Chapter 9

"I’m so glad you’re home," I whispered hugging Josh.

"Me too, babe," he agreed.

"You hear for the rest of the time?"

"Yep. Just supposed to work on Justice and your albums," he nodded.


"Have you talked about a release date yet?"

"Not with Johnny or the record company but Justice and I have talked about it," I answered. "We’d like to release them around the same time since we’ll have a couple songs together on the albums and that way we could do our promo tour together."

"How long is that going to be?"

"About a month so that we, as in *NSYNC, can go do another leg for Celebrity," I answered.

"You nervous?"

"Unbelievable. It’s going to be so weird not having you guys up on stage with me!"

"Justice will be there."

"I know but it’s not the same," I answered. "I was hoping I’d be able to talk you into coming for a while."

"I’m sure you probably could since I won’t be doing much until we go back on tour," he nodded.

"Great," I smiled.


Once Josh returned and Lance and Justice were able to work out weekend visits between the two of them, recording went quickly. When the album was half way finished we began to plan the promotional tour. Jive decided that it would double for part of Justice’s first headlining tour and I would be her opening act for the first month.

"I can’t believe you’re opening for me," Justice laughed as we worked on choreographing the two songs we did together that were on our albums.

"Why not?"

"Cause um hello, you’re Justin Timberlake of *NSYNC," she teased.

"Technically on this tour I’m Justin Timberlake, solo artist/headliner's brother," I replied.

"Moochin off his sister to get a good tour," Chris’ voice rang out.

"Hey, it’s okay, I’m using him for the ticket sells," Justice joked. "What are you all doing here?" she added spotting Josh, Lance, and Joey as well.

"Thought we’d come see how things were going," Josh answered sitting down in front of one of the mirrors.

"Actually we wanted to watch Wade yell at you, Jus, and not have it be directed at us as well," Joey joked.

"There’s been no yelling actually, cause you see Justice and I, we know how to dance," I replied making a face at Joey.

"It’s really so very peaceful around here," Justice put in.

"They’re joking, right Wade?" Joey asked.

"Nope," Wade answered. "I’ve never been more relaxed choreographing than I am working with these two."

"Now I know you’re lying," Josh said. "You said the same thing about choreographing for Britney."

"That’s cause he likes Brit, duh," Justice replied.

"Shut up, I do not," Wade snapped.

"It’s okay, Wade, really. Just say the word and one of us will set you up," I joked.

"Whatever. Lets get back to work," he replied.

"Not until you admit you like Britney," Justice replied.

"Everything was fine until you four got here," Wade said to Joey, Chris, Lance, and Josh. "You’ve ruined them now. How am I ever going to get them to behave again?"

"We’ll behave," I promised.


"What are these?" I asked looking at the wrapped presents Justice had given me, Josh, Lance, and Mama.

"What’s it look like?" she answered.

"A CD?"

"Very good, Justie," she smiled. "It’s cheesy I know, but well I was bored last night. So open them already."

"The cover looks great, Randi," Lance smiled looking at the collage of pictures that covered the front.

"Thank you, babe."

"Do we finally get to read these secret thank you’s?" Mama asked.

"I suppose you can... Actually how about I read them to you?" Justice suggested.

"Sounds good."

Taking a deep breath she began to read. Occasionally she looked up at us as she read, and when her eyes trailed to Mama, mine followed, wanting to catch her reaction to Justice’s words. When she finished to looked up at Mama and me. We all three sat there in silence not quite sure what to say.

"Um, JC, why don’t we let them have some privacy?" Lance suggested getting up after giving Justice a hug. "Those are great, Randi."

"I think you’re right, Lance, we should... They were good, Justice," he agreed giving me a hug.

"So?" Justice finally said when we were alone.

Mama opened her mouth to speak but closed it again as the tears came hard.

"Those were wonderful, Benda," I said. "Come over here."

She nodded and sat down next to me. I wrapped my arms around her and she laid her head on my shoulder. We both raised our eyes to look at Mama who still had tears streaming down her face. I unwrapped one of my arms and placed it her.

"My babies," Mama mumbled wrapping an arm around each of us. "Belinda, you don’t understand how much that meant to me. I can’t explain it, it’s amazing."

"We’re a family now, that’s all that matters," I said.

"I agree," Justice nodded.

"It’s so great to have both of my babies," Mama said.

"It’s nice having a mother and brother that cares about me," Justice said. "Starting life off fresh at 21. In a world with no more secrets."

I smiled hugging them both tightly, glad to have my family back together once again. We stayed like that for a couple of hours, wrapped in each other’s arms and talking.


"You seem happy," Josh commented as he watched me pack.

"Why shouldn’t I be? My mother and sister have made up, I’m about to release a solo album, do a month long promo tour that sold out in five minutes, and I’ve got a wonderful boyfriend," I answered giving him a kiss.

"You do have a lot to be happy about."

"Are you sure you can’t come to New York and LA with me?" I asked after I finished packing.

"What would I do while you were doing all the talk shows?"

"Hang out and support me, I dunno," I shrugged.

"As much fun as that sounds, I think I’ll have to pass," he replied. "Besides I’m going to be traveling with you for two weeks after you finish up this part," he added.

"I know but it’s so weird not having you there when I’m talking to them."

"You’ll be all right," he said. "And remember I’ll be watching you and waiting for it to be over so that I can call you and tell you how wonderful you did."

"Then I’ll have to work hard to make sure I make you proud," I said hugging him.

"You always do," he answered. "Well I better get you to the airport before Justice starts calling."

Looking at my watch I nodded. "You’re right. Are you staying here while I’m gone?"

"Naw I thought I’d go to LA and spend time with my other boyfriend," he joked.

"Fine then. I’ll make sure to tell everyone that when they ask where you are," I pouted.

"Please don’t, Justice will hurt me," he chuckled.

"Don’t you wish your brother and sister loved you as much as Justice and I love each other?"

"It’s not fair. You love her more than me."

"I love you just as much."

"Good cause I love you that much too."

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