Chapter 8

"I can’t believe you told Lance no!" I exclaimed when we were talking into our hotel the next morning.

"Told Lance no to what?" asked Joey, Chris, and Renee.

"Lance asked her out last night and dumb ass told him no," I informed them.

"You what?" they yelled simultaneously.

"Pay up, Lance," Justice said grinning at him when he and Josh came up to us. "I told you they’d fall for it," she laughed.

"I should’ve known better than to bet against you," he said shaking his head as he handed me a twenty dollar bill.

"Yes you should’ve," she agreed giggling. "Do you really think I’d tell him no, Justie? My God! That’s like you telling JC no or something," she said shaking her head at me.

"You said yes?" I exclaimed happily, drawing attention to us.

"Yah I did," Justice smiled.

"Pay up," I said, smirking at Joey and Chris.

"You couldn’t have waited until Germany, could you?" Chris joked making a face at them as he and Joey handed me so money.

"You should know not to bet against a Timberlake," I said wrapping an arm around Justice shoulder. "We always win."

"We always win?" repeated Chris, I said covering my mouth, looking at Justice realizing what I had just said.

"Oh would you look at the time? I need to go call Edward," Justice said quickly. "Bye, Justin," she said grabbing her card key from Renee.

"What’s going on?" Joey asked.

"Justice!" I protested, not believing she was leaving.

"Your goof, you get to explain," she answered making a face at me when she reached her room. "Lance, care to join me?"

"Sure," he nodded. "Bye Justin."

"Oh JC knows too, so maybe he can help you, Justin," Justice added as JC started to walk off.

"Justice," he groaned as the other two turned toward him.

"I can’t believe you were gonna leave me too! God!" I exclaimed glaring at him.

"Can someone please explain what’s going on?" Chris asked.

"Umm yah, lets go into my room and I’ll explain," I said.

"So what is Justice like your cousin or somethin?" Joey asked. "Why wouldn’t you tell us that though?"

"Justice isn’t my cousin," I shook my head.

"What is she?" Chris asked.

"My sister," I confessed.

"Dude how’d your dad manage to have two women give birth on the same day?" Joey exclaimed.

"You idiot!" Chris exclaimed, hitting Joey. "Randall didn’t have two women give birth on the same day!"

"Then how is Justice your sister? You’ve got the same birthday and your the same age," Joey asked confused.

"They’re twins!" Chris exclaimed. "Right?" he added to me.

"Yah we are," I nodded.

"Twins? You mean Lynn’s Justice’s mother?" Joey exclaimed.


"The one she’s always talked about being so terrible to her?" Joey exclaimed. "But they’re like so close now!"

"Yes, that’d be her."

"How could your mom treat her like that?" Chris asked,

"I don’t know, okay?" I sighed.

"Can you please not stare at me?" Justice said when she looked up and Chris and Joey were both staring at her at dinner.

"We aren’t," they denied looking back down at their meals.

"Come on, guys! I’m still Justice," she said. "You’ve known for a long time that wasn’t my real name."

"Yah but now you’re Justin’s sister, and well that’s weird," Chris said looking at her again.

"And confusing," Joey added

"You can ask questions and I can try and explain them."

"How exactly is everyone related to you?" Chris asked.

"Lynn’s my mother, Justin’s my brother, Edward’s my uncle/Lynn’s brother, Renee’s his ex-wife," she offered.

"What about Randall?"

"Sperm donor."

"Why’d Lynn and Randall... uhh," Joey said trying to figure out how to phrase it.

"Randall didn’t want a daughter. I’m not really sure about Lynn, I’ve never asked her," Justice said.

"Like who all knows about this?" Joey asked.

"You guys, Renee, Edward and his family, Lynn, the rest of my family and a few girls I was friends with in Kansas."

"What about Memphis?" I asked, knowing we went between telling people the truth and telling them various other stories about Justice whenever they saw how our parents treated her.

"You know, I’m not really sure in Memphis who knows," she shrugged.

"How’d those two find out?" Chris asked.

"JC found out on the Mickey Mouse Club cause Benda used to come to the set."

"And Brit doesn’t know?"

"I’m not sure... we should ask her, Justin," she said, looking at me.

"How’d Lance find out?"

"I told him... That’s why we broke up, you know," she said.

"You broke up with her because of that?" Chris asked, punching Lance in the arm. "You jerk! That was obviously something very hard for her to do and you broke up with her, what’s wrong with you?"

