Chapter 4

"So where are you guys, Benda?" I asked.

"Umm I’m not sure. Couple hours from Boston. You at the venue?"

"We’re on our way there for sound check, meet and greet, and all that. You coming here before the show?"

"Yah I am. Renee said there’d be a car waiting for me at the hotel so I’ll there as soon as possible."

"Great. Your big chat’s today, isn’t it?"

"Yah they’re getting everything set up for it now. I don’t know if I rather they ask the played out questions or if they ask something worth while, though."

"I know the feeling."

"Hm. Looks like they’re ready for me so I’ll catch you later, okay?"



"Justice’s chat starting?" Josh asked when I hung up.

"Yep she said they were ready for her," I nodded logging in.

"Good deal," he nodded logging in as well. "She going to be at the venue before the show?"

"Yah she said she was going directly from the tourbus to here," I said, digging around in my backpack. "Before I forget, here’s your present for today," I added handing him a wrapped box of chocolates.

"Yum," he smiled as he began to eat them.

"Please don’t eat the whole box right now," I groaned watching him as he began to eat them quickly.

"Why not?"

"Never mind," I sighed.


"Hello?" Lance asked answering his cell phone. "Justice! Where are ya?" he asked, catching my attention.

"She never calls me first anymore," I sighed, laying my head on Josh’s shoulder.

"That’s cause she knows you’ll just steal the phone away from Lance," he answered.

"That’s true," I nodded. "Where is she, Lance?"

"Wondering around the venue," he whispered gesturing us all to the door.

"Justice," we said pulling her into the room after Lance opened the door.

"Hello everyone," she smiled.

"God it seems so long since we’ve seen you," I said hugging her.

"Doesn’t it though?" she asked sitting down between me and Lance after hugging the others. "You all ready for tonight’s show?"

"Yup, can’t wait to get on the stage," Josh nodded.

"He’s on a major sugar high," I explained. "I told you, you shouldn’t have eaten that whole box of chocolates while we were reading Benda’s chat."

"Then you shouldn’t have given them to me," Josh replied making a face at me.

"You got him chocolate? That’s cute," Justice teased.

"I’m giving him a present everyday up to our anniversary," I explained.

"Oh how sweet," she grinned. "The big two year mark."

"So when ya gonna ask Justin to marry you, JC, and make an honest man out of him?" Chris asked grinning at us.

"Why do you care? It’s not like we’d invite you or anything," Josh replied jokingly. "Only one of you who’d get an invite is Lance and that’s just because well I’m scared of Justice."

"Didn’t wanna go to your stupid wedding anyway," Chris and Joey mumbled synchronously making faces at Josh.

"You five are nuts," Justice laughed shaking her head.

"Seeing as you’ve been here what ten minutes and already think I’m nuts, well you’ve always know that," I started reaching in my pocket and pulling out a piece of paper. "What do you know about the uhh Frost Giant?"

"Frost Giant?" she repeated looking at me oddly. "It’s a simple spell that’s supposed to basically get people to leave you alone... Why?"

"To be straight with ya, I snatched one of your Wicca books and I’ve been reading it... Anyways I noticed that one. Have you ever done it?"

"Yah I’ve done it a few times," she shrugged. "It was actually the first one I tired out cause it’s very simple."

"Did it work?"

"I guess it did, the people stopped bothering me, well until Edward threw them away," she replied. "Why?"

"This is stupid I know, but do you think you could, I dunno, do it on Brian?" I asked embarrassed.

"He still bein an ass?"

"Sorta.... but that’s besides the point. Could you?"

"Yah I could," she nodded. "I should probably do it on your bus so that it doesn’t get thrown away, though."

"Ride back to the hotel with us," I suggested.

"I’ll talk to James when he returns."

"He’s not here?" Lance asked looking at her.

"He went back to the hotel to figure out another way for me to get into the hotel cause between the two tours it’s gonna be crazy trying to get in the front door of the hotel," she explained.

"So what, you’re just gonna wander around the venue alone until he gets back?" Lance asked.

"I’m not sure I like the idea of you just wandering around, Benda," I said.

"Lets put aside the fact that between your security team, BSB’s, and 98 Degrees’ there’s such a small chance of anything happening, I’m a big girl and can take care of myself, boys," Justice said with a roll of her eyes.

"Of course you can! You’re the big bad Justice Randall," Chris teased.

"Fifty bucks I could kick all five ya asses without breakin a sweat," she challenged jokingly.

"Now there’s you a challenge," Lonnie said peering into the room. "You’ve got a few inches on Chris with those shoes, more muscle than either JC or Justin for your size, and neither Joey or Lance would be dumb enough to try and take you on after watching you slap those three around."

"They don’t call her Super Girl for nothing," Joey laughed.

We laughed and joked for a bit more before I asked, "Is it time for the meet and greet, Lonnie?"

"Yup they sent me to lead you to it," the bodyguard nodded. "What is the fair lady doing? I understand she’s guard less?"

"I’m going to the meet and greet," she answered. "No sense me being here if I’m not gonna see these five."

"You can sit with me then," Lonnie said as we all started out of the room.

"Oh I feel so privileged now," she said shaking her head.

"How lovely. Wouldn’t be opening night if she wasn’t here," a whiny voice groaned as we walked into the hallway.

"Just because you’re jealous of the fact that between Justin and I, we’ve got more talent then your whole family and your group is no reason to be rude, Nick," Justice said casting a dirty look at the offending Backstreet Boy.

"Without us-" he started.

"You should really bone up on your music history, Nick. Because, News flash, BSB didn’t start the boyband. Hanson got American ready for the Pop sound again, New Kids and all those other lovely 80’s groups helped shape the five member mold, and it all derived from a bunch of 50’s singers, who went up there and looked cute for the girls," Justice cut him off. "You’re just another act on the string of talent less supposed to be pretty boys, which you seem to have failed at along with everything else."

"Okay, Benda D, you aren’t supposed to fight with our touring companions, so lets go," I said pushing her along.

"You’re so mean, Justice," Chris joked as we continued on.

"Thank you," she grinned. "But I’m not being mean. I’ve got a goal to get through to them that they didn’t start anything."

"You just wanna cause trouble," Lance said with a laugh.

"Maybe so but I’m hiding it with a "goal" in mind," she giggled.

"Can we trust you not to misbehave at the meet and greet or should we send you back to "teach" the Backstreet Boys some more?" Josh asked.

"What would be misbehaving?" she asked.

"Climbing into Lance’s lap and sitting there for the remainder of the time would be misbehaving."

"What about Chris or Joey? Can I sit in their laps?"

"You can sit in mine, Justice," Joey agreed with a wink.

"Actually coming to the table would probably be misbehaving," Josh said.

"What about my list?"

"If you can get the fans to do it, I say go for it," I laughed knowing what she was talking about.

"But wait, damn. I donut have a hamster or a gold fish."

"And I so wanted to be bit by a hamster or become the owner of a gold fish," Lance said shaking his head.

"The hamster wouldn’t have bitten you! Only I’m allowed to do that. I was gonna have it bite Kevin or Nick cause its funny when bitter people get bitten by things," Justice replied.

"Just sit in the chair and not do anything," Josh suggested.

"People never let me have fun," she pouted sitting down.

"If you had a more normal sense of fun they would," Lonnie said sitting down next to her.

"Why be normal? I’ve always had more fun when I wasn’t being normal."

When the meet and greet was over we went back to the dressing room to hang out until it was time for us to start getting ready.

"Are you going to check out 98 Degrees or hang out until we go, Benda?" I asked.

"I may go check it out but I dunno. I’ll have a lot of chances to see it before the tour ends," she shrugged.

"You’ll stay in here while BSB’s on stage though, won’t you?" Lance asked wrapping his arms around her.

"Of course! I wouldn’t miss being with you to see a bunch of talent less guys, sweetie," she said.

"With you, you never knew when you’ll decide you’ll want to go out and be mean," Lance answered.

"I already got my kicks of being mean out of my system for the day when I was learning Nick," Justice answered with a smile.

"Well that’s good," Lance said kissing the top of her head.

"Ugh! This isn’t fair! I want someone to cuddle with," Joey pouted jokingly looking at where Josh and I were snuggled on a couch then back at Lance and Justice.

"There’s always Chris," I reminded Joey.

"How about no?" Chris said as Joey turned to him. "My image is in enough trouble as it is, I’m 29, almost 30, single, and in a boyband. I do not need to be seen cuddling with Joey."

"Besides Meredith and Mandy are free, Joey," Britney’s voice came from the door. "They’re almost legal!"

"Hey, Brit," Justice said waving at her.

"Hey Justice," she smiled.

"Why would I want an almost legal girl when I could have you, Brit?" Joey asked draping an arm over her shoulder.

"Sorry, Joe, but you’ve got more of a chance with Chris then me," Britney said. "I’m working getting my virgin image back in tact."

"Having your "boyfriend" admit he’s really been dating his male best friend helped, didn’t it?" Chris asked.

"Very much so, actually. I will thank you, Justin and JC," Britney grinned. "So what’s going on here?"

"We’re just chillin until it’s time to go get ready," I answered. "Pull up a seat and enjoy yourself if you’d like."

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