Upcoming Television Appearances (all times EST, check local listings):

If the show title is underlined, it means you can click on it to read my review of it (I'm so sure you care, right?)

Tue. May 17 - HBO - Deadwood: The Whores Can Come - 9:00 p.m.
Wed. May 19 - HBOCe - Freaked - 9:30 a.m.
Wed. May 18 - HBO - Deadwood: The Whores Can Come - 11:00 p.m.
Thu. May 19 - THMAXe - Identity - 11:35 p.m.
Fri. May 20 - HBO - Deadwood: The Whores Can Come - 3:15 a.m.
Fri. May 20 - HBO - Deadwood: Advances, None Miraculous - 9:00 p.m.
Fri. May 20 - HBO - Deadwood: The Whores Can Come - 10:00 p.m.
Sat. May 21 - HBO2e - Deadwood: The Whores Can Come - 8:00 p.m.

Recent News:

King Straggler is touring during the month of May.

Dates are as follows:

Sunday, May 15 - Phoenix
Saddle Rock
2020 N. Arizona Ave.
Chandler, AZ 85225

Monday, May 16 - Tucson
Red Room
100 E. Congress Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85701

Wednesday, May 18 - Austin
The Threadgills
301 W. Riverside Dr.
Austin, TX 78704

Friday, May 20 - Dallas
All Good Cafe
2934 Main St.
Dallas, TX 75226

Saturday, May 21 - Oklahoma City
7628 N. May Ave.
Oklahoma, OK 73116

Monday, May 23 - Flagstaff
The Mogollon Brewing Co
15 N. Agassiz St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Wednesday, May 25 - San Rafael
Pint Size Lounge
1615 Fourth St.
San Rafael, CA 94901

Friday, May 27 - Seattle
Tractor Tavern
w/Asylum Street Spankers
5213 Ballard Ave. NW
Seattle, WA 98107

Saturday, May 28 - Portland
The Fez Ballroom
316 SW 11th St
Portland, OR 97205

Sunday, May 29 - Eugene
Sam's Bond Garage
407 Blair Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97402

Tuesday, May 31 - San Francisco
Red Devil
1655 Polk St.

San Francisco, CA 94109
Saturday, June 4 - Los Angeles
Highland Grounds

Here's what Rodney Eastman, has to say about their band:
From the outset the group has derived their unique sound by taking equal share in singing and songwriting duties, becoming three frontman with contrasting styles that dovetail into rich musical textures and colorful vocal blends. Their songs range from the hopeful to the haunted, from tattered folk to noisy rock to tear-it-up country and beyond. Music for dirty saints and wide-eyed wanderers.
After adding a rhythm section (Douglas Grean: bass and Danny Thompson: drums) they gained a loyal following playing at venues such as the Knitting Factory, Hotel Cafe, and Spaceland -- culminating in a standing-room-only residency at Highland Grounds in Los Angeles. Championed by Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots), they recorded a full-length CD at his headquarters, Lavish Studios, with Grean engineering and co-producing. Most recently, the group recorded songs with Ima Robot guitarist (and independent producer) Timmy Anderson. King Straggler has had songs featured in several films. Among them is the closing credits theme for "The Moguls", starring Jeff Bridges, due for release later this year. King Straggler's self-titled debut was released in February 2005. It continues to impress and has received steady play on L.A.'s Indie 103.1fm.
You can find the record at
And the band's website is at It's got lots of cool info, bio, and pictures and stuff. Check it out.

Speaking of cool web sites, also check out This is the Buttleman web site. This movie is available for a limited time on DVD. The site has a list of stores stocking it. After you watch it, you can then vote for it online for Best Feature.

Me and You and Everyone You Know played at Sundance and a few other film festivals. It should be coming out in wider release this summer. Stay tuned...

Season 1 of Deadwood will be released on DVD on Feb. 8, 2005. Also, Season 1 of Millennium is now available on DVD, with John's episode "The Judge".

Space Brothers is no more. The band is now called King Straggler (mucho thanks to Dog Davis and band member Rodney Eastman for the info). And they played The Knitting Factory, in Hollywood, Saturday, June 12th, 2004, at 9:30 PM. Check out the invite: .

The wonderful Sandy T. provided me with the following link: Very interesting article about Deadwood, and John's preparation for his role in particular.

I was recently sent this cool portrait done by artist Paul Garvey. Nice, non? Check out the artist's site here.

Slipping Down Life has been released in select cities throughout the country. Check out the official site here.

Also check out the official Deadwood Site. Pretty cool.

Speaking of Deadwood, HBO has renewed it for a second season! They will start filming 12 new episodes in July, to be aired next year.

Buttleman played at the Syracuse International Film and Video Festival April 29 - May 2.

BTW, if you haven't checked out the Buttleman web site, I suggest you do. They've got the trailer, news about showings, a pretty cool film poster, a nice bio of John, and the news that the movie won the Jury Prize at the Deep Ellum Film Festival!

