Other fishes

The variety of species is still represented by Jundiás, Cacharas,  Piranambús, Armaus that crosses 15 kilos, Capararis and Palmitos. 

Tucunarés (Peacock Bass)

Several species exist, and the most common found are the Yellow and the Paca. They are posted below or above cascades, in fast waters, or in the pauses and marginal courses. Lures like Stick, Popper and Pencil Poppers stand out the Zara type, because the waters are very turbulent.


There are two kind of Cachorras, and the largest reaches 15 kilos of weight. They can be fished with natural baits and lures, and the most promising points are the rebojos (moving waters) that are formed below the cascades, as well as these headboard.   


The Corvinas reach great proportions and exist in great amount. Besides the natural baits, the jigs are extremely effective for their capture.

It is common, in half day of fishery, to capture more than thirty fishes with that bait type.


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