Chapter 10

"Joining us today we have Justice Randall and Justin Timberlake, always a special treat," Carson said as Justice and I wanted backstage for our cue to come out. "So lets welcome my co-hosts for today, Justice and Justin!"

Justice and I glanced at each other, rolling our eyes at what Carson said and walked out, waving at the fans that had been let into the studio.

"Hey guys," Carson said, shaking our hands. "Great to have you on the show."

"It’s great to be here," Justice smiled.

"Thanks for having us," I added.

"So you’re in town promoting your albums that come out tomorrow, right?" he asked.

"Yah we’re here promoting the here this week then we fly to LA and promote it there," Justice answered.

"Then what’s, you’re touring, right Justice?"

"Yah I am," she nodded. "I’m doing North America from March to June, then I’ll head to Europe for a couple of months."

"Sounds great, bet you’ll have an awesome show," Carson said. "What about you, Justin?"

"I will be opening for Justice for a month of her North American tour then the guys and I plan to go back on the road," I answered.

"Cool well we’ve gotta go to a video, go pick up ‘Meet Belinda’ and ‘Justified’ tomorrow," Carson said.


"Welcome to the show, you two," Rosie said when we sat down.

"Thanks for having us," I smiled.

"So you both must be excited, with your albums coming out today and everything," she prompted.

"Very excited," Justice agreed. "Justin especially."

"Are you worried about record sales?"

"It doesn’t really matter to us personally, I don’t think, how many albums we sell, just as long as we’re still able to do the music," I answered.

"What about who comes in first? Critics are giving awesome reviews about both albums," Rosie said.

"We don’t care whose album gets top billing," Justice answered. "We’ll be proud of each other if it’s one of us, shrug it off if it isn’t."

"Well that’s cool. Both of your albums are awesome," Rosie said. "Especially your Bangle’s cover, Justice."

"I used to drive Justin and Lyn- Mom crazy when I was little cause I listened to that song nonstop and refused to wear my hair anyway but crimped," Justice blushed.

"Mom?" Rosie exclaimed.

"Yah Mom," Justice nodded. "It’s laid out in my thank yous for the album but basically I’ve reached a point in my life where yah Lynn’s my mom again and I’m comfortable calling her that."

"That’s great," Rosie said.

"So what can you tell us about this tour you’re about to start?" Rosie asked after we talked about the albums so more.

"It’s gonna be a lot of fun, I think," I said. "For both audience and Justice and me."

"Yah, if you’re thinking about seeing the tour I recommend this first month, cause it’s gonna be a lot of fun," Justice added. "Not that the rest of the tour won’t be fun too," she added quickly.

"Now on your albums you have three songs that you do together, are you gonna be performing them?" Rosie asked.

"Yah we’ll do two of them, one during Justin’s set and one during mine," Justice answered.

"Awesome, well we’ve gotta go to commercial, when we get back Justin and Justice are gonna sing for us then we’ll talk so more."


"Now you’re both involved in highly talked about relationships, how are they going?" Rosie asked after we sang ‘Change’, one of the three songs we sang together on the albums.

"Lance and I are great, working on year one," Justice answered.

"Josh and I are good," I answered. "Our third anniversary is in June, near when I think the group’s supposed to be on."

"Very cool," Rosie nodded. "I’ve heard you are both engaged?"

Justice shook her head. "Lance and I both agree we aren’t ready to get married or anything like that."

"Josh and I aren’t engaged either."

"Have you talked about marriage?"

"Sorta but not really," I answered. "Mostly we’ve talked about liking to have the option to get married when we’re both ready."

"Is it hard knowing you can’t legally get married in the US?"

"It’s not so much hard as it is disappointing. Same sex marriages are legal all over the world but in America, one of the freest countries in the world, they don’t recognize them. It doesn’t seem fair that we shouldn’t have to right to have a legal marriage if we wanted to."

"It is disappointing," Rosie agreed. "How do you feel about this, Justice?"

"I agree with Justin on this, I guess. I don’t really see what the difference between them getting married and me getting married to someone, marriage is marriage and as long as both people love each other, it shouldn’t matter what sex they are."


"Tonight on the show we’ve got Justice Randall and Justin Timberlake," Jay Leno said. "Lets welcome them please."

"Do you two go anywhere without each other anymore?" Jay joked after we sat down. "For the last two weeks all I’ve seen is you two on television, together."

"Well it’s in my contract that I have to help Justin sell albums since he’s helping me sell tickets," Justice joked.

"I see. How have you both been, it’s been a while since you’ve been on the show."

"Things are good," I answered while Justice nodded.

"What think about Congress voting on the issue of same sex marriages?" Jay asked after we’d talked for a while longer.

"I hope it gets passed," Justice answered.

"It’d be a big step for America if it was passed and I hope America’s ready to talk that step," I replied.

"Speaking of taking big steps, if the bill is passed could we be hearing wedding bells?"

"Who knows? Josh and I haven’t actually talked about it because we don’t wanna get into the mind set that we could get married and then have it not pass, ya know?"

"Makes sense."


"This is not something a guy wants to see first thing in the morning," Josh laughed when he walked into my hotel room where Justice and I were dancing around the room to Destiny’s Child’s ‘Bootylicious’.

"Hey you’re lucky, when I joined them Justice was just finishing ‘Walk Like an Egyptian’ and Justin was staring ‘I’m Coming Out’," Lance said.

"That’s just wrong, baby," Josh laughed, grabbing my hand as I danced passed him. "What’s got you two so happy?"

"Have you read the news paper?" I asked, tossing him the one from my bed.

"They passed it?" Josh exclaimed after reading the first article.

"Yup," I grinned, joining Justice in singing Britney’s ‘Lucky’.

"This is great," he smiled, laughing at Justice and me, as we danced and sung our way around the room. "You do realize though that people are gonna be expecting to hear we’re engaged now though, right?"

"We’ll get there soon enough," I shrugged. "Till then we’ll just have to mess with their minds by both being seen in jewelry stores."

"So basically I should expect to read we’re engaged or hear that we are everyday?"

"Hm, yah, probably," I nodded. "Might want to call your parents and let them know so they don’t think they’re out of the loop."

"All right, I’ll do that," he replied.


"I like that one," Justice said pointing at a ring in the case in front of me.

"Ugh, that’s ugly," I replied, looking closer at the toe ring, that was lime green with a blue star.

"Not the green one, the silver one," she answered tapping the case above it.

"Get it then," I replied.

"Naw I’m just here to get a new barbell for my belly button," she replied.

"No piercings?" I asked looking at the list of piercings they offered.

"I dunno... Mom and Renee would be pissed if I pierced my eyebrow," she said looking at the list. "I’ll do it some other time. What do you think of that one?" she asked, pointing at a barbell.

"It’s cute but you could get something ugly for all you show your belly," I answered.

She made a face at me then said, "I want one like that one Brit picked up in New York, that one was cute."

"Yah I like that one," I nodded. "You almost ready to go to another store?"

"Depends, is it another jewelry store?" she asked, telling the girl who was working which barbell she wanted.

"I told you, we couldn’t look for rings until Brit was here, I promised her she could help," I answered.

"I meant cause I wanted to get Lance something for our anniversary and if you wanted to go to a jewelry store, I was gonna go to another store," she replied.

"Oh well, no I’m ready to check out some other stores," I said, following her out of the store.

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