“Lisa,do you have a minute?”J asked as he entered a small room in Five’s “headquarters”.
“Of course J.What’s up?”a girl sitting at a table asked.
“I want you to meet Zeba,our roommate.”J replied while pulling Zeba also inside the room.Lisa stood up and offered Zeba her hand,which she shook politely.Zeba looked at the petite blonde in front of her before her glare went over to the walls of the room,which were totally covered in pictures and sketches.Pieces of fabric and needles were spread all over the table and the floor and it seemed a miracle to Zeba on how Lisa could possibly work there.
“Zeba is a fashion designer,and a very good one I may add.I thought you would like the idea of a chat with her.”J told Lisa.She nodded in reply and offered a chair to Zeba so she could take a seat.J smiled assuringly at Zeba for a second before he exclaimed”Alright,I gotta go.If you need me,I’m in Chris’ office.”
Lisa closed the door as soon as J had left and sat down next to Zeba.
“Tell me a bit about yourself,Zeba.You know,that’s a very pretty name.I never heard it before.”Lisa started,immediatly getting rid of the tension in the room.Zeba smiled,crossing two fingers under the table,and began…

J was sitting with the other lads,looking at his watch every now and then.He was curious to find out about the conversation Zeba had with Lisa,although he was pretty sure it all would have a happy ending.He had asked himself many times why he felt so attracted to Zeba but everytime he had to give up,deciding that she was just totally amazing in every way and form.It had been years since he had been in love with anyone,although he never really missed a steady relationship.He had enough flings and girlfriends all around the globe and he had always been happy with that,but now it suddenly felt like a fling wasn’t enough anymore.J knew that it was tricky to risk his friendship with Zeba because of his feelings.He didn’t want to force her into something,she had already been through enough bad stuff with guys,and he was pretty sure that Zeba didn’t want to have a relationship at that moment,at least not until she was a bit over her past.
J was too lost in thoughts to notice Zeba entering the room,a huge smile plastered onto her face.He was pulled out of his thoughts when Abs asked”Did you get it?”
Zeba nodded before replying”Yes!I can start tomorrow.”
“What?That’s absolutely amazing!”Rich stated while he got up to give Zeba a hug.Sean stood up as well,which was a small miracle on its self,and asked”Are you ready to hear our wimpering all day long now?”
Zeba grinned.”Of course I am.”
Scott gave Zeba his tumbs up while walking up and down the room and having a conversation on the phone with Kerry at the same time.J realized he was the last one to congratulate his roommate and he walked over to her,pulling her into a huge embrace,and told her”I said it would work out,right?”
“Yeah,I know.Thank you for everything,J.Without you I would be still outside on the streets,you know.”she whispered back.
“I still don’t think nobody would have helped you.”
“Oh believe me.I know what I’m talking about.”
“Anyway,”Abs ended their little moment”I reckon we should celebrate tonight.”
Zeba nodded in agreement.”Yes,I’m in the mood to have a huge party!”
“Well,then it’s settled.We’ll leave at eight,have a bite somewhere,and then go clubbing.I know a very nice place,which has just opened.We can go there if you’re in for it.”Abs replied.
“Cool.”Zeba stated and all of a sudden she realized she felt happier at that moment than ever before…


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