
Hyena facts


Africa's second largest  Predator ....  

This website (mostly) contains information regarding the Spotted Hyena : 

(Crocuta crocuta).  


Hyaenidae  : These pages are dedicated to the Hyena family, especially the Spotted Hyena 

Note: spelling of" "Hyena" differs from country to country , from dictionary to dictionary.

The treatment and hatred for these animals are usually due to a lack of knowledge.  During visit's to the Kruger National Park and other areas I've observed visitors chasing them off the road and even going as far as to hit them with objects.  Treating these carnivores with contempt and utter disgust, not understanding the important role the hyena family plays in the natural ecology. 

Keep in mind that all animals  have their own function in the eco system and must never be judged by our standards or morals, (which is questionable at times), but each animal was created to fulfill a specific need and should one investigate  closer, these and other  animals are actually just performing their duty as well as contributing to  the survival  of another species.

Nature has it's own way of  taking care of  all kinds of species and it has always been perfect.  Man has disrupted nature in one way or another, for the survival of it's own. As wildlife and wildlife areas diminishes all over the world, we have a duty to protect and manage the remainder of our wildlife, in it's natural and free state.  Management starts with each and everyone and even as most have a love for a specific species, they are all interlinked and in some way  dependant on each  another.

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