Final Fantasy X Celestial Weapons

Tidus' Caladbolg

Acquire Weapon: Go to the Calm Lands and win all the races regarding chocobo training. Then head to the NorthWest corner of the Calm Lands and there will be a way down to a ledge. Search around the wall and you should get the weapon.

Acquire Sun Crest: In the Yevon Dome where you fight Lady Yunalesca. Go around in loops a bit and you should see the treasure chest.

Acquire Sun Sigil: Challenge the Chocobo Trainer to the race and get a time lower than 0:0:0. Yes, it is possible.

Final Weapon Modifications: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive Evade & Counter, and Magic Counter

Auron's Masamune

Acquire Weapon: Retrieve the Rusty Sword from the area next to the Chamber of the Stolen Fayth. It's on the opposing side of the map. Head to Mushroom Rock Road and go to the route which was earlier blocked. There'll be a green blip on the map to help guide you. Insert the sword into the statue and you should obtain the Masamune.

Acquire Mars Crest: Mi'ihen Highroad. Should be down a road which starts near the entrance to Mushroom Rock Road.

Acquire Mars Sigil: You can aquire the Mars Sigil by capturing 10 Monsters of 10 different species, in 10 different regions.

Final Weapon Modifications: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, First Strike, and Counterattack

Rikku's GodHand

Acquire Weapon: Input "GODHAND" as the password on the airship. THen search the new location available.

Acquire Mercury Crest: In a treasure chest to northwest in the area just before where Home is.

Acquire Mercury Sigil: Complete the Cactuar mini-game in Sanubia Desert and search in the area that was once protected by a sandstorm.

Final Weapon Modifications: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Double AP, and Gillionaire

Yuna's Nirvana

Acquire Weapon: Capture at least one of each type of monster in the Calm Lands.

Acquire Moon Crest: Besaid Ilsand at the beach. You need to swim east a bit and it should be in a little corner by itself.

Acquire Moon Sigil: Defeat all the Aeons available in the game at Remiem Temple and send Belgemine to the Farplane.

Final Weapon Modifications: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Double AP, and One MP Cost

Kimahri's Spirit Lance

Acquire Weapon: In the Thunder Plains pray to three cactuar drawings on those glowing stones. Then at the Southern part of the plains follow the Cactuar ghost and it should lead you to the Lance.

Acquire Saturn Crest: A little beyond where you fought Seymour there will be a few pillars along the walls. The crest is between one of those pillars.

Acquire Saturn Sigil: Successfully catch all the Blue Butterflies in the butterfly catching game in Macalania Woods.

Final Weapon Modifications: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Double AP, and Evade & Counter

Lulu's Onion Knight

Acquire Weapon: Appears in Baaj Temple after defeating that fish that tried to devour Tidus in the beginning of the game. Search in a corner on the opposing side from Anima's Shrine.

Acquire Venus Crest: Search the Farplane.

Acquire Venus Sigil: Dodge 200 lightning bolts in a row on the Thunder Plains. Do not leave the screen or save the game. Afterwards, return to Rin's Agency and check the treasure chest.

Final Weapon Modifications: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Magic Booster, and One MP Cost

Wakka's World Champion

Acquire Weapon: Win 5 blitzball games and then visit the bartender in Luca.

Acquire Jupiter Crest: Look in the lockers in the Besaid Auroch's locker room.

Acquire Jupiter Sigil: After winning all of Wakka's overdrives, this will be a prize for winning a League Game.

Final Weapon Modifications: Break Damage Limit, Triple OverdriveDouble AP, and Evade & Counter


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