Chapter 6

"Girl, I am not going in there with you if you don’t calm down," I said when the car stopped in front of the mall.

"I can’t help it, Justie!!" she exclaimed.

"If you don’t calm down you’ll draw attention to us and then we won’t get to go shopping," I threatened. "I know it’s hard, Benda, and I’m proud of you, but do you really wanna go back to the hotel cause you can’t act calm in public?"

"I’ll behave, I swear!"

"Take so deep breaths and grab your bag and lets go," I said.

"All right," she nodded doing as I said. "Your hair looks really great, if I hadn’t told you yet."

"I can’t believe I let you all talk me into dying it green," I shook my head. "Johnny’s going to freak."

"That’s why it’s not a long lasting dye," she reminded me. "And I personally think it looks awesome!"

"You’re also the girl who dyed her hair purple and white," I reminded her.

"And it looked good, thank you very much," she said making a face at me. "Admit it! You’re enjoying the fact that you did something that people would never think you’d do."

"I’ll admit it’s going to be worth the looks on Johnny and Josh’s faces," I offered, remembering the looks on their faces when they saw that I had buzzed off my curls.

"Fair enough," she nodded. "Now if it were only long enough to get it put in corn rows again, it’s be truly fun!"

"With all the work Genie went through to straighten it, I don’t even wanna think about what it would’ve taken her to do that," I shook my head. "I’ll feel bad enough when it curls back up after my shower."

"I know, but your curly hair is you," she reminded me. "Even though I loved the buzz. Besides JC’s probably going to kill me for allowing you to do this anyway. He loves running his fingers through your curls and as soon as they’re long enough again I talk you into straightening them."

"You’re probably right, but I’ll protect you from him. You ready to do some shopping?" I asked.

"Lets hit it," she nodded grabbing my hand. "We need some slammin clothes for tonight! We partayin!"


"Justice, calm down," I exclaimed, adjusting my hat, as we walked through the hotel lobby carrying our bags from our short shopping.

"I can’t, Justie! I sold ten million albums!! That’s crazy!" she exclaimed.

"It’s wonderful, I know, but you’ve got to calm down or you’re gonna have an anxiety attack or something!"

"It’s just unbelievable! Do you remember how you felt when *NSYNC’s albums went diamond? I remember getting a call at oh five in the morning gushing about it, after you spent most of the day talking about it!"

"It was a wonderful feeling and it must be even more amazing since it’s your own but do you remember what happened when I called you at five?"

"I threatened to kill you the next time I saw you and hung up on you," she replied. "But it’s so weird and wonderful! You’ll understand how much more amazing it feels when your solo album does it cause Lord knows it will! As long as the fans know the group’s not breaking up."

"Which is why it’s been delayed already," I sighed.

"I know but now you can record at the same time as me so that when we get bored we can do something together," she reminded me.

"We’re gonna have fun," I smiled.

"Tons," she agreed.

"You two are in good spirits," Britney commented when she saw us.

"I went diamond today!!" Justice exclaimed.

"Congratulations!" she said giving her a hug. "It’s an amazing feeling, isn’t it?"

"Unbelievable," Justice nodded.

"Congratulations again," Britney said.

"What are you congratulating Justice for?" Josh asked coming into the hallway.

"I went diamond!!"

"That’s wonderful, Justice!" he said giving her a hug. "It’s gotta be an amazing to have your very own album go diamond!"

"I just noticed your hair, Justice, it looks great," Britney smiled. "What’d you do while she was gettin it done, Justin?"

"Should I show them, Benda?" I asked glancing at her.

She nodded saying, "I totally wanna see these looks!"

"Good Lord, what did she talk you into doing, Justin?" Josh asked.

"Me? This wasn’t all me," she denied.

"Show us already," Britney demanded.

"Give the people what they want, Justie," Justice laughed. "Wait, lemme get my camera first!"


"We gotta get those pictures developed ASAP," I laughed as we waited in my room for Josh and Lance to finish getting ready. "Their expressions were priceless!"

