"They don’t either. This all has to do with the fact that they were seen leaving the hotel together and at a club later that night."

"What about the kiss?"

"Lance just said they didn’t."


He cut me off with a kiss. "No more. Lets have a Lance and Justice free breakfast."

"Give me another kiss and maybe we can work that out."

"Sounds fair."

"We’re gonna hear about this," I said when we climbed into our limo after the Billboard Awards.

"There’s no way Justice will pass up the chance," Josh agreed.

"Between Kathy kissing Lance, the scene with Justin, Britney, and Kathy, and JC and Chris ‘fighting’ over her," Joey laughed. "Justice is going to have the time of her life busting tonight."

"Don’t forget your rash," Chris put in.

"Why would Justice care if Kathy kissed me?" Lance asked.


"Shut it, Justin," Josh cut me off.

"How come she’s not here anyway?" Chris asked.

"She’s trying to get things set up for her video," I explained.

"She coming to San Diego?" Joey asked.

"No, Edward’s kids are going to be home, so she wants to spend sometime with them."

"That’s cool... So who’s ready for vacation?" Joey asked.

"I am," we all yelled at once.

"Just one more thing and we’re free," Chris said.

"Justice’s video," Lance said when Joey got an confused look on his face.

"Oh yah, that’s going to be a lot of fun!"


"Why aren’t we telling Justice about this again?" Joey asked when arrived at the studio.

"Because it’s a surprise," I answered.

"Why are we here early?" he asked, seeming satisfied with my answer.

"Because we can’t just walk in, we had to beat MTV," Josh told him, when my phone rang.


"Hey, Justie," Justice said.

"Hey sweetie, what up?"

"Getting ready to go to the studio and shoot the video."

"Oh that’s right, today’s the big deal, huh?" I said sitting down against the mirrored wall.

"Yep that’s today," she said.

"Wish I could be there," I said, shushing Chris when he started to laugh.

"Are you SURE you can’t come to the set?" Justice asked. "Renee, we’re so going to have to look into getting me one of these, they’re wonderful," she added.

"Johnny and Jive don’t want us hanging around your shoot since MTV’s gonna be there filming it," I answered.

"Pooh," she said.

"Pooh?" I laughed.

"Renee heard me say ‘fuck’ when I messed up a dance move during one of my concerts and we’re working on me not cussing in public so every time I do cuss I have to give her a dollar," she explained.

"So how much do you suppose you’ll owe her by the time you finish this video?" I chuckled.

"She’s hoping enough for that blue dress I was telling you about," she answered.

"You plan on swearing $500 worth?"

"If she’d let me cuss like I want to, I’d buy her the stupid dress."

"But then you wouldn’t learn your lesson," I said, laughing when I heard Renee say it as well.

"Ugh God don’t start that!" she groaned. "I can’t stand when you two say the same thing!"

We chatted for a while longer until she said she was at the studio.

"Hey guys," Renee said poking her head into the room we were in a few minutes later.

"Hey, Renee," we called out.

"Justice is in the other room stretching, then she has a few things she needs to go over with Darren so you guys, stay in here and be quiet until we tell you to come out," Renee said.

"Be quiet? What kinda deal is this?" Chris complained.

"Something that’ll mean a lot to Justice," I answered. "I’ll try and keep him under control, but you might want to hurry."

"I’ll get Justice moving as quickly as I can then," she said. "I can’t thank you all enough though for doing this for Justice, it’ll mean a lot to her."

"It’s no problem, Renee," I said. "It’s our pleasure actually."

"The pleasure of Justin not killing us if we hadn’t agreed," joked Joey.

"I swear sometimes if you weren’t with JC you and Justice would be together," Chris said.

"Dude that’d be like him dating his sister," Britney said, "seriously wrong."

"I totally agree with Britney," I said.

"Done already?" I heard Renee say from the other side of the door followed by Justice rattling off her stretches.

