Chapter 3

After we left Germany, headed to France, it was time for Britney to head home. Justice confessed she was sad to see her go and looked happy to hear Britney would be back towards the end of the summer. We were at the hotel in Paris when Justice told me her 'exciting news'.

"Graduate early? I thought we were gonna graduate together!" I exclaimed when she finish telling me her news, even though I knew how selfish I sounded.

"Well when are you graduating?"

"Well since we're releasing an album in the new year we're gonna be touring hard so it's not gonna be anytime in the next two years!!"

"How could you graduate early?" Mama asked having overheard us talking.

"Well since you ignored me most of my childhood I doubt you would know but I took advance classes in the 6th and 7th grades so I'm a head of a normal sophomore," Justice snapped. "In between the dance lessons, piano lessons, violin lessons, and vocal lessons I was also taking."

"Who allowed you to do all that?"

"Edward, the only person who gave a damn about me! Where did you think I was all those evenings? Oh that's right, you probably didn't notice I wasn't there," Justice said before storming out of the restaurant.

Mama rolled her eyes and walked off, ignoring the questioning looks from the others. They all turned to me.

"What's up with your mom and Justice, man?" Chris asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over the table.

"It's hard to explain," I said. "Mama's friends with Justice's mother and Justice doesn't really get along with her parents and I understand why she doesn't but Mama doesn't, she just knows what Justice's mom says."

"All right so did anyone follow that?" Joey asked.

"What he's sayin is, it's personal and if Justice wanted you to know, she'd tell you," Josh said.

"Thanks," I smiled at him.


"You do realize you'll pay for this, don't you?" Justice said after I finally convinced her to go to Spin with the guys and me.

"Yah I do," I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "I'll talk to you later, all right?"

"All right, bye."

"Later," I said waving at Josh when he came into the room.

"Hey, Jus," he said. "Who was that?"

"Benda. I talked her into going to Spin with us," I answered.

"Well that's cool. Lance isn't going though."

"He's not? Why? Spin's the one club he always goes to with us," I said surprised he wasn't coming.

"I dunno why. He just told me when I got back from lifting," he shrugged, digging through his suitcase. "How'd you get Justice to agree to come? The lady at the front desk was telling her about some new Gothic club today after breakfast."

"I begged. She's gonna make me pay for it though," I said.

"Of course you will. She's a girl," he laughed.

"Yah," I nodded.

"Benda," I groaned. "Come on! It's not so bad!"

"It is too! I don't fit in here," she groaned. "Look at how all the people are looking at me!"

"It's cause you look hot, Justice," Josh said. "Doesn't she, Joey, Chris?"

"I think so," Joey nodded.

"Thank you," she smiled at them.

"Come dance with me, Justice," Chris said grabbing her hand. "I should only be so lucky to dance with the best looking girl in the club!"

"All right, Chris, but I'm gonna head to another club soon, okay?" she said to me.

"Come see me before you leave," I nodded.

"I will."

"Lets go dance, Jus! You've barely danced any," Josh said.

"Hold on. Craig, watch Justice when she leaves, all right?" I said to the large black man who sat with Lonnie in the boot next to us.

"Of course," he nodded.

"You know Justice would kill you if she knew you were sending him to follow her," Josh said as we headed to the floor.

"I know, but I don't feel right letting her go by herself."

"It's cool of you to worry."

"She's my sister, man," I said. "She's so important to me."

"I understand," he nodded. "So what's up with you and Brit?"

"We're just friends," I answered. "What about you and Howie?"

"We broke up again," he shrugged. "We don't see each other enough."

"That's too bad," I said saying a silent thank you. "You two were good together."

"Well according to Justice he isn't good enough for me anyway," he said. "But then again she also said Lance wasn't gay."

"That's what she's told me too," I said. "Anyway she has something against the Backstreet Boys, expect AJ anyway."

"BSB sucks, but AJ's a hottie," Justice said coming up to us. "I'm heading to 'Laser', it's just across the street, okay?"

"All right, I'll come get you when we head back to the hotel, okay?" I said hugging her.

"All right, love ya," she nodded hugging me back. "Bye, JC."

"Bye, Justice."

"What is Joey doing?" I asked Josh looking at Joey.

After watching Joey for a little bit, Josh sighed and said, "He's getting us kicked out."

"We've gotta stop going clubbing with him," I sighed watching as the bouncer went up to Joey and Chris, who pointed over to us and waved.

"Damn you," Josh muttered to Chris and Joey as we started outside.

"I didn't mean to!" Joey pouted.

"Yes you did," Chris laughed. "They said if Joey behaves himself we can come back tomorrow, though."

"We should blame Lance. He wasn't here to watch me, Chris allows me to run free," Joey said

"Whatever. We better go get Justice," I said, starting across the street.

We were only in the club a short while before we noticed how the club goers were looking at us and speaking to each other in different languages . We stuck together as we walked through the club, partly to keep Joey and Chris from causing trouble and partly because we didn't want to spend anymore time in the club then we had to. Finally we stopped and just began to scan the crowd, hoping maybe Justice would over hear someone talking about us being here.