"Totally," she agreed thinking of all the looks we got from everyone when they saw my hair. "I’ve never laughed so hard in my life! I really thought Johnny was going to pass out from the shock!"

"His face probably was the best," I agreed.

"Ohh!! We gotta go see Lynn tonight when we get back," she said.

"You’ll give your mother a heart attack if she sees Justin like that," Lance said coming into my room.

"Besides I believe I just saw her step off the elevator," Josh said making himself know.

"Now’s an even better time, Benda! My hair hasn’t gotten ruined yet," I grinned.

"Lets do it!!"

"Josh, Lance, come on," I said as we ran out of Mama’s hotel laughing.

"We gotta go like now," Justice agreed grabbing Lance’s hand and pulling him behind him her. "I think Lynn is like gonna kill me or something!"

"You? What do you think she’s gonna do to me!" I exclaimed.

"We’re dead," she laughed.

"Totally," I agreed pushing the elevator button. "James, Lonnie, um go protect us from our mom, please!!" I begged spotting them.

"I don’t know about Justin, but I’m totally willing to face those fans downstairs without you if you keep her from killing us," Justice said pushing James toward Mama as she appeared.

"You have to come back here sooner or later you two," she said glaring at us.

"We’re young rich people, we can afford to just leave our stuff here and find somewhere else to stay if need be," Justice said.

"Or if nothing else we can stay out until we’re sure you’re asleep," I added.

"I’ll stay up!" Mama growled.

"Later," Justice and I said waving at her disappearing into the elevator as the doors opened.

"Lord what did you two do?" Lance asked shaking his head at us.

"Lynn doesn’t like Justin’s hair," Justice shrugged.

"I think it was the comment you made about pulling me over to your side, Benda, that put her over the edge," I said.

"Probably so, but I think seeing your ‘beautiful curls’ straightened and your ‘lovely hair’ dyed green has something to do with it too."

"You got pictures, right?"

"Hell yah I got pictures," she nodded.

"You two are nuts," Josh said shaking his head.

"Shock value does a lot for me, personally," Justice shrugged.

"It’s a rush," I agreed.

"Are you going to be pulling this tonight?" Lance questioned.

"Maybe. I could always use more pictures for my collection," she giggled.

"We’re in trouble!"

"You were already in trouble because I’m on this rush since my-" Justice started.

"You start that again and I’ll kill ya," I threatened.


"Justie, JC! Come here!! Have you seen this?" Justice called to us when we entered the restaurant.

"Seen what?" I asked sitting down next to her. "‘Not so fateful boyfriends, could the Timberlake twins hearts’ be in trouble?’"

"We made the paper!" she giggled.

"Josh, really, I’m shocked," I chuckled reading the paper. ‘Sources spotted Lance Bass and JC Chasez around town last night with two people that were so not their other halfs’, Justin Timberlake and Belinda Timberlake aka Justice Randall.’ "I can’t believe you would cheat on me with me!"

"They’re really enjoying all this drama and stuff way too much," Josh said shaking his head.

"We can’t help it if we think it’s fun," Justice shrugged.


"What are you two doing?" I asked Chris and Joey when they boarded our bus.

"Diary, remember?" Chris said, walking to an empty bunk and laying down.

"Oh yah, forget y’all was ridin with us."

"Sadly we are," Joey said. "Is it wrong to miss the other bus already?"

"No cause I miss you two being on the other bus already," Josh teased.

"Come on, we gotta go say good bye to Justice," I said grabbing Josh’s arm before Joey got a chance to reply.

"Benda D," I shouted walking up to her. "You doin this too?" I asked gesturing to the camera.

She nodded. "So what’d ya think of the show?"

"Great job, girl! You were wonderful!!" I said hugging her.

"You really were," Josh agreed as he and Lance walked up to us.

"Thanks," Justice smiled.

"I thought you did an excellent job," Lance said hugging her. "See you when we get to Chicago?"

Giving him a kiss Justice nodded. "Thank you, baby, and I will see all three of you in Chicago!"

"Bye Benda/ Justice/ Randi," we said after she told us good-bye.

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