Chapter 7

"You and Lance are sure chummy lately," I said when we pulled up in front of my house so Justice could pick up her car, when we returned from LA.


"Anyone who saw the pictures of you two from the Grammies and Valentine’s Day could tell you two are so into each other," Josh said. "That’s why neither of you dates."

"Shut up, back seat boy," Justice said. "We date, we’re just really busy right now."

"Well you’ve got two months in Europe when you’ll have time to be "too busy" together," I said.

"I’m really glad I’ve got my own house to go to so I can get away from you two," Justice muttered grabbing her bags.

"You just like that house because Lance lives so close," Josh teased.

"That’s not very ladylike, Belinda Drew," Mama said when she came out.

Dropping her hand she blushed slightly as Josh and I laughed at her. "Hullo, Lynn! So good to see you!"

"Hello, Justice," she said hugging her. "Are you staying for dinner?" she asked after saying hello to Josh and me.

Justice shook her head. "No these two are about to drive me crazy and I haven’t seen my house yet," she answered.

"All right. Promise you’ll come before you all leave for Europe though, okay?"

"I promise," Justice smiled hugging the three of us and telling us good-bye before walking over to her Jeep.

"Hello Belinda," Dad said when she was climbing into her jeep.

"Mr. Timberlake," she replied not looking at him.

"Is that anyway to treat your father?"

"As far as I’m concerned Edward is my father you’re just the sperm donor," she answered, waving good-bye to us again before leaving.

"What’s wrong with your sister?" Dad asked me.

"Why are you such an asshole to her?" I exclaimed walking inside. "God!!"

"I’m trying to be nice! She’s the one who’s making this hard," Dad said following me.

"She’s making this hard? You’ve ignored her, her whole life and suddenly when things are finally starting to go good for her you want to step back into the picture and expect her to be okay with it?" Mama said looking at him in disbelief.

"Don’t put that all on me! You weren’t any better to her than I was! She doesn’t treat you like this!"

"I’ll admit I was a terrible mother to her but at least I didn’t not talk to her for six years then introduce myself to her like I had no clue who she was!"

I sighed and motioned for Josh to follow me upstairs, not feeling like listening to my parents fight over this.

"Why couldn’t they have just loved us both?" I asked laying down. "Life would be so much easier."

"Yah but then you two wouldn’t be Justice and Justin, you’d be different," Josh said.

"You’re right but it doesn’t make it any easier to admit my parents could do something like this to their own child."

"I know it’s hard trying to get your parents aren’t perfect but you can’t let that strain things between you."


"How long is Randall in town?" Justice asked me the next morning when she got to the studio.

"Just until morning. He wanted to see me before we leave for Europe," I answered.

"I see."

"So are we all ready to start the day?" Josh asked coming into the studio.

"If the other three were here we could," Justice answered.

"They aren’t here??"

"Of course not! They probably over slept," I said.

"Lance was up but I think he was going to shower before he came."

"How do you know he’s up and why would he need to shower?" I asked.

"We went jogging this morning and unless you four have ruined him he would probably shower before coming," she answered.

"Since when do either of you jog?" Josh asked.

"I jog all the time, but I dunno about Lance," she answered.

"You exercise?" I questioned.

"Yes, well I have lately. It’s how I get myself moving."

"Morning all," Chris said coming in followed by Joey.

"What gets ya moving, Justice?" Joey asked.

"You, sexy," she joked.

"Aw she thinks I’m sexy," he grinned.

"Coming from the girl who dated Lance when he looked like a girl, that doesn’t say much," Josh joked.

"Jaime," she laughed, remembering Justice’s nickname for him, when the studio door opened again.

"Why’d ya hafta give me a unisex nickname, Randi?" Lance groaned.

"Cause you nicknamed me Randi," she answered.

"Since we’re all here, how about we start working on this lovely song Justice wrote for us?" Josh suggested.

"Wonderful idea," she said.

"I love your vocal arrangements for this, Justice, have I told you that?" Joey asked.

"You hadn’t but I had a feeling you’d enjoy them," she smiled.

"She wrote it that way on purpose," I said.

"Joey and Lance never get to sing and their voices work better with mine anyway," she said.

"Sure, that’s what it is," Chris and Josh teased.

"I think it’s the solo with Lance she wrote it for," Chris said.

"Cause he’s not a butt head, that’s why I wrote him a solo," she answered.


"Oh isn’t this a cute picture?" Mama cooed as she looked through a pile of pictures helping Justice look for stuff for her official biography.

"Which one?" she ask glancing up from a bunch of pictures of us.

"It’s from your twelfth birthday, that slumber party you and Justin had," she said handing Justice the picture.

Looking at the picture Justice smiled. I had convinced Mama that Justice and I should have a slumber party the same night for our birthdays that year. Justice and I had made a deal that year, if she invited Britney and Christina I’d invite a guy from school that Justice had a crush on. In the picture Christina, Britney, and Justice were sitting together doing each other’s hair, mugging for the camera.