"You seem lost," she shouted to be heard over the music and smiled.

"Justice, thank God! I never thought I'd find you in here," I answered, hugging her, when I realized the girl in front of us was her.

"What brings you into here?"

"Joey got us in trouble so we decided to head back to the hotel," I answered, as he gave Joey a dirty look. "You wanna head back?"

"Already?" she asked looking at her watch.

"You don't have to I just need to know if I need to have someone come get you later," I shrugged, though I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to ruin her fun.

"Would you mind if I stayed for a bit longer?" she asked.

"No it's cool, just come by my room when you get in, okay?"

"All right," she said giving me a hug. "You don't have to send anyone to come get me though, I've got money and can take a cab," she added.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," she nodded.

"Dude that guy looks like Lance," Chris said laughing, pointing behind us. Collectively we turned to look at the guy he was pointing at. Justice giggled and waved at him. He shook his head at her and gestured toward the four of us. Justice mouthed something to him before turning back to face us, still giggling to herself.

"You know him?" I asked, my brotherly instincts kicking in.

"I've danced with him a few times. I was teasing him about looking like Lance and when you four showed up it was too easy not to tease him a bit more," she replied.

"All right, well you be careful, okay? And I'm gonna have Lonnie stay here and watch you," I said, turning toward Lonnie.

"Trust him more than the other guy you usually send with me?" she asked.

"I don't-"

"J, I'm not stupid! There's no way one of your body guards just ALWAYS happens to be at the same club I'm at. It's sweet, really," she cut me off.

"I just wanna make sure you're safe..."

"And to keep tabs on me," she joked. "You don't really ask him do you?" she exclaimed noticing the blush that crept up my face.

"Only once and he just said you usually found one guy to dance with and that was who you stuck with the rest of the night."

"I can't believe you Justin Timberlake," she said shaking her head at me.

"Jus, you okay?" Josh asked when we reach our room.

"Yah I just don't really like leaving Justice out by herself," I answered as I began to strip out of my sweaty clothes from the club. "Flip you for first shower?"

"Naw you can go a head and take it. I'm gonna check and see what's on television that's in English, since we'll be here for the rest of the night."

"All right, sounds good. If there isn't any English find something you like in French and I'll tell you what they're saying, all right?" I said grabbing my pajama pants and a plain white wife-beater.

"Good deal," he nodded, settling on his bed.

After we'd both showered and Josh found something he wanted to watch we settled in on Josh's bed. Justice came by as promised to let me know she was in some time later.

"Hey guys," she waved at us when I opened the door.

"Hey Justice," Josh called from his bed.

"Hey Benda," I said giving her a hug. "So did you have fun?"

"Yes I did."

"What about that guy at the club? You exchange numbers or anything?"

"Naw... we decided it wouldn't work out," she shook her head.

"That's too bad. He was pretty cute for a Gothic guy that looked like Lance," Josh said.

"There's nothing wrong with Lance, he's pretty," Justice replied.


"Or beautiful... I don't know. He's not your normal guy look but he's cute," she tried to explain.

"So do you like him?" Josh asked

"Who? The guy from the club?"

"No! Lance, duh!"

"Oh well, yah, sure I like him."

"No do you like him?"

"I'm not telling you. You'd run off and tell Lance," she said. "And I hate to even think what Justin here would do."

"Why would I care if you don't like him?" I asked.

"You wouldn't!" Josh exclaimed with a teasing smile. "Justice likes Lance! Justice likes Lance," he chanted.

"Screw you, JC!" Justice pouted. "So what if I do like him?"

"He's not really your type, Benda... I could understand if it were Chris or possibly even Joey but Lance, that's weird," I said.

"Whatever. You two are being mean to me so I'm going to bed," she said still pouting.

"We're just messing with you, Benda," I said.

"I know but I'm tried anyway. I danced my butt off tonight."

"Gemme a hug then," I replied.


"Good morning, Justice," Lance said when Justice and I joined the group at breakfast, being again the last ones there, as usual.

"Morning, Lance," she smiled taking the seat next to him, allowing me the seat next to Josh.

I mouthed thank you and began to look through the menu and she did the same thing.

"When are you going back to America again, Justice?" Mama asked.

"August 15th," she answered. "School starts the 22nd and Edward wants me to have a few days to get back into routine."

"Understandable. Did you decide about the graduating thing?"

She gave me a questioning look as to why Mama was being nice to her, I just shrugged. "We talked about it and we agreed I'd enjoy it more if I graduated with my friends," she finally said.

"He's right. It'll be hard enough graduating from a school you haven't attended long, much less early."

She nodded and the conversation ended. Breakfast was rather uneventful expect for Joey and Chris who always seemed to manage to entertain the masses at anytime of the day. Chris was in the middle of telling Lance what happened at the club the night before and Joey kept interrupting adding in his own version of the night. Lance laughed and said something about wishing he'd been there to see it.

"Where were you anyway? You always go to Spin with us," Chris asked.

"A friend of mine from Mississippi is doing foreign exchange or whatever here and I went to a club with him and his friends," Lance answered.

"That's cool. You should've seen this guy in the club Justice was in," he said and began to tell Lance about the guy.

