“Have you gone mad!?You can’t just pick up some girl from the street and let her stay here!You don’t even know her for hell’s sake!She might be some criminal or prostitute…or even a crazy fan who’s telling you all these lies to get your sympathy!”
Zeba listened to the shouts coming from the corridor while she pulled the blanket over her head. J’s friend Sean had found out about her only a few minutes ago and he had demanded an explanation from J.
“Listen Sean!She needs help!She was asleep in the pouring rain and totally scared!I’m just trying to help a human being!”J yelled back.
“I want you to kick her out of the house right NOW!”
“No way!She won’t leave!If you don't have the guts to take care of someone,why don’t YOU just fuck of!”
At those words Zeba stood up and walked to the corridor.She looked at J and softly whispered”Listen J,I’ll go.It’s alright.I don’t want you to fight over me so I’ll just leave right now.”
“No,the problem’s already solved,right Sean?”J replied while shooting his friends a cold glare.Sean stared back at him,totally pissed,but then turned around and left to the kitchen. Zeba sighed deeply.She hated arguments and felt guilty for being the cause of a huge row between two friends.J turned back to Zeba and asked”Since you’re up anyway,would you like a cup of tea?”
She nodded quietly,still shocked about the whole argument,and followed him to the kitchen… Time past by and soon it became dark again outside.Zeba enjoyed staying in the warm and save house but knew she couldn’t stay with the guys forever and so she decided to leave.J had told her to stay that night cuz he thought it was too dangerous to let her go outside again all alone,although Sean had again started an argument,but Zeba wasn’t very happy with that idea.She was planning on sneaking out of the house that night so she wouldn’t hurt anyone with her departure.She really did like the lads and hated to leave but there was no other solution for her.Sean didn’t liked her anyway and one day he and J would find out about her past and that was the last thing she wanted.
“You ready to go to bed?”J asked her softly.Zeba nodded in agreement and J continued with”I want you to stay in my bed tonight.I’ll sleep on the sofa.”
She looked at him surprised,thinking her whole plan would fall apart.He’d probably wake up if she left but she had to give it a try.It was her only chance.And so she just went to bed.J gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek and whispered a soft “goodbye” before he also left to go to bed.As soon as the lights in the livingroom went out she grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil she had found on J’s nightstand and wrote:

Dear J,

Thank you so much for caring for me.Without you I’d probably still walk outside in the rain. Unfortunatly I can’t stay here.I’ll try to find a shelter were I can stay until I find a job and a place to live again.Please,don’t try to find me.It’s better like this. I really apprechiate you’re help and care but I’m just not worth the effort. Stay how you are cuz you’re the nicest person I’ve ever met and probably ever will meet.

After writing the short message she put her clothes on and opened the door of the bedroom.She could feel her heart beating faster and faster as she walked to the livingroom.Zeba listened to J’s breath for a few seconds before she dropped the piece of paper on the coffeetable and turned around again.She sighed deeply,knowing she would never ever see J again,and walked over to the frontdoor.She grabbed the doorknob and…at that moment the light went on and she could see J sitting on the couch.Zeba was so shocked she let go of the doorknob right away and did a few steps to the side.
“You’re leaving?”J asked.
Zeba had no clue how to react on that question and so she just stared back at the large man in front of her.He stood up and walked over to her.
“Weren’t you planning on saying goodbye?”
The tone in J’s voice was scaring the girl as hell and she backed away from him. He reached for her,not noticing the horror in Zeba’s eyes,and grabbed her hand. “No!Let go of me!Don’t hurt me!Please,don’t hurt me!”she at once yelled in total fear.J pulled his hand back,not knowing what he had done wrong.After all he just tried to help her. “What’s up with you?I don’t want to hurt you!”J shouted at her worried.She started to tremble unstopable and burst out in a fit of hysterical crying.J was shocked.He had no clue what to do to calm the girl in front of him down,except for putting a hand on her shoulder in a very gentle way and to whisper”I…I didn’t mean to scare you or anything.”
“They raped me!”Zeba at once yelled.After months of holding the pain and anger inside of her she finally had the curage to express her true feelings.She didn’t mean to show it to a total stranger but it felt good to let everything out.J was too shocked to say something.From the first time he had seen her he had the feeling there was more going on than what she wanted to tell him,he just hadn’t been able figure out what and the last thing he had expected to hear from Zeba was that she had been raped.In the meantime the girl was sitting on the floor,her head in her hands and sobbing loudly.J sat down next to her and pulled her in his arms and finally Zeba’s crying subsided a little.
“Will you tell what’s going on now?”
Zeba nodded in reply and finally she had enough strength to tell J all about her problems...


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