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The ever illusive jelly fish
First on the menu: yes, Mondays comic was not up as planned. Infact, it did not get up at all, and there was no filler.  I apologize, but I don't fell bad about it. I'm sick. I didn't have time; I could write a list if things that deterred me from getting to the comic this week but heck, I just couldn't get it done, plain and simple.

Onto new buisiness: Fizgig is not gay ^^; He is infact very straight, as far as I can see. But Capp...you just never know with that guy, but we love him just the same!

I'll be at the Ren-fair again this weekend. I saw a few of my freinds there and for the first time I met " Orange". SHe doesn't respond well to her given name ^^; oh well.

I'm thinking of maybe buying a tamagotchi sometime in the near future because, well, I really want one, and my mom threw all of mine away. I know they're stupid, but I'm bored and...yeah!

I spent a lot of time lately making things and designs for my aunts and my moms freind. I made a t-shirt design for my aunt Beth and she gave me ten dollars--but it took me all day to get it just the way she wanted. Next on the agenda is another t-shirt design for Jason. ( NO, NOT Ender.) I made so many posters...hmm.

I've been thinking lately that I might wanna start another project along side Area Op. One with an actual storyline and make it into a manga instead of a comic strip. But I think that comics are actually better for me, because I can't pay attention to one idea for very long.  I just planned out an entire story, designed all the characters and thier personalities and drew the outline and scripts for the first seven or so pages. Two days ago I found myself doodling a new character, and I instantly became enthrolled with his design, and decided not to do the one I already planned.

I just get bored too easy! My ideas and my mind switch faster than I can draw them--oh well. Thats why I love Area Op. so much. They can be playing video games one minute and throwing rocks at stuff the next. Ah, the randomness suits me fine.

That looks like enough rant from me! If I do start another project though, you guys will be the first to know.

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