When everyone was finished eating the guys and I decided we wanted to go swimming. Justice started to say something but I cut her off saying her quote "pale ass could do with some sun." Mama shot me a warning look for my cursing and Justice laughed. Finally she agreed to go swimming with us and headed to her room to change. I said I would meet her at the pool in twenty minutes and she had better be on time. Josh and I ran up to our room to change as did the rest of the guys. After changing we head down to the pool. I excused myself from Josh when I saw Justice walk in.

"Time to swim, Justice," I said sitting her stuff down.

"Justin," she whined not wanting to swim.

"You HAVE to swim, Just, or we won't have even teams for Chicken!"

"You know I hate swimming!"

"Please?" I said giving her puppy eyes.

"God I hate you!" she sighed.

"I love you too, Justice," I grinned happy I got my way.

"So who's on what team?" Josh asked when he, Joey, and Chris joined us.

"You and me are on a team, Josh," I said quickly.

"I'll take Justice," Joey offered.

"No I don't think you will, Joe," I said seeing the look on Joey's face as Justice stripped down to my bikini. "Lance, why don't you be her partner?"

"Man why do I have to be stuck with Fatone?" Chris whined when Lance agreed.

"Shut up short stuff or I'm on top," Joey replied.

"I'm not short," he pouted.

"Four out of seven people in here are taller than you and the other three are your height, Chris. Face it, you're short," I laughed.

"Good things come in small packages, you know, Chris," Justice said.

"Things are also supposed to get better with time but neither seems to apply to Chris," Joey cracked.

"What is this be mean to Chris day?"

"You boys leave Chris alone," Mama called.

"Yah leave me alone!!"

After a about five games of Chicken, which Justice and Lance won all of them, and swimming for a while longer we decided to head back to our rooms.

"Lance, we're gonna go back to Spin again tonight, wanna come?" Chris asked as we rode up to the elevator to our floor.

"You too, Justice! I know you didn't have fun last night but this'll be the first time we've ever all gone out together," I said.

"Sure I'll go," Lance said.

"I guess I'll go," she shrugged. "People better not stare tonight!"

"If you dressed normal they wouldn't."

"You know I don't own any "normal" clothes," she sighed.

"I'll buy you something," I offered. "And I'll go to one of your clubs in the next city," I added when she started to speak. "We all will, won't we guys?"

"Sure it'd be fun," Chris and Joey nodded.

"That'd be a sight," Josh laughed at the idea.


"Sure," he shrugged.

"Uh yah, Justin, where are my clothes?" Justice asked me coming out of the bathroom.

"They're on the counter, didn't you see them?" I asked.

"All I saw was a pink sports bra and some little kid's skirt."

"That would be a tube top and a Justice sized skirt," Josh said. "Don't you like them? Joey helped pick them out!"

"You are all very evil people!" she screamed going into the bathroom again.

"She's going to kill us!" Josh laughed.

"Yah but it'll help Lance notice her and I want Benda to be happy."

"That's sweet of you, but what about yourself?"

"What about me?"

"Don't you want to be happy?"

"I am happy, especially if Benda is happy."

"You need a girlfriend," he said looking at me.

"Why? I wouldn't get to see her."

"What about Britney? She's supposed to tour with us sometime."

"Brit's a great girl but I couldn't ever date her. Besides I already have someone in mind but I don't think they'd go out with me."

"Who wouldn't go out with you?"

"Just someone I know."

"Do I know them? Cause I could talk to them if I do."

"Yah you know them..."

"Is it Christina?"

"God no! Could you imagine what Britney would do to me?" I shuddered at the thought.

"She'd kill you," he nodded. "So who is it? Tell me!"

"I'm sure you'll find out soon enough," I shook my head.


"You're joking, right?" I asked looking at the clothes she handed me.

"You made me wear a neon pink tube top and a skirt just long enough to cover my ass, Justin, you're getting off easy," Justice growled.

"Easy my ass!! Vinyl pants and a see through shirt with spiders on it?? You know I hate spiders!!"

"I hate neon pink! Now get dressed and I'll call you in a little while to do your make up," she said walking to the bathroom where Josh was waiting for her. "Lookin good," she smiled checking out his outfit.

"Thanks, I think..."

"You ready for me to do your make up?"


"You trust me enough to let me do this without looking?" she asked.

"Promise not to make me look stupid?"

"I'm saving the stupid one for Justin," she smiled.

"Did you really hate that outfit that much?"


"You look good, Justin," Josh said stepping out of the bathroom when Justice finished his make up.

"Thank you. You do too," I answered. "You makeup's cool too."

"Thanks. I feel kinda weird dressed like this but hey it's all in fun."

"Yah I know what you mean," I nodded. "Looks like my plan didn't work."

"What plan?"

"The one to get Justice and Lance together. If anything they spend even less time together then they did before," I explained.

"If it's meant to happen, they'll make it work," Josh said looking at himself in the mirror. "Any luck with that girl you won't tell me who she is?"

"Nope, not yet. Soon enough, I'm sure," I shook my head.

"Well good luck."

"Thanks man."

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