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My eyes...I can't see....
First off, special thanks to Jason (no, not ender.) who gave me a neat art program called "Photoshop" which everyone in the comic world knows and loves and uses.


I myself am yet to get familair with it. I realised at about one o'clock on thursday morning that I had to make a comic for today. My internal alarm hadn't gone off earlier. It was weird. I dropped everything else I was doing and tried to make a comic.  But I still dunno how to use most of the tools in photoshop, you see, so I failed; miserably.

Thus this filler/bad-one-frame-comic was born! I swear I'll have something nice and funny up for next week. I already have it planned out and that good stuff. I can only hope it is as fufulling as the pickle-wench.

As said in the title, I've been working with this new program so much that my eyes and brain hurt from loking at the screen. But it's so neat to color my pictures this way, it really is! I wouldn't mind coloring entire comics like this, if I had the time to do it. Heck, one week, if I'm bored, I just might.

I'm actually quite pleased with this picture. It took my 45 minutes to do, including the drawing and planning phase ^^;;  And who knew Fizgig could look so good? Not me, thats for sure.

I will be at the Ren-fair this Saturday! So if you're there, look for me. I'll be wearing a long green hat and elf-ears, and calling out, " I'm a half-elf, you nit-wit!" Also, I'll be there with my grandmother so...try to tone down your...*ahem* cah-cah mouths, if you have them? Just a thought.

I found one of my assassin gloves today. Both of the twins have ear infections. Is that contageous? My ear hurt earlier today XD Hmmm...I suppose I've run out of rant again. I almost didn't clear the bar on this update...sheesh. I think I'll start work on Monday's early this week.

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