
The Matrinchas reach medium weight around three kilos and, being the queens of spectacular jumps, they are also the ones that more difficulty offers to those who dares to challenge them. It is impossible to dictate rules about the best baits and tactics to capture them however, throws in tips of beaches, under tree cups, around galhadas (under water trees) that level the surface, combined with an harmonized bait work, give good results. Lures, despite of provoking good attacks, rarely traduce in captures, because as soon as they feel stabbing, they jump and disentangles it without much effort. The best choice is spoons and spinners, Johnson type with fishhook and device coil free. Related to fly fishing, the streamers, since working continually, are the champion efficiency.

The Bicudas are other predators that attack the baits with impetuosity, not being rare jumping out of water while hunting. When fished by a lure, the easiness of jumping make them, most of the time, escaping with facility. It is possible find them in practically all types of environment.

The Cachorras, as well as the Bicudas, can be found in all places. They reach respectable proportions, and the largest overcome the ten kilos weight. Fishing with lures is very productive, and their attacks happen even in inopportune moments, such as in throws without precision or during the procedure of collecting the bait offered to other species. 

The family of leather (no scales) fish is well acted by the Cacharas and the Pirararas and this last one reaches quite significant weight and size. They are fished with natural baits, small alive fish, which can be found at ponds and flooded fields. It is advisable to use equipment of heavy category, lines with gage around 0,60 millimeters and fishhooks with size between 8/0 and 10/0. 


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