Our Community
Kempton Park Orlando Florida
OUR PRIORITIES (as we stated before the election)
1. Audit of the books.
The bus.  For those who have a child waiting outside (we sympathize).
Visitor Counter
"Awareness & getting the right information is our right.   Being objective defines our intelligence."  FA More --->
News Update
Thank you for the candidates who were not retained on Saturday 18th, but helped:  Miguel Serrano; Gabriel Di Tullio; Lucy Romero; Juana Concha.
To them we say: "Stay involved, we'll need your help."
Thank you Juana Concha for your translations in Spanish.

Join the "Kempton Park Orlando Florida" group on Windows Live:  Discussions; Links; Calendar; Pictures; Documents.
Kempton Park is a community of 294 homes.
The community businesses I sponsor
Add your business: email us links; logos; pictures.
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Homeowners meetings: Minutes.
This page is maintainned by Flavio Antonino
Your questions
Tu no estas solo!
Important Deadlines:
Management companies, contact us by July 1st for your bids at: [email protected]
Immediate Action required:
Misc help
Kempton Park (your neighbourgs)
Yard Work (Good prices) - Call Stacy at 407-574-2010
Past Commentaries
NeAn Services announced verbally their willingness to remain with us for another 60 days, during the Friday 15th of May Board meeting.

Management companies considered as of May 14th '09:
Soundview Property Management, Inc. (Cover letter - Bid available)
Community management specialists Inc. (Bid available)
RealManage (Bid available)
Sentry Management Inc. (Agreement page1; page2; page3; page4 - Bid available)
To all other collaborators, THANK YOU !
Carmen Aristizabal
Silvana Huayamares
Alfredo Solano
Kelly Nistal
Rose Fenelon
Miguel Alvarez
Carlos Bocanegra
Jorge Duarte
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Survey:Tell us what is important to you!
My behavior.  by Flavio Antonino
Puerto Rico
Section 3. Removal. Any director may be removed from the board, with or without cause, by a majority vote of the members of the Association. In the event of death, resignation of removal of a director, his successors shall be selected by the remaining members of the Board and shall serve for the unexpired term of his predecessor.
Quote of the month: see below
For your information
Majority of members = 148
Member = Homeowner
Board Meeting of Saturday July 11th 09, was never posted.
Location: Playground
Time: 2pm
Agenda: 1) Guest parking area; 2) Amend the towing rules; 3) Committee for the selection of a management company to report their findings.
Garage sale.
Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th of June.
The board did not address this issue as of yet.  For stickers to enter the gate, you may contact NeAn Services until July 14th:
[email protected]
Questions April 2009
Annual Kempton Park Garage Sale: Homeowners will need to register. The HOA will get permits from the county.  The sale will be posted.  The gate will remain open during the event.
How to register:
- Using the sign-up sheet when posted.
- Email:
[email protected]
- Email:
[email protected]
- Call NeAn services: 407-856-7900
or email:
[email protected]
Saturday May 2nd
Friday May 1st:  An unproductive meeting. About 40 residents attended.  The meeting started 10 minutes late at the gate house.  Everyone present agreed to conduct all future regular meetings at the playground. The 5 members of the board were present. The president openned the meeting.  The 3 agenda topics were presented.  Some residents felt that some topics were irrelevant to the needs of the community.  1)  The audit of the the books with the present $6500 estimate was rejected at this time until we come up with 3 grounded bids.  However, all 5 board members agreed to a necessary audit2) Due to the unsufficient number of bids presented, the selection of a new management company was postponned until May 15th. There was a mention of a possible loss of insurance coverage for our community, that could prevent us for hiring another management company.  The board needs to verify this situation, as this could mean a grave position to all of us.  3) One bid regarding our legal representation was presented.  In part due to the huge cost of transitioning to a different legal firm, the option of change was rejected.  The Homeowners present were outraged to such cost.  And by an overwhelming show of hands helped in the decision. We will remain with the same firm at this time.
Then the meeting turned into
chaos.  A board member stated an abuse by another.   Fierce arguments went back and forth.  I had to call the meeting adjourned.  And this is all the information I have at this time.  As I left the meeting arround 8:20pm. However, many remained.  The minutes of this meeting recorded by NeAn services, will be available as soon as approved by the board.
My comments on this meeting
Dominican Republic
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May 31st Financial statements - Click the icon to open
Survey results as of May 15th '09.
-  Bus back inside the community:  001
-  Lower the fees:  004
-  Keep the police: 001
-  Manage the budget without loans:  001

Read the comments
Flag of Morroco
Approved Minutes of the May 1st meeting
Pictures of the meeting April 23rd 09
En Espanol
Call your neighbourg Sergio
Do we have anyone doing this anymore? Maria, I believe has volunteered.
There are several issues in the neighborhood.
1. Fair Meadows property with a fence down.
2. Fair Meadows prperty with a truck full of junk in the driveway.
3. Dozens of homes in need of trimming and edging.
4. Epson Oaks has an entire fence down from the storm the other day. I
hope someone informs them the the replacement needs to be vinyl ONLY.
5. Now the rain is back and hopefully the dead grass on several lots will
improve, if not letters need to be sent out.
6. Window treatments. We have rules and some owners just don't care.
7. Commercial vehicles in the hood. Taxi's? Not allowed anytime......
8. Trash and trash cans, garbage in the yard for days before pick up.....

