
Hyena facts


 Fearsome ....... even to the king, the lion, although extremely respectful to the male lion......


By scavenging, Hyenas have an important part to play. Cleaning up the veld, preventing the spread of diseases through rotting meat, benefiting new growth by reducing bones to a fine powder which return minerals to the soil.


Weaker herbivores are effectively removed by the Hyena's hunting method and this improves the general health of the hunted species.  The Giraffe on these photo's took an average of 16 Hyenas two days demolish.  They have well developed carnassials that can cut through thick hide and tendons.  The most powerful jaws of all mammals.


Hyenas act as hosts to certain tapeworm species, (through their bone eating habits) the larval stage which occurs in herbivores bone marrow.  Without the work done by the Hyena the Eco system will be severely disrupted and  diseases abundant.  Imagine an area like the Kruger or Serengeti with weak, sick etc. animals..... not a picture to behold.


Before hunting / rushing an animal, the prey is scattered and then studied for any signs of weakness.  Although a Hyena can go for several days without eating they can eat up to 15kg at one sitting.  They are not dependant on water as enough moisture is obtained from the prey.  All easy prey is captured even new born young.  Hyenas are very curious animals and investigate anything, tagging lions and wild dogs.  They have exceptional eyesight, even in poor light and sense of smell is well developed.

The Alpha female rules the clan.  A clan where females belong to for life. Males are much smaller and do not belong to the clan but they can usually be seen close to the clan where they keep their distance.  They are submissive and will even run away from a young cub.  The Alpha female's cub will usually take over the clan and the mother's rank.

It  was always thought that the female has male genitals and can not be told apart from the male Hyena.  Studies throughout the years have proved this to be a myth.  The female has an erectile clitoris and a false scrotum which is filled with fat. The females psueudoscrotum is not as deeply lobed as the male and has more hair.  It is thought that this is due to the high level of testosterone level in female fetus development stages.  This could also explain their dominating aggressiveness.  A female will usually have milk throughout the year, so her teats will be visible.  Hyenas have a "greeting" ceremony whereby the sniff and lick the genitals.

Hyena's can scavenge food from lions, (except when the male is present).....

leopard, cheetah and smaller carnivores.


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