Chapter 11

"How am I suppose to choose something?" I asked.

"Hmm, I dunno, I’ve never actually seen a guy engagement ring," Justice said.

"Yah me either," Britney agreed.

"What do girl engagement rings usually look like?" I asked.

"Usually has their birthstone and maybe a couple of diamonds," Justice answered.

"Can I help you?" a sales lady asked coming up to us.

"What would you recommend for an engagement ring, for a guy?" I asked.

"We’ve got some lovely engagement bands that just came in, if you’ll follow me," she said starting to the other side of the store. "We’ve had a lot of couples look at the platinum bands encrusted with diamonds and their birthstone. Do you know what your boyfriend’s birthstone is?"

"Peridot," Justice answered when I got a blank look on my face.

"We don’t have any with peridots in the store but if you found one you liked we could order it with the peridots," the sales lady said, after looking through the rings.

"All right, thank you," I said.

"If you find something you like, let me know," she said walking off.

"That was odd," I said.

"What?" Britney asked looking up from the "bands".

"She didn’t even raise an eyebrow when I asked her about engagement rings for a guy."

"Hello, Justie, we’re in San Francisco, I doubt you’re the first person she’s had ask her about them," Justice giggled, looking up at me.

"But bet me if it won’t be on front of all the major trash mags and papers tomorrow," Britney said giggling as well.

"We’ve only been on them for the last month, anyway," I shrugged. "What color are peridots?"

"Yellow," Justice answered.

"All right, what do you think of this one?" I asked, pointing at a band.

"I like that," Justice nodded.

"That’s great," Britney agreed.

"I like it but we should look somewhere else too," I said.

"All right," they agreed.


"Are you sure you’re off the 22nd?" I asked Justice for the millionth time.

"Yes, Justin, I’m off the 22nd until after the 4th, just like I was when you asked me five minutes ago," she answered sighing.

"I’m sorry I keep asking you, it’s just-" I started cutting off when Josh walked into the room. "I really wanna spend the 4th with you," I finally said.

"JC there?"


"All right, well I promise you I’m off and that I will be there as soon as I can, okay?"

"All right. Britney’s gonna be there too," I said.

"Good, she can help me knock you out when you start to freak out," Justice replied. "Have you told Mom?"

"No Mama doesn’t know I’m having everyone over," I said, glancing at Josh, who sat waiting for me to get off the phone.

"You gonna tell her?"

"Yah I’ll tell her, but I’m waiting until everything’s planned out," I answered.

"Makes sense. You do realize though that you’re actually gonna have to have a party on the fourth on though, right?"

"Yah I know, don’t suppose I could talk you into helping me, could I?"

"Yah call me and lemme know what I need to do."

"All right, I’ll call you later and let you know what’s going on."

"Well I’m sure JC wants to talk to you so I’ll let you go," Justice said.

"All right, bye, love ya."

"Love ya too."

"Before I forget, tell your parents and brother and sister, they’re invited to a Fourth of July Barbecue at my house," I told Josh when I hung up my cell.

"All right," he nodded. "Can you believe in just a week we’ll be celebrating our third anniversary?" he asked hugging me.

"It doesn’t seem real," I shook my head. "But I’m glad."

"Me too."


"I’m so nervous, Benda," I whispered to her when Josh walked into the green room.

"I’d be nervous too but you don’t have anything to be nervous about," she whispered back, patting my hand.

"What if-"

"No time for ‘what ifs’ Jus, you need to get out there," she cut me off. "Good luck."

"Thank you," I smiled following the others out.

"The stage isn’t set up right," Josh exclaimed looking to where we were supposed to be performing Gone.

"Yes it is," Chris replied as we all took our seats, leaving the middle seat open for Josh.

"Sit down," I said quietly nodding toward the chair.

"What’s going on?" he asked.

I put my finger to my lips signaling for him to get quiet when Rosie began to speak. "Here to sing their new single, Gone, *NSYNC," she said.

"There’s been a little change, we aren’t going to be performing Gone for you today," I said to the audience. "Instead we’re going to be performing Christina Aguilera’s Blessed," I continued looking at Josh, who looked confused. "Happy anniversary, baby."

I sang lead on the song while Chris, Lance, and Joey sang back up. They stood near the piano while I stood next to Josh. He smiled at me, though confused, while I sang to him.

"Josh," I said grabbing his hand, when the song was over.

"Yah, babe?" he said looking at me.

"In the nine years I’ve known you, you’ve been one of my best friends and someone I love and trust more than anything," I began. "The three years we’ve been together have been the best three of my life. You stood by me and supported me through everything, and was strong for me no matter what. I can’t picture my life without you, Josh. I love you so much... Joshua Scott Chasez, will you marry me?"

Josh stared at me wide eyed while the audience fell into silence, awaiting Josh’s answer.

"Yes," he whispered, bringing my hand, that was clutching his at this point, to his mouth and kissing it. "Of course I will. I love you," he said standing up and hugging me.

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