Zeba woke up in a warm and cosy bed,tightly wrapped up in some soft sheets.She sighed softly before she turned on her side and went back to sleep again.Only then she noticed a strong arm around her waist and she jerked away from the hand.Shocked she opened her eyes and was even more surprised to see J laying next to her on the pillow.He still was asleep,softly snorring and breathing deeply.Zeba looked at him for a few seconds and then realized he wasn�t wearing anything but boxers.She smiled as she admired his body but soon the incidents of the past day came to her again.Zeba slowly remembered what she had told the stranger who was now laying next to her on the bed.Noone knew about her life and now this cute guy knew her biggest secrets.After she had told J about the bad life her ex had forced her to live,she was scared J would kick her out of the house,mainly because she always told herself it was her own fault that her ex-boyfriend did all that stuff to her.But then the opposite happened.J almost forced her to stay with him and Sean,even promised her to get her a job as soon as possible.He had told her she could stay until she got her life on the tracks again but Zeba wan�t sure about that.She was scared Sean wouldn�t like the idea one bit and that the whole thing would end up in a huge arguement but J just assured her that that wan�t going to happen and for once in her life she decided just to let go and listen to someone else.And so she ended up with J in one bed.
In the meantime J had opened his eyes and was staring at Zeba.She had a frown on her face while she was staring into space,obviously thinking about everyting she had told him. �You alright?�he softly whispered at Zeba.
�What!?�she yelled in shock.She hadn�t noticed yet that J was already awake and was pulled back into reality again by his sudden words.
�Are you okay?�J repeated.Zeba nodded absently but then smiled weakly. �I was just thinking a little about everything.It�s not very easy to tell your whole life story to a stranger.�She shrugged her shoulders while she turned around and stood up from the bed.
�Is it alright with you if I take a shower?�
�Sure,go ahead.You know where the bathroom is,right?�
Zeba nodded her head and then left,leaving a worried J behind�

�Sean,I have to talk to you.�J announced as soon as he entered the kitchen.Sean looked up,still kinda sleepy,and asked�What is it?�J poured some coffee into a cup and sat down next to his friend with a deep sigh.
�Something�s happened last night,something important.�
�Has it got something to do with that stalker of yours that�s living in our house right now?�
J shot Sean a look but decided not to argue.
�Yes,it is and I want you to let me finish before you say something.�
Sean shrugged his shoulders and replied�Fine with me.�
�Alright then,I told her to stay here a bit longer.�
Sean�s face was getting red with anger and annoyance.�You did what!?You really lost your mind,right!?Picking up girls you don�t know and then let them stay here without discussing it with me!Nice friend you are!It seems like that bitch took that last bit of intellect away from you!�
�Now let me finish!She has been through an awful lot recently and if I can help her to make her feel a bit better,I will!�J yelled back.
�Alright,fine!But don�t expect me to help you when you�re into trouble again,J!And don�t even think that I will start to like her either,cuz I won�t!And anyway,where does she have to stay!?We only have two bedrooms!�
�She can sleep on the couch or on the floor in my room!We might even share a bed,or do you mind about that,too!?�
Sean rolled his eyes and shook his head wildly.�I�m getting sick of your childish behaviour!� �Good,cuz I�m getting sick of yours,too!�
At that moment Zeba arrived again,immediatly noticing the tension in the room.She looked at both men for a second before she said�Sean,I�m not a bad person.Maybe that�s what you think,but that�s wrong.I wish you would give me a chance to prove myself so you can see I�m not the girl you think I am.�
Sean sighed.Maybe he really was too shallow but he was just scared that something bad would happen.None of them knew the girl and perhaps she was just using them to get famous or to get attention.Suddenly he nodded and then spoke up�Alright,I�m willing to give you three days.If nothing happens by then,you can stay.But I�m warning you;if you aren�t the person you say you are,you are in big trouble.�
Zeba smiled happily and whispered�Thank you so much.And I promis you you won�t be disappointed.�

Zeba soon felt at home with J and Sean and although Sean was kinda cold towards her in the beginning,he eventually started to like Zeba.She was funny and sweet,and he had to admit that her character was totally different from what he had expected.
Soon the three days were over and to both Zeba�s and J�s surprise Sean told them that she could stay until she had found a job and a new place to live.
He really liked her company but wasn�t planning on becoming her lover,for more than one reason.He knew the two of them wouldn�t be a great couple,just because their personalities were too different,but there was something else going on,too,something even more important:Sean noticed that J was falling for her.As J�s best mate he could clearly see that he was extremely attracted to Zeba but just too shy to tell her his true feelings.And that was his next big challence,to hook his best friend up with their new flatmate�


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