“Well it definitely doesn’t look too good” J said as he paced the hospital corridor directly outside Scotts room.
The rest of the 5ive lads were assembled outside the room where Scott lay unconscious. It was a quiet atmosphere, each of them was afraid to say anything as if it might bring them bad luck, perhaps they were scared, maybe they were worried, whatever it was Elley sure didn’t know what it was.
“Where the hell is that blumming Doctor?” Ritchie began as he sat bolt upright in his seat “how long are they gonna make us wait?”
The corridor was silent. Sean was snoozing in a hospital chair and Abs was pacing the hallway just slightly behind J.
“They’re probably gonna wait until Elley gets here” Abs said “come to think of it, why isn’t she here yet?”.

Elley looked at the doorway of the hospital. She couldn’t bring herself to go in. What was she going to say to the lads?. They would probably be expecting a good explanation from her. Abs had seemed to be thinking something of her last night when he had given her a lift home, he kept asking her questions about Scott. He wanted to find out the truth too, but Elley wasnt ready for this, she needed time and she didn’t think that she was going to get it.
“S’cuse me miss” a nurse said as she brushed past Elley’s shoulder. Elley gave her a cold glance. She never meant to she just did it accidentally. The nurse returned the glance and then addressed Elley.
“Hey aren’t you the girl who was in here last night with that coma car crash guy?” the nurse began. Elley eyed her suspiciously. “Maybe” Elley replied “ what’s it to you?”.
The nurse glanced in Elleys direction and then turned around. “Well I was just thinking that he has made such a miraculous recovery overnight and he was calling out for some girl”.
Elley sped past her and headed towards the rest of the 5ive lads. She wanted to see Scott right away, and she couldn’t wait any longer.

“Hey, what’s the rush? J exclaimed as Elley ran headfirst into him. Elley straightened herself up and looked at him. He was looking at her sympathetically, he was worried about her and Scott. Although Scott and J didnt always get on J looked upon Scott as the brother, he never had.
That was how J looked upon all of the lads. J was of course a simple person. More simple than Elley anyway. Ritchie came and put an arm around Elley as a sign of comfort.
“How, how is he?” she asked, there was a long silence.
“It’s so-so at the moment” Ritchie told her “ he regained consciousness last night for about 20 minutes but then it lapsed.”
Elley went and sat down in a chair. “You know that this is all my fault don’t you?” she said “ It’s my fault that he is in here right now.”
J shook his head. “Don’t say that” he replied “Scott wouldn’t want you saying that sort of thing when he is lying unconscious in the next room”.
Elley shook her head “I don’t mean it like that” Elley replied “ it really is my fault”.
One by one the 5ive lads looked at her. J seemed rather intrigued by the fact that she was blaming herself, Sean had just woken up, Abs was looking more and more baffled by her behaviour and Ritchie didn’t know whether he was coming or going.
That was what Elley was afraid of. She had to finally tell them the truth about her. But how could she break it to them when none of them knew whether Scott was going to be ok or not. Elley closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall. It wasn’t as if she was a demon hunter or something like that. But she had these mental powers, she had gained them as a child and ever since then they had been causing her trouble. She had mastered them by the age of 14, well all except one power. She couldn’t control her spell casters power. That’s how this had all come about. She had accidentally cast a spell on an unsuspecting Scott on the same night that they had first slept together.
I was a total infatuation spell. She used it when she wanted to cause a little mischief, this time though it had unleashed itself. The spell said that the person who it was to be cast on would lose their true self for one month from the night of the incantation. It was three weeks since that night and here she was in the hospital watching her boyfriend fight for life and him not even knowing the truth.
“What’s the matter then?” J asked, Elley opened her eyes and looked at him.
“Nothing forget it, it isn’t important” she replied. “I’m gonna go and see if they will let me see Scott now”.
Elley got up and walked away down the corridor. There was a moment of silence.
“There is something definitely weird about her” Sean said as he watched her leave “has anyone else noticed it?”.
Abs shook his head. “ Nah mate she is just worried about Scott that’s all”
“That’s not what I mean” Sean replied “ when she talks to you she doesn’t look at you she looks through you”.
Ritchie shook his head and laughed. “ Sean, you really have a wild imagination” he replied “ Elley is just a normal person”.
There was an awkward silence between them, perhaps none of them believed this after all.

Elley went into Scotts room and watched him. She would be so grateful if she recovered, she wouldn’t have to tell him the truth if that happened. She guessed that it might be better to not say anything, but how could she let things play on her mind?
Elley was a complex of masses. She was a bright girl but things used to get the better of her. She hoped that Scott would make a miraculous recovery but at this stage it seemed unlikely.
“Miss Holling, Are you listening?” the doctor enquired. She was looking at him blankly now and she realised that He had probably been telling her all about Scott and she hadn’t been listening at all.
Elley nodded her head and watched the doctor take notes on Scott’s condition. Scott looked so peaceful, she watched him just lying there, she felt at ease. It felt as though he was just fast asleep, maybe he was, maybe he was just sleeping, maybe he was just pretending to be unconscious as if he wanted to have them all fuss over him, like as if they didnt fuss over him enough already. J appeared beside her. He was looking hard at Scott. Scott was one of his closest friends and he obviously hated seeing him like this. Elley guessed that all the guys were genuinely worried about her Scottie, but maybe they were just trying to make her look bad. They had known him for much longer. They were all like brothers. If anyone hurt Scott they would get revenge.
Elley stood in the hospital room looking at Scott sadly. If only she could turn back the clock.

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