J was sitting at home,staring in the distance.The police had escorted him and Sean home while some other agents had gone to find Zeba and even though J had begged them to take him with them,they had clearly forbidden it because it was far too dangerous.They had no clue on what to find at the place where Zeba had been calling from and could certainly not use the help of an emotionally involved person.
Although the police had gotten a clear signal from Zeba�s phonecall,they had already informed J that it could have been a false alarm and that it could have been possible for the kidnappers to force Zeba to call to put the police on a dead track.J tried to stay positive but after all of Zeba�s stories about Paul he too found the whole thing more than strange.He knew Paul wouldn�t let her go that easily,after all he saw her as his property.J just sat there pondering,watching his mobile phone laying in front of him and hoping that he would hear Zeba�s voice telling him she was alright in a few minutes.
At that moment Sean entered the room and questioned�And you really have got no clue where she could be?�
J shook his head sadly.�I wish I had Sean but she never told me the details about her past.I don�t know where Paul lives cuz if I knew I would have already been there.�
But while J was saying it an idea crossed his mind.He remembered that night when he and Zeba had gone out for dinner and then drove through a street where Paul�s car had been parked.J looked up at Sean and suddenly stated�I think I know where she is.�
The most surprised look J had ever seen crossed Sean�s face and he stammered�What�what are you saying?�
�I know where she is.�
But before Sean had the chance to ask anything J jumped up and pulled Sean to his feet as well,almost dragging him out of the room.The two mates walked downstairs in a rush towards J�s car and within seconds they were on their way.
�J,where are we going?�Sean asked and J stated�To some neighbourhood where we spotted Paul�s car a few days ago.She must be there.�
�But shouldn�t you have waited for the police to call first?Perhaps the phonecall was real and they might have found her already.�
�Listen Sean,Paul isn�t that stupid.And it�ll be too late for Zeba if we wait for the police.They are at the whole other end of London,how long do you think will it take them to come here?�
Sean sighed deeply.He understood J but felt that they were risking too much. They arrived in the quiet street soon and J immediatly noticed the same car Zeba had seen.J parked his car at the side of the street and turned the lights and engine off,watching the house intensly for some movements.He and Sean must have been there for almost 20 minutes when suddenly the frontdoor of the building opened and a man stepped outside,lighting a sigaret. �I know him.�Sean suddenly muttered and J asked in total surprise�What!?But how!?�
�He is the one that tried to kidnap Zeba.�
�Are you sure about that?�
�Yes,I am.�
That was enough for J to open up the cardoor and step outside.
�J,what are you doing?�
�Solving this whole thing right now.You stay here and call the police.�
�But J��Sean asked in shock but J interupted him.�No Sean.I don�t care what will happen to me but I need to make sure to get that girl out of there.Now,don�t follow me,just stay here.I�ll see you in a minute.�
And with that J was gone.Sean turned around in his seat to watch as J crossed the street and hid behind some bushes in the frontgarden of the house.As the man turned his back towards J he ran over to him and with some immense power J hit the guy in the head.The man tried to defend himself but after holding the anger in for so long it took J only a few more punches to get the guy knocked out.As soon as the guy was out J stood up and walked through the open door,inside the dark house.There were some stairs in front of him and J decided to get upstairs first.He had a strong feeling they were keeping Zeba there and definitely not in in the livingroom where she had enough oportunities to flee.When J arrived at the end of the stairway he found a small hall with doors to his left and right and he just tried to first one on his left side.That door was closed and he sweared quietly.Suddenly he realized he had the best chances to find Zeba when calling for her,although that was pretty risky.He had no clue whether that guy outside had been the only one or that Paul was somewhere near,too.J decided to risk it,though,and he softly called�Zeba,are you there?�
No answer and he walked over to another door to try again.After he had called for several more times he suddenly heard something,a soft muttering.
�Zeba?�he asked again,this time a little louder.Now the sound could be heard again but clearer and J tried to open the door,only to find out that it was locked.He took a few steps back,knowing that if he really wanted to get inside he needed to force the door open.Then he ran right into the door,ramming the wood with all his might and to his surprise he almost flew inside.J needed a few seconds to get used to the darkness in the room but then he was able to see a gagged and almost naked Zeba sitting on the floor.J smiled in pure happiness and kneeled down next to his girlfriend,pulling her into a hug.
�Baby,are you alright?�
But J was too lost in happiness to notice she wasn�t looking at him but at a shadow in the entrance of the door.Suddenly something rushed through the air and hit J right in the head with some great power.Zeba screamed in her gag as J fell lifeless to the floor,blood gushing out of a massive wound in his head.At that moment Paul stepped inside,holding a bloody bat.
�Doesn�t your boyfriend know it takes two to tango?�he questioned laughing while he stared down at the body.Zeba turned her head away in pure horror as Paul kicked J in the head a few more times,obviously not wanting him to wake up ever again.When he was finished he grabbed Zeba by the shoulders and ripped her gag away from her face.She thankfully took a deep breath when Paul threw the cloth to the other end of the room and then sat down next to Zeba,right at the place J had been sitting too only a few seconds ago.
�Alright,now your boyfriend�s dead,let�s have some fun.�he exclaimed while laughing bitterly�


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