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game tips

Here are some tips I've picked up along the way and have been submitted by users. If you would like to submit a tip please feel free to use my game tip form!! Purple are tips, blue are just cool things to try.
Submit a tip here.

Bouncy Supreme

Type "bouncebouncebounce" to get an extra life
*once a game*

Brucey B Slots

When game loads click anywhere on the machine, and type 'brucey'. Should see a Neopet staff members head float around and laughter

Carnival of Terror

Type 'custard' you get more time
*once a game*
you will need to close the window and open a new one to use this trick again for next game.
~neopets magazine #1


Coming soon!

Dice Escape

Type "topdown" to switch to a top down view of the board. Type it again to return to the normal view.

Type "moretimeruki" to reset the timer.
*once a game*

Type "helpmeplease" to reset the game timer.
*once a game*

Type "flybywire" to make all the tiles appear in wire mode.

Dubloon Disaster

Type "scalleywags" and get a whirlpool.
*once a game*

Evil Castle of Thade

Type in 'rehaxtint' during gameplay to get one more hint
*once a game*

Try these anagram sites to find answers. You'll have to figure out the Neopets ones yourself but this helps.
or click here.
or click here.
or click here.

Faerie Bubbles

Type in 'faerieland' to make the next bubble in line be a rainbow bubble
*once a game*

Type 'stardust' to make the next bubble in line be a nova
*once a game*

Type in 'slumberberry' to make a dark line dissappear
*once a game*
Type in "bubbles" to make all the bubbles on the screen the same
*once a game*

Feed Florg

Click on options and choose mouse. When game starts, put mouse in bottom right corner of screen and hand will spin around by itself.


Type in 'frumball' during gameplay for an extra life
*once a game*
Type in 'kougra' to skip a level but you lose your score so far
~*Wheel of Knowledge*~
Additional thanks to ~*cinnamon_fox, beautyisrare, hermione_890_neo*~

Hasee Bounce

If you spell out HASEE in all the same color you get a 40 second time bonus instead of 20 seconds.

Jelly Blobs of Doom

Before you start type Clarissa then press start
*note i dont know what this does but it doesnt hurt anything*

Gourmet Club Bowls

Type 'shepherd' at startup screen and game will automatically start, and you will earn double neopoints.

Grand Theft Ummagine

Type 'ummaginethief' to skip a level but you lose your points.

Hasee Bounce

Type "doughnutfruit" to rest the timer.
~*Once a game*~

Kiss the Mortog

When you play Kiss The Mortog and you keep losing well do the iny miny my ni mo but do it really fast and if it dosn't work try the first mortog that works for me sometimes.~*Scotty 2 Hotty*~

Meepit Juice Break

Type 'meepits'(or 'hungrymeepits') while playing and get an extra life
*once a game*

Type 'juice-o-matic' while playing to reset all meepit timers to 60
*once a game*

Meerca Chase

Hold your cursor in the right upper corner of game when loaded. When its a hand click and see words by your cursor.

One the first move you can push the down arrow to completely turn around and go down. Only works on the first move.

Mootix Drop

On the screen before you launch your mootix (where you have to press spacebar to start) press the up arrow and little icons show up on the bottom right. Put them in order to unlock some fun things! Push the up and down arrows to scroll through the icons, and the right arrow to move to the next space. Then just hit space and start your game!!

Babaa Mootix Spyder
Play with a Giant mootix

Babaa Target Spyder
Heavy mootix (falls fast!) and you start with 5 points

Target Mootix Babaa
Invisible mootix and you start with 5 points

Mootix Target Mootix
Play with a Small mootix

Target Target Spyder
Start with 8 points in the secret Spyder level

Spyder Target Target
Start with 8888 points in the secret Spyder level, rings are worth 1000 points, but you go up instead of down and the level never ends

Spyder Target Babaa
Super Fast mootix

Mootix Target Babaa
The whole screen is upside down, and you start with 10 points

~*Thanks to Theme81*~

I believe there is one more so please let me know if you know it!!

Mynci Beach Vollyball

Type 'turdle'to unleash a turdle on your opponent.
*once a game*

Potato Counter

Right click on screen and choose view source. Hold Ctrl+F and type in p13. The value is the answer.


Type "buuuurrrrrrrrp" while playing Snowmuncher, the bloat-percentage of your belly decreases by 50%
~*Wheel of Knowledge*~
Also thanks to ~*beautyisrare*~

Type "snowberries" to belch and relieve some bloat.

Suteks Tomb

Type 'scarabaeus' during gameplay to get 30 extra seconds
*only works 2 times, for total of 60 extra seconds*

Type 'pyramibread' during gameplay to get a hint for a match
*works a few times so no idea if theres a limit on it*

To make getting a high score easier, play on biggest setting you can and work the bottom for more reactions

Type"plzsutekcanihavemoretime" to get 30 more seconds. *once*
~*The Wheel of Knowledge*~
~*Swizz00sjh, jaspan12345, hermione_890_neo*~

Trouble at the National Neopian

Dont play on full screen. Watch the middle of the doors (the bars between 3+4) and use your side vision to watch for bad guys.

Tug of War

While playing tug-o-war enter these passwords in to go to the wanted opponent in the password screen.
lrlrss= Horak

Turmac Roll

If you play on the hard level, you get more points than easy, or medium.

If you click the sun before you start rolling you should get a few more points for each berry

Warf Rescue

Type in 'trappedkadooties' to get an extra life
*once a game*


Type 'a5paragu5" on the startup screen for a bigger mallet
~neopets magazine #1

Wheel of Excitement

Spin the wheel at the top of the hour, and you will get 200-10,000nps. It usually works for me.


Click on the "n" on the grundo's space suit to get him as a ball.

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