These are just the few in mind at the moment. If we want to keep up we
must try to stay ahead....
Please forward to the current board for them to address if possible....

This comment was posted on Windows Live, at the end of May, by a homeowner.
Comment was also forwarded to all board members & NeAn Services.
Kempton Park HOA
Board of Directors Meeting
May 15th 2009
Approved Meeting Minutes: Click Here
Avon Products; Jewelry; etc...: 407-267-0942
June 4, 2009

Mrs. Anita Baily
Ne-An Services, Inc.
PO. Box 770446
Orlando, FL. 32877

Dear: Anita Baily

Request the records of all the contracts and any bids.
Read the letter sent June 4th, 2009
The original was signed by the 3 board members listed, making the document an official request (according to the bylaws)
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Gracias senora Juana Concha por el Espanol
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Thursday June 4th 2009
Currently, Mr. Bhatti (our treasurer) is in communication with a management company that believes possible to reduce expenses (therefore the homeowners fees) by 30% and maintain high standarts for our community.  More info will come forth after his next meeting with them next week.  FA
Pedido de Registros
Single family homes for rent
An annual Audit was the responsibility of the treasurer.
For your information
"cause an annual audit of the Association books to be made by a public accountant at the completion of each fiscal year;"
Tuesday June 9th
Mr .Bhatti met with the stated management company: the previously hoped outcome after consideration is not feeseable.  That company is not a good choice.  FA
Wednesday June 10th
Mr. Bhatti & my self met with another company (Sentry management).  The meeting was very informative.  The
30% reduction in fees promised by the previous company cannot be achieved until our HOA gets out of the black & into the greenOur financial situation must be controlled. Sentry is a very objective company & is our first choice to replace Ne-An services.  FA
Friday June 26th
Board meeting took place at the playground 7-8:45pm.  No agenda had been posted.  We however proceeded.  About 35 were present.  4 out of 5 board members were present.  The minutes from the previous meeting (May 15th) were approved.  The next meeting date was selected to address the guest parking & the towing rules.  The management company even though not on the agenda had to be addressed since NeAn Services is still as of today working for us on a temporary/conditional basis.  Mr. Bhatti mentioned the current research on the company selection.  Orlando Perez proposed the creation of a committee to review the proposed (4) estimates.  5 homeowners volunteered for the committee.  NeAn Services will also propose a bid as soon as their situation regarding their legal implication is resolved:  According to them, they cannot put themselves in jeopardy while a board member does not comply with the HOA rules.  Knowing that homeowners are currently working to remove board members, as soon as the 148 ballots are collected, they will submit their bid.  A homeowner stated that they were short 10 ballots.  The meeting then moved to open forum.  Questions & Answers session started.
Minutes of the meeting will be posted as soon as they are approved.  Minutes were never submitted for approval.
Thursday June 11th
  Mr Bhatti & I met with Ne-An services.  We are setting up a meeting with our attorney. 
The situation for Kempton Park is dangerous.
The previous board did keep Kempton maintainned.  We do not need emergency repairs as all was taken care of.
  However, our reserves are almost inexistant or totaly unsufficient to counter any surprise damages.
  Homehowners will be getting a letter stating that
fees must be paid.
  If we do not bring back our financial situation to manageable level,
we could face being placed under receivership.
  The expenses then would become very high for each one of us homeowners.  Believe me, we don't want to go there.
  If the fees are collected on time, we will then be able to reduce expenses and therefore the fees (This is still our ultimate long range goal).
  Until then dear neighbour,
July 19, 2009
Kempton Park Home Owners Association
Orlando, FL. 32837
Dear Officers of the board of Directors:
Please, accept as of this day of July 19th, 2009, my resignation to the positions of: Secretary & Director of the board.
I hope you will understand my decision.  To the homeowners who elected me, I apologize for not acting on their vote of confidence.
Flavio Antonino
Next board meeting? Will it be posted?  The management company should manage the posting & write the minutes (this is one of the things they get paid for, or not?).  They do have the keys of the post board or not?
Do we have a management company?
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