"Wow! That was ages ago it seems," Justice said.

"Yah you weren’t even Justice yet," I agreed.

"Yah... Hey I wonder if the pictures of Justin and JC we took are in her some where," she said.

"I can’t believe you three did that to us!" I exclaimed, remembering waking up the next morning covered in makeup.

"It’s a slumber party rule, you do something mean to the first person to fall asleep hence JC’s makeup, and something mean to the brother of whoever’s throwing the party, hence you, Justin," Justice shrugged. "Do you think it’s going to be weird me not having anything about my family in the bio?"

"You can’t really say much about it without relieving the stuff you don’t want people to know," I said.

"That’s true," Mama agreed.

"Yah... Did I tell you some magazine offered me like fifty-thousand to tell them about my childhood and all the things I don’t want anyone to know?"

"50k? And you turned it down?" I asked, jokingly.

"You think fifty-thousand is enough to admit I’m your sister?" she teased.

"Holdin out for a million, aye?" Mama joked.

"You know it," she laughed.

"Well it’s getting late, I should get home and start dinner," Mama said a while later. "Justie, you coming?"

"Yah I probably should. Josh and I are supposed to have dinner at his house," I said looking at my watch.

"Well thank you for coming and helping me with this," Justice said standing up and stretching.

"This was fun. We’ve never really just hung out us three," Mama said.

"You’re right, we haven’t. We should do this more," Justice agreed.

"Yah," Mama and I nodded.

"Tell me, how did I get stuck on a bus with you three and Chris and Joey get their own bus?" Justice groaned as our bus made it’s way from Italy north to France.

"Because you’re special," I suggested. "Besides Joey and Chris don’t have their own bus, they’ve got bodyguards riding with them."

"How come those two go the bodyguards?" Josh asked.

"Cause you got Justin to guard your body," Lance and Justice said as I opened my mouth.

"You two spend way too much time together," Josh said shaking his head.

"Same could be said about you and Justin," she retorted.

"WE spend long periods of time together because we’re TOGETHER," I responded. "Something you’ve both repeatedly told us you aren’t."

"So? We’re good friends. You and JC used to spend a lot of time together before you were TOGETHER," Lance said.

"Only cause we liked each other," Josh replied.

"Yah," I said then stopped. "Wait, you’re saying if you hadn’t wanted me, we wouldn’t be as close?"

"That’s not what I meant! We’d be good friends still but that’s one of the reasons we spent so much time together," Josh said.

"I can already tell I’m going to kill myself before this trip’s over, so if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to my bunk," Justice said shaking her head at us.

"Actually, Justice, I kinda wanted to talk to you... alone," Lance said looking at her.

"All right...," she said following him to the back room.

"If I hear any screaming, Lance, you better run," I joked.

"As if," Justice rolled her eyes.

"Come on," I whispered, grabbing Josh’s hand.

"Where are we going?"

"To listen to what Lance is saying to Justice, duh," I said rolling my eyes.


"Cause hello! He’s gonna ask her out!"

"How do you know?"

"He better cause I bet Chris and Joey and I hate loosing to those two."

"I wanted to apologize to you..." I heard Lance say faintly.

"For what?" Justice asked.

"I made the mistake of telling the guys I still have feelings for you and that’s why they’re teasing us and why we’re on the ‘couple bus’ as Chris refers to it," he answered. "I know you’re probably so over me and it was really stupid of me to tell the guys I still had feelings for you and that’s why I thought I should apologize," he continued after a moment of silence.

"Do you hear Justice, Josh?" I whispered.

"No, do you?"

"No, what’s up with that? Justice usually talks so loud!"

The silence continued for a while until Lance said: "Can you please say something? You sitting there staring at me is starting to make me nervous."

"You still like me?" Justice finally said.

"Yah... I never quit. You’re a sweetheart and you aren’t exactly easy to get over," he answered so quietly we almost missed it. "Excuse me?" he asked.

"What’d Justice say? I missed it," I whispered to Josh.

"I didn’t hear anything either."

"I said you aren’t the easiest person to get over, even if I wanted to."

"Tour bus, March 2001, in route to Paris," Lance said.


"That’s the day I’m asking you to be my girlfriend, again?" I heard Lance say and Josh covered my mouth when I almost screamed.

"If you can tell me when you asked me the first time," Justice said.

"July, 1996, Paris, two days before we kissed at the Eiffel Tower," he said. "Will you be my girlfriend, Belinda Drew Timberlake-Bills?"

"If she doesn’t say yes I’m gonna hafta kill her," I said to Josh.

"Should I tell you my answer, Lance, or the eavesdroppers?" Justice asked opening the door.

"How about all three of us?" I suggested with a hopeful look.

"Go away," Justice said giving me a hard look. "And don’t even pretend you were going to bed, Joshua Scott Chasez, I’m not stupid," she added as he started to climbing into his bunk.

"If you would’ve been quiet for five more seconds we could’ve heard," Josh said to me as we walked up front.

"I can’t help it! They have to get back together!" I exclaimed.

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