5 legs & 2 wheels
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bc day 9
Date: June 9, 2002
Start: Nakusp
Final Destination: Revelstoke
Start Time: 8:00 am
Stop Time: 4:00 pm
Total Biking Time: 5:51:08
Total Distance: 98.58 km
Trip Distance: 911.82 km
Average Speed: 16.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 63.0 km/h
Weather: Morning overcast and cold. Afternoon nice and warm. Some headwinds.
Road Shoulder Condition: Poor until Galena. Good after Galena.
Road Condition: Good.
Route Description: Very hilly until Galena. Steep descent to ferry. Flat with few short climbs after that. Good descent into Revelstoke.
Traffic: Light, except for some ferry traffic.
Significant Elevations: N/A

I had some cold cereal that I bought the day before, along with some fruit, and hit the road. The road was winding and steep in places, with some headwinds to keep it interesting. There was a good climb before the ferry at Galena. Just before beginning the descent to the ferry, I spotted something black in the ditch about 200 meters away. A black bear! This time I was going to get photographic evidence! I whipped out my camera and zoomed in just in time to capture one of her cubs crossing the road. With the camera in my handlebar bag ready for more photos, I remounted my bike and started creeping forward for a better picture. I geared down and the resulting rattle from the bike chain scared them off. Damn.

There was a wicked steep downhill leading straight to the ferry. I had an hour to kill until the next one arrived, so I parked my bike next to a picnic table and had an early lunch. Another bike tourist flew past, down the hill, and stopped at the rock beach beside the ferry dock.

I finished my lunch and wandered down to make introductions. His name was Bevan, a New Zealander biking his way up and down the Canadian Rockies. He had biked Jasper, Lake Louis, Banff, and south and was now working his way up this valley to end his tour in Revelstoke.

We exchanged stories during the ferry ride and decided to bike the remaining distance (about 50km) together. This was his first major bike tour and he seemed to making out really well, despite minimal preparation and an abundance of equipment. He couldn't get over how little gear I was carrying. On the other hand, he was able to set up camp just about anywhere, whereas I was pretty much confined to campgrounds, due to no stove, washbasin, or cookware. He shared his secrets for cost-free camping and I related my bear encounters. The time went by quick and we arrived in Revelstoke early.

We ate at the A&W. I wished him luck and I went in search of a campground while he went looking for a ride to Calgary. I found a campsite in town. It was expensive, but close by, and it had a laundry room, which I needed badly.

The town was one large train station surrounded by several large mountains. The train whistles and screech of steel wheels on railroad track was constant and seemed to reverberate off the mountainsides. Thank God for ear plugs.

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