"So come on, where are these dancers? I’m ready to get started," Justice said as Renee opened the doors and motioned us out.

"We’re right here, Just," I said, smiling at her.

"What?" she exclaimed as Britney, the guys, and I came into view.

"Come on, we don’t have much time to run through this. Everyone into place," Darrein said clapping his hands.

"How about you tell me what’s going on first?" Justice suggested, looking confused.

"Well we all knew your idea for the video and knew you didn’t want ask us because we’re on vacation so we set this up," I explained.

"You’re such an as- such a butt head," Justice said shaking her head. "Now I’m gonna look like a dork on Making the Video!"

"We’ll work out the details, don’t worry. Now lets get to dancin," I said.


After a few hours of going through the different dance scenes we were loaded into a van and shipped off to the school where the opening and ending scenes were being filmed.

"All right, lets get you seven into costume you the opening scene, the school one," Wayne Ishman said clapping his hands together.

"Should we be scared since Justice picked them out?" Josh asked with a smile as we all headed toward our trailers.

"No more scared than you should be anytime your stylist’s picks something out for you," she answered.

"What about the second outfits?" I asked referring to the club scene clothes.

"I found your spider shirt, Justin," she smiled.

"Oh Lord!" I said making a face.

"We’ll all just look so wonderful," she giggled, disappearing into her trailer.

When we exited the trailers Josh and I were wearing khakis, button down shirts and Doc Martens. Chris was wearing Tommy’s, FuBu jerseys, and Nikes. Joey was wearing Kikwears, a gray shirt that said ‘Kappa Tappa Kegga’, and a pair of Vans. Lance was wearing pleather pants, a black sweater, and boots. Britney was wearing a pair of blue Adidas track, a matching shirt, and running shoes. Justice was wearing a lavender shirt that said Angel, a silver skirt and lavender shoes.

"What, don’t I like nice?" she smiled, noticing the looks we were giving her.

"You uhh look…," I said tripping over my words, not sure what to say.

"That looks like something I’d wear," Britney said looking her over.

"Our public appearances don’t always mirror our true selves," Justice said with a smile. "And our "true selves" are those of the girls and guys in the club scene."

"So there’ll be over girls dressed like this?" Britney questioned not quite getting it.

"The other "students" will be dressed in mixtures, some Goths, some skate, some preps, and some sporty, just like a regular school. Justin and JC are preps, Chris is sporty, Joey’s skate, and Lance is Goth, you’re sporty, and I’m preppy."

"Wait, I thought Lance was your boyfriend or something," I said confused.

"It’ll make sense, trust me," Justice said as the MTV crew came over.

"You six are needed in make up," Renee said coming over.

"Make up?" Chris asked making a face.

"You, Justin, Joey and JC just have to keep the shine off for now, but Justice, Britney, and Lance have serious make up," Renee answered.

"Haha Lance has to wear make up," Joey and Chris teased.

"You two will be too later," Justice reminded them. "And you’ll just look so wonderful," I laughed.

They groaned and we all walked to the trailer where we were getting our hair and make up done. Since Joey, Josh, Chris, and I would take the less time to do make up on we would be last. We sat in the trailer talking with them and making up of Lance as he instructed the make up artist on how to do his make up and hair.

"This has been a lot of fun," I told Josh when we were at his house later that night. "Thanks for doing this," I added giving him a kiss.

"Anything for you babe," he shrugged. "Besides you know I like hanging out with Justice, she’s a lot of fun and a sweetheart."

"It’s always good to know that my boyfriend and sister get a long," I said smiling at him.

"Justice is too much like you for me not to be able to get a long with her. Fighting with her would be like fighting with you in some weird way."

"Couldn’t have that," I said. "We aren’t allowed to fight."

"Says who?"

"Me," I reply with a shrug, "unless you want to fight with me."

"Why would I want that? I personally enjoy getting a long with you."

"Good," I smiled.

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