Zeba woke up with an amazing headache.Without remembering what had happened she turned on her side and opened her eyes,but to her surprise she could see no thing at all.She rubbed her eyes once again but still had to confess she wasn’t able to see.It took her all her power to get up on her knees but when she had finally made it she brought her hand forward,feeling a hard,cold wall under her fingers.Only at that moment all the events of that past day came back to her slowly and she started to panick.That guy had kidnapped her!She was sure about it and realized where she probably was : at Paul’s house.
Zeba laid down again,not knowing what to do.She wanted to scream for help but knew that if she really was in Paul’s power she would get punished for her behaviour.On the other hand she had nothing to lose.Maybe she was alone and then the chance would be big that a passer-by or anything would notice her.Zeba decided to take the risk and started to scream on the top of her lungs.She had been shouting and yelling for several minutes when finally a door opened.Zeba had to close her eyes for the light filling the room,not used to the brightness after being inside that dark room for so long.
“What is it,you little bitch!?”a male voice shouted back and Zeba winced at the words.She recognized the voice as Paul’s and moved away from the shadow in front of her slighty but it had no use.Paul made his way over to the girl and sat down next to her,pulling her head back on her hair with one fast movement.
“Huh,what is it?Do you miss your boyfriend or what?”Paul hissed in her ear.
“What do you want from me?”Zeba asked in pure fear and Paul laughed evily.
“All I want is you babe,nothing more,nothing less.Don’t you find me saying that the most perfect sign of my love for you?I need you Zeba.But first I’ll give you the chance to get some sleep.I want you fit and healthy.”
Paul let go of Zeba’s hair and stood up again before he left the room.Zeba watched as the last ray of light disappeared and the room filled with darkness once again.She sighed tearfully and rested her head in her arms,wishing the lads would find her before it was too late…

In the meantime the police had arrived after the lads had tried to reach Zeba at home and at the headquarters but they soon found out that she was nowhere to be found.To J it was no surprise.He was sitting in a quiet corner of the building,watching some policemen running around in a hurry.Everyone that had been in the room when he had told Zeba’s secret had reacted in a very shocked but still extremely supportive way and that knowledge made J feel a little better.He knew he could count on his friends but he wished that their support didn’t have to necesary and that Zeba was back in the safety of his arms.But J knew he had to stay strong for Zeba.He wouldn’t be able to help her if he acted like a nervous wreck.
At that moment his mobile phone started to ring.The whole room turned towards him,hopeful looks being exchanged.A policeman started a machine,were all cell-and nomal telephones had been connected to,and gave J the thumbs up.J grabbed his mobile and answered it,not able to keep his voice very steady at that moment.
J recognize the voice instantly as Zeba’s and he yelled back”Zeba,are you there!?Are you alright!?”
“J…please…you need to help me.”
Only at that moment J realized she was crying hysterically and he asked panicking”Where are you?Zeba come on,tell me!”
“I…I don’t know.I’m just so scared.Paul got me J.I’m so afraid he’ll hurt me.”
J looked up at the agent,who made a sign to continue talking,and said”Babe,you gotta stay calm.We’ll find you.I promise you Zeba,you just gotta trust me.”
“J please,get me out of here.”Zeba begged.
J bit his lower lip and whispered back”I will,even if it’s the last thing I will do.”
“I love you.”
J smiled sadly hearing those words.”And I love you.We will get you out of there soon.”
At that second one of the policemen yelled”We’ve got her!”
J looked up in relieve and turned his attention back to Zeba.
“Baby,the police will be there in a few minutes.They know where you are.Stay strong.Promise me you will.”
“I promise you.”And with that the connection ended.J listened to the beeping on the other end for a few seconds before he hung up,too.Sean made his way over to J and said gently”Good job,mate.”
J sighed deeply,then said”Let’s just hope they will find her soon.”

Paul pulled the telephone out of Zeba’s hands after she had hung up on J and stated”Good work my dear.But now we gotta go again.We can’t let them find you here,right?It’s not part of the game.”
He pulled Zeba to her feet and dragged her out of the room towards a waiting car.He pushed her in the backseat before he joined her there,too,and the car sped away.
The ride went on in silence for a little while,the only thing that could be heard Zeba’s soft sobbing.She felt miserable,her cheeks burning from Paul’s beating.Zeba looked up and stared out of the window,hoping that someone outside would see her tearstained face and would call the police,but she knew that her chances weren’t very big.
Only then she noticed that the locks of the car were still open.Zeba brought a shaking hand towards the doorhandle and grabbed it.She knew she had to wait for a good moment before opening the door,perhaps when they were waiting in front of a traffic light.That moment soon came and right at the second the car stopped Zeba swung the door open.Paul noticed everything right in time and pulled Zeba back inside,closing the door and locking it right away.He gave the girl a huge blow in the face and shouted”You bloody slut!Thinking you can escape,right!?Well,let me tell you,you won’t be able to do that anymore!”
Paul pulled a piece of rope from the pocket of his trousers and grabbed Zeba’s arms,tying her wrists together roughly.Zeba winced,the feeling of the rope cutting her skin hurting terribly,but Paul wasn’t feeling guilty about her treatment.He just got another item from his pocket and Zeba realized it was a gag.He tied to piece of cloth over her mouth,preventing her from saying anything at all.When he had finally finished,Paul inspected his work and smiled in a very satisfied way,knowing that his victim had no chance again to flee in any way or form…


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