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My day in NRK(Norwegian National Broadcasting)

There are some people who still need to work in Christmas holiday. My Norwegian uncle is one of them.

Today is the 26th of December, 2001, a clear day. But it is still very cold in Oslo, I think outside it is just -13C. I wear my Christmas gift - a knitted cap with Norwegian traditional pattern to go to NRK where my Norwegian uncle works.


I used to be very interested in making radio programs when I was at the university in China. My Norwegian uncle knows that, so he decides to bring me to his Studio for one day.

Though we have TVs and computers now, I still believe that radio is popular everywhere in the world, . It is

another kind of art. You just need several pieces of music, several pieces of sound and the voice from one person, then you can draw a 'picture' for the listeners. Dramatic, definitely!

I stay with uncle in the Studio ( the picture above) for nearly 45 minutes, to see how he works on that complicated broadcasting equipment and sends the live program to the whole Norway. He also shows me the old broadcasting equipment ( the picture above) which is still kept in their Studio.

When I went back to uncle's office, I found an interesting 'bag' there which I am holding in the picture on the left side. It is a very heavy bag. Uncle told me that this is a "Nagra" - a portable tape-recorder used by NRK reporters to make interviews outside. It is old but still can work very stably, the only shortcoming is that is too heavy to carry, at least for me it is...

The day is getting dark around at 5:00pm, but uncle said from the day when I came to Norway, it would be a little bit lighter each day. :)

I am hungry now. It is time to go for a great dinner...

More information about NRK: And here you also can listen to their programs via Internet. Hope you understand Norwegian! ;)

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