Zeba sat at a desk in the lads’ apartment,staring out of the window every now and then.It had been almost a month since her first encounter with J and Sean and since the day she was living with them she felt happier than ever before.After a few days with her new-found friends they had told her about their job and Zeba had been more than a little surprised to find out that her flatmates were part of Britain’s biggest popgroup.And that was when the tabloids found out about her staying with the two Fivers.At first it were just speculations but soon everyone knew for sure that Zeba was a new occupant.Rumours varied from her being either J or Sean’s girlfriend to a girl they were “sharing”.Although the guys told her that the tabloids’ interest would soon fade,Zeba felt terrified by all the sudden attention.If she had only realized in how many danger she really was…

East London…

It was already late in the afternoon and Bill,the owner of a kiosk in the City,was closing his stand down after a busy day when suddenly a dark car pulled up.A tall man with short black hair and sunglasses on walked right over to Bill and said”I’d like The Sun,please.”
“I’m sorry but I’m closing down,Sir.”
But the man wasn’t taking “no” for an answer and he grabbed Bill by the collar of his shirt and pushed him against a wall.
“Listen to me old man.I said I want a Sun.Now,go get it for me.”the stranger hissed in his ear.Bill just nodded quietly,scared by the sudden attack.He handed the newspaper over to the man,who just took it and walked away without even paying a penny.Bill didn’t mind,though.He was rushing to get home…
The stranger sat down in his carseat,immediatly opening the paper and turning over the pages until he was staring at the gossip about the “stars”.The first thing he noticed was a huge picture of a darkhaired girl,then the headline that said”Five’s new roommate!” The man grabbed his mobile phone and dailed a number.
“Hello?”a voice on the other side of the line answered.The man smiled evily before he replied”Chris,I think we found her…”

J,Sean and Zeba had just decided to go home after a night of heavy clubbing and now they were walking down the street,laughing about eachother’s jokes.
“He did not look like that!”Zeba yelled mid-sentence but Sean shook his head.
“Oh,he looked even worse!Maybe like the rear-end of a pig,or better,an elefant!”
“Oh shut it!”
Suddenly Zeba noticed a black car at the end of the road.The driver was sitting behind the stirring-wheel,watching every of their moves.Only then she realized the car had been following them all evening,at first at the restaurant they had been eating,then at the club and now at their house.Zeba grabbed J’s hand for support and the rapper looked up in surprise.
“Are you alright?”he asked but Zeba shook her head.
“We are being followed.”
J took a look around,then asked”Is it that black car?”
Sean turned around to his mates after hearing their conversation.He too had noticed the car all evening but he had been sure it was just a paparazzi,ready to take a few revealing pictures of the trio.
“Listen,it’s probably just a reporter.You shouldn’t worry so much.”J said,shrugging the odd feeling off.
“But…”Zeba started but Sean interupted her.
“J’s right,Zeba.It’s just a reporter.We’re used to all the attention but for you it’s totally new so I understand that it scares you sometimes.”
Zeba shrugged her shoulders.The guys were probably right,although their words weren’t taking any of the awful feeling inside of her away…


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