Last note about Buttleman, did any of you make it to the premiere? If so, I'm sure myself and many others would love to read your review. Send 'em my way!

Space Brothers played Hotel Cafe, 1623 n. Cahuenga, Fri. May 30, 2003 at 8:30 p.m.

The April issue of Moviemaker magazine, on stands now, has an interview and photo. It also has an interview with the director of Identity. Transcript of John Hawkes interview up after the magazine leaves the stands.

Space Brothers played Genghis Cohen Fri. May 16, 2003. Check it out:

Gangster Folk played Highland Grounds on April 26 2003, at 9:30 p.m..

The May issue of Razor magazine has a photo layout of Mr. Hawkes in it's Spring Fashion Spread. Website here.

John recently co-starred in the play Welcome to the Moon & Other Plays by John Patrick Shanley. It ran from February 27 - March 22, 2003 at the McCadden Place Theatre in Hollywood.

Excellent news! November 2002, John shot a pilot for HBO, called Deadwood. It's a series created by NYPD Blue's David Milch, and John is one of five regulars. HBO has ordered a full, 13 episode season. Shooting will begin in a couple of months. Personally, I can't wait. (thanks to Dog Davis for the info!)

Also, is down for now, but should be up again shortly. Or so I've heard. However, once it is working again, go there to order the album. Personally, I love it. Really. I'm not just saying that. It hasn't left my cd player since I got it. Kinda, sorta like Devo, but with cursing. Favorite songs of the moment: Chevron and Heaven's Morgue.

Here's what the always helpful Dog Davis has to say about the Sept. 3, 2002 show: "John's solo show at Genghis Cohen was really strong. Some new material and a couple of duets with friends made it one of his�best yet."

And here's what an "anonymous source" had to say about the Sept. 21 Highland Grounds show: "I think you'll be happy to know he was terrific. Played acoustic guitar and sang. The place was packed and very friendly. He seemed comfortable onstage, singing a blend of original and cover songs. Rusty Schwimmer, his Perfect Storm partner, was in attendance." Thank you, you know who! The rest of us seethe with jealousy.

Recent solo show were as follows. Remember, reports are welcome from any and all:

*October 27, 2002 - 8:30 p.m.
Genghis Cohen

*October 15, 2002 - 8:30 p.m.
Molly Malone's

*September 21, 2002 - 9:00PM
Highland Grounds

*September 6, 2002 - 8:30 p.m.
Molly Malone's

*September 3, 2002 - 9:30PM
Genghis Cohen
740 N. Fairfax Ave.

*August 21, 2002 - 9 p.m.
The Joint
8771 W. Pico Blvd

*May 28, 2002 - 8:30 p.m.
Rainbow Bar and Grille
9015 Sunset Blvd.

*May 15, 2002 - 10:30 p.m.
Molly Malone's Irish Pub
575 S. Fairfax Ave.

*March 14, 2002 - 10:15 p.m.
Highland Grounds
742 N. Highland Ave.

I've added two new pictures of John and Bryan and some baseball players to the pictures page. Very nice, don't you think?

I have received from correspondence from yet another old Austin friend of John's. This person reititerates what we already knew about John being a fantastically nice person and gives some interesting info about John's early work - apparently there was a performance piece in which "he stood in centerstage wearing only briefs while the performance "artist" attached clothespins to John's bare flesh, outlining his whole body in that way." Hmm. Mr. Hawkes is also apparently a master of pratfall, as evidenced by his work with the Penny Dreadfuls. Thanks, you know who you are!

The always cool Rebecca Webb lets us know that John was sighted at L'Homme Dieu on July 18, 2002 at their performance of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". On the all important hair front - apparently it looked like the normal headshot. Just, you know, fyi.

I was recently contacted by an old acquaintance of John's. This person, who'll be known as "Flophouse Friend", knew John back in Austin. She lets us know that she believes John's middle name is Marvin, he's from a big close-knit family, never touched drugs or alcohol, waited tables to make money, is/was not only a great theater actor, but an all around nice guy. I think we all knew that last bit already. Oh yeah, she believes his height to be slightly more than 5'9". Thanks for the info, Flophouse Friend.

Sand - a movie John filmed several years ago with Denis Leary and others is finally available on DVD and VHS.

Meanwhile, Don't Try This at Home is in its final stages of post production, and is being shopped to buyers.

Mucho thanks to Bryan for all of the above news. To say that it's appreciated is an understatement.

Leslie does it again! In addition to the great new pictures! she found from a GQ party, she also found this quote from a GQ story about Mark Wahlberg: "a captivating unknown named John Hawkes" - I agree with the first part, but judging from the response I've gotten to this site, I'd hardly call him "unknown." Still, a nice quote. You can read the whole story here. Leslie rocks, doesn't she?

Major thanks also go to Nobody for alerting me to these two sites:


Greg Benson, one of John's co-stars in Don't Try This at Home has a small clip of the movie on his website - It's in the video section - John's measuring Greg for a tuxedo. Thanks to Jessica and a.j. from the Guestbook for pