Chapter 5

"Lord I’m tired," Josh said dropping onto one of the couches the tour bus.

"You aren’t the only one," I said dropping down next to him. "Benda, you still gonna do that spell?"

"Give me some paper, a pen, and a plastic baggy and I will," she nodded.

"This isn’t anything evil, is it?" Josh asked as I got up to get the stuff she needed.

"No, it’s not. It won’t do anything other than get Brian to shut up."

"Maybe you should do it on the other four as well so they’ll shut up about us "copying" them," I joked.

"I could if you wanted me to," she said trying the stuff from me.

"Maybe some other time."

"Whatever," she shrugged making a vertical line and writing Brian’s name on the piece of paper I had given her. "Remember, don’t take this out or Brian will start up again," she said placing the paper in the baggy I had give her.

"All right, we won’t take it out," I promised.

The three of us watched as Justice got off the couch and walked to the freezer/fridge of the bus. She chanted the words quickly, tossed the baggy in the freezer part, and said the remainder of the spell. When that was finished she walked back over to where Lance was sitting.

"That’s it?" Josh asked looking at her. "That’s going to keep Brian from talking smack about you two?"

"Yah," she nodded. "Why?"

"That wasn’t anything!"

"I told you, it’s a very simple spell. That’s why it’s in the book Justin has cause that’s a teenager book, don’t wanna teach some child whose messing around how to do anything to major," she shrugged.

"That’s true, but hell I could’ve done that!" he said. "What else in that book?"

"You could probably do a lot of them," she said. "Maybe not the ones that having cleansing or devoting stuff to the Goddess though."

"I think I’ll leave the Wicca stuff to you, but thanks anyway," Josh shook his head.

"If you’re sure," Justice shrugged. "The Billboard stuff comes out tomorrow," she spoke to herself.

"The four of us should go out tomorrow night," I said lifting my head off Josh’s lap. "Celebrate the fact that we’re still all selling albums."

"Always a good reason to go out," she shrugged.

"What do you two think?" I asked Lance and Josh.

"It could be fun," Lance nodded.

"Why not? You’d go anyway and I don’t wanna be stuck at the hotel alone," Josh answered.

"Great!" I smiled.


"Hello?" Justice yawned the next morning when she answered her phone.

"Mornin, Benda," I replied.

"Justin? What are you doing up so early?" she groaned.

"Just calling to see what my favorite sister has planned for the day."

"Well I’d planned on sleeping until I went to Renee’s sister shop and got my hair braided at eleven but you kinda ruined that for me, bud, and you know I’m your only sister."

"That’s why you my favorite," I chuckled. "Well sorry to have woken you. Wait, you’re gettin your hair braided?"

"I told ya next time it got long enough I was gonna get it braided and it’s long enough and I have a free day. What are you doin today?"

"I was wonderin if you wanted to do something but it’s gonna take forever for you to get your hair done."

"Don’t pout. It won’t take too long, you could come with me and get something done with that stuff you call hair then we could play it from there," she offered. "Genie’s closin down shop so she can do my hair and she said to tell anyone else who wanted to come."

"All right, I guess."

"Great. So now tell me what’s JC doin that he doesn’t have time to spend with my brother?"

"He’s sleeping then he plans on trying to get some writing done," I answered.

"Well we’ll have a fun day together until it’s time for us to meet up with our boyfriends," she declared.

"What does Lance have planned for today?"

"He’s got some meetings about that kid he’s been talking about signing which was another reason I planned to get my hair done," she responded.

"I see."

"So what do you say we meet up in a half hour, grab a quick bite to eat and head to Genie’s," Justice offered.

"Belinda Drew Randall offering to eat breakfast? There’s a new one," I laughed.

"Shut up. I know you’re a growing boy and the only reasons I don’t eat breakfast is cause I’m either not up or too tired to eat."

"I’m just plannin wit ya. That sounds fine, I’ll meet you in the lobby in thirty minutes then, okay?"

"All right, see ya then."

After hanging up with Justice I grabbed my clothes I’d laid out earlier and changed. After that I pulled on my UNC bucket hat to cover my growing curls and grabbed my sunglasses and wallet. Seeing I still had time I went to the bed where Josh lay and woke him up to say good-bye.


"Gee I could’ve sworn we agreed to meet up oh fifteen minutes ago,"

Justice said when I walked off the elevator.

"I’m sorry, Benda!! I woke JC up to say good-bye and lost track of time," I apologized.

"I’m just playin with ya, Justie! I just got here myself," she laughed. "So are we ready to go now?"

"Yup! Where’s James?"

"He’s waiting for us at the car. Where’s Lonnie?"

"He gets to clear our way to the car."

"Lets go then," she smiled.

"You cool if we don’t stop and sign autos?" I questioned as we started out and the screaming started.

"I’m fine with it. I completely understand your not waiting to sign autographs after everything that’s gone on," she answered.

When we were almost to the car Justice waved at a few girls, one who

waved back and smiled at her.

"Who were you waving at?" I asked when we were in the car.

"One time was a girl that stood up for me yesterday when a girl made a rude comment about me cause I didn’t stop to sign autographs cause of the stuff you’ve gone through," she said. "The other time was two girls Britney and I met at the concert last night, Shelly and Emma Leigh."

I nodded and we rode in silence until the car stopped at McDonald’s.

Justice looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"When I offered breakfast I didn’t think we’d end up here," she said.

"What? I like McDonald’s," I said. "I thought you did too."

"I do but my stomach can’t handle grease this early in the morning."

"They’ve got biscuits that aren’t greasy," I pointed out. "And juice or milk, a well balanced meal."

"I guess you’re right."

After I decided what I wanted we told the driver our orders. The drive from the McDonald’s to Genie’s shop was just long enough for us to eat our food, me eating all of mine and the hash brown Justice ordered then wasn’t hungry for.

"This is where you’re gettin your hair done?" I asked, taking a drink of my coffee, looking at the small shop we’d stopped in front of.

"Genie always does my hair when I come to Boston," she replied. "It’s really nice inside and it’s small enough that it’s not crawling with crazed teen aged girls if I show up."

"I’ll trust you, even though you always get your hair done weirdly."

"Genie and her crew have done Lance’s hair before and it’s not weird

like the rest y’alls," Justice said waving at the petite brunette when we entered the shop. "Hey Genie!"

"Hello, Justice! And you brought Justin, how wonderful! I haven’t seen you since you were about eight!" she gushed hugging us both. "Are you here to keep Justice company or are you going to allow us to do something with your hair?"

"He’s willing to let you mess with his hair," Justice said.

"Very cool! Kallie is in today, Justice, which of us do you want to braid your hair?"

"You mind if I get Kallie?" she asked.

"Of course not! She does them tighter than I can," Genie said. "I’ll go get her, you two take a seat."

"All right," she smiled.

"You swear she won’t mess up my hair?" I asked.

"Yes! Genie’s good! She used to work at Twister’s until she quit and moved here to open her own shop."

"Twister’s? That’s like one of the most famous shops in New York City!"

"So you’ve got nothing to worry about."

Genie came back into the room with a black woman. Justice waved at her and introduced her to me then the two women went to work. Kallie was

able to braid her hair fast enough so that when my cell phone rang around two she was half way done.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Justin, hey, it’s Renee. Do you know here Justice is?"

"Sitting next to me getting her hair braided."

"Oh did she not turn on her phone?"

"Hold on, I’ll see. Benda, did you turn your phone on this morning?"

"I thought I had, but I guess not," she sad looking at her phone.

"Who’s on the phone?"

"Renee, here talk to her," I said handing her the phone.

"Renee, hello?... I swear, whatever it is, I didn’t do it! I went straight to my hotel room after the concert... Ten million?" she stuttered. "I sold ten million albums?"

"My album went diamond!!" Justice shrieked.

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