"Damn Chris, go man," I laughed.

"Chris, honey, it’s okay, really. Lance had a right to be upset with me, just like you two can if you want to," Justice said.

"We’d never be mad at you! We’ll be mad at Justin instead," Joey suggested.

"Good idea," Chris smiled. "He’s the one who has our money."

Justice and I managed to get permission to spend our free day in Berlin seeing the sights alone expect for two bodyguards after we realized how little time we’d spent together lately. We did some shopping but mainly took in the culture and history that made up the city. We returned to the hotel around five cause we made plans to go to the movies and dinner with Josh and Lance, a sorta double date.

"We’re going to the French theater, right?" Justice asked me as we rode up to our floor.

"Yah cause their weren’t any good movies at the Spanish or English ones and none of us speaks German," I nodded.

"Cool. We need to go out more. I miss spending time with you and we’re both about to hit the road."

"Yah we need to. Mom’s going to be in London, maybe we could all do something together then."

"That’d be nice," she smiled.

"Justice, Justin! There you are! We’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours!" Renee said when we stepped out of the elevator.

"We left our cells here so we could spend time together... Sorry. What’s up?" Justice asked noticing Johnny was in the hall way also.

"We just got these sent to us from America," they said simultaneously tossing an issue of People to each of us.

I turned the magazine over in my hands not understand. I looked over the headlines on the cover. ‘Justice Randall’s Secret Childhood’ caught my eye along with a picture of Justice and myself when we were younger. Justice and I both quickly flipped to the page the article was on.

"What the hell is this?" Justice yelled when she finished reading it.

"Randall apparently did an interview with People and told them everything," Renee said. "We haven’t been able to get a hold of him yet but Jive said the magazines have already been sent out and they want an explanation like yesterday."

"I’d like one too," Johnny said.

"This was supposed to be private! I’m going to kill Randall! He had no right to revel this to the public," Justice screamed getting angrier.

"Benda, calm down," I said pulling her into a hug as an attempted to calm her.

"Why wasn’t I told about this?" Johnny asked.

"Because it isn’t any of your business!" Justice snapped.

"Justice didn’t want this getting out and she doesn’t tell people about it," Renee said.

"What are we going to tell the press?" I asked.

"What can we tell them? We can’t deny it," Johnny said.

"I think the best thing would be for you, Lynn, and Justice to make statements about the article and explain to the public your reasons for keeping this silent," Renee said.

"They can have my damn statement after I fucking kill Randall," Justice fumed. "When you talk to Randall tell him I hope he got at least the fifty thousand they offered me in exchange for selling out his children," Justice said before disappearing into her hotel room.

"Jus, you okay, babe?" Josh asked coming into our room later that night, finding me rereading the article again, for the twentieth time.

"I’m fine," I sighed, not taking my eyes off the magazine. "Why would he do this?" I asked after a little while.

"I don’t know, Jus," he said, rubbing my back.

"Do you think it was because of the money? I mean he must of gone to them cause how else could they have known to ask him? Why would they ask him?"

"I don’t know," he repeated.

"If he did do it for the money, what’s stopping him from telling some magazine about us?"

"You don’t really think he’d do that, do you?"

"I don’t know, I mean what’s stopping him? He could get a lot more than fifty-thousand for that."

"Your father loves you, Jus, he wouldn’t do that to you."

"How do you know? Telling them about Justice affects me just as much as it affects her but he still and went and did that, what’s stopping him?"

"You’ve gotta trust your father," Josh answered.

"I don’t know if I can," I confessed, hearing a knock at the door.

"I’ll get it," Josh said getting up. "Hey, Lynn," he said after answering the door.

"Hi, Josh, how’s he doing?" she answered in a low voice looking at me over his shoulder.

"I’m fine," I answered. "How’s Justice?"

"Renee’s in there with her and last I knew they were talking to Edward on the phone," Mama told me walking over to the bed.

"She talking to you?"

Mama nodded. "I was in there with her for a while."

"Glad to know he didn’t fuck up everything you’ve worked so hard on over the last few years," I muttered.

"Have you talked to your father?"

"No and right now I don’t really feel like it," I answered. "If I do, I’ll just go off on him and what good will that do?"

"Wise choice."

"Do you think he’d sell me out if he got enough money?"

"Babe, your father maybe an asshole when it comes to Justice but he’d never do that to you," she said hugging him. "He’d have to deal with Justice and me if he did, which he’ll have to when Justice gets back to America."

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