A sullen figure was sitting against a wall. It was getting dark now and the streetlights were just beginning to come on. Looking out over the horizon, this person seemed to be trying to blank out all his feelings. This person was, of course, Scott Robinson from the teen boy band 5ive. His eyes were hard and transfixed on the building in front of him. He felt so enraged by his feelings. He couldn�t control himself anymore, but he didn�t know why, he couldn�t work it out.
It had begun all five months ago. He had met the most amazing girl, her name was Elley and he fell in love with her instantly. That was the most special day of his life. He had never felt that way before.
He gazed up and down the street. He knew that he was becoming a danger zone, but he didn�t put that down to Elley, she was his whole world and he adored her, but if only he hadn�t slept with her that night, if only he had waited just a little longer. Scott of course didn�t know this but Elley knew, she knew everything.
His thoughts drifted back to the other lads in 5ive, he had been so awful to them this afternoon, he hadn�t meant to tell them he would see them in hell. He just felt as though he couldn�t cope, his life was turning upside down and he could do nothing to stop it. Scott needed to get home, he needed to see Elley, he needed to be close to her, to know that she loved him. He was unsure of how she felt of him after that night. He could kiss her and she would look as if it meant nothing to her, he couldn�t get his head around this, he needed to know, he wanted to know why. Scott was sure that Elley was just afraid of getting to close, he wasn�t though, the only thing he was afraid of was himself.
He got up and back down the street to his car. He had to get home and confront her, he needed to understand even if he didn�t understand himself.
�Yo Scott, wait up man� a voice called out suddenly, he turned around and spotted Abs jogging down the street towards him. Scott didn�t really feel like talking. He wanted to be alone, and he wanted to have some thinking time and some breathing time.
�All right mate� he replied �sorry about what I said before�. Abs was beside him now and they were chatting as usual.
� Nah mate it�s cool� Abs replied, � I know you�ve been having a hard time since you and Elley got back together�.
That was definitely true. Since he had gotten back with Elley he had felt his life slipping away, he didn�t know what to do, he wanted Elley to tell him what was going on, he needed her to love him. Anyone could tell he was becoming obsessed with her, but he couldn�t help it, he didn�t wanna feel like this. Elley was the only one who could help him now, or so he thought.
The drive home was long. The road ahead was relatively busy. Scott felt more calm now, but he felt better knowing that Abs had promised to follow behind in his car. He couldn�t feel as though he was mad if he had friends like Abs. He guessed that he seemed to take them for granted, but he didn�t mean to. It was like another person was in his body sometimes, trying to control him, change him if you will.
The headlamps on the car in front blinded him a little. They were very close, as if the car was trying to run him off the road. �What the heck are you playing at Abs?� he muttered, not realising that Abs� car was at least two cars back and this person had other intentions. Almost suddenly the driver behind crashed into the back off Scotts� vehicle and literally ran him straight off the road and down a bunker in the ground.
�Fucking hell man!� Abs exclaimed as he watched the horrific happenings infront of him. �Please just let Scott be ok�.
Abs pulled his car up at the side of the road and got out. He couldn�t see what had happened. He looked over the bunker, trying to figure out the numbers on the screwed up licence plate. He couldn�t tell, he didnt think he wanted to know. Slowly he pulled out his mobile and called the emergency services.
�Yeah, police and an ambulance please� he began � there�s been an accident involving two cars on Nicholls Road�. This was going to be a long night.

Elley was awaiting Scott arrival. He was late and it wasnt like him at all. She looked out the window and saw nothing. She needed to see scott, and she had to tell him what was wrong with him. Elley had never meant this to happen. She loved Scott a whole lot. It was just that she was afraid of commitment, and she didnt wanna feel too crowded by him. The phone rang. She hesitated before picking it up.
�Hello?� she began as she tried to sound polite.
�Elley, oh man am I glad I got you� Abs replied in a shaky voice. �Look, I hate to tell you this but there�s been an accident on Nicholls Road, and I�m sorry but Scott was involved�.
Elley dropped the receiver. She couldn�t believe this, how could Scott have been in an accident?, he was always so careful when he was driving home.

It was awful at the hospital. Elley wondered if she could cope with this. She knew that the accident was down to what she had done to Scott. She had turned him into a wreck and she knew why. Abs came back and gave her a hug. Comfort was the last thing she needed when her boyfriend was lying in a hospital bed, fatally injured and she couldn�t be close to him.
That was it she had to see him, she had to tell him once and for all. The doctor led her down the corridor, to a small secluded room, She went inside and looked sadly at the person lying on a bed in the centre of the room, connected up to ten or so different machines. A drip was attached to his one arm and there was a gentle buzzing from the heart monitor. She went up close to him, Abs lingered in the background.
�Hi sweetheart� she began as she touched his cheek with her left hand � you�ll be back home with me soon�.
She leaned over and kissed his cheek. �I love you and im sorry� she said � this is all my fault�.
Slowly she turned and headed back to the door. �Ill tell you the truth when you wake up�.
With that she went out of the room, Abs looked at his mate sadly and sighed. how was Scott going to recover from a broken leg, three broken ribs, a fracture to the skull and a severe concussion if he ever came out of the coma?
� I�ll be back tomorrow with the other lads mate� he said � get some rest�. And with that he left. There was a silent moment in the room, as if tranquillity had been reached. Suddenly Scotts eyes flickered and he tried to shout something but only a whisper came out.
�Elley� he whispered � Elley, where are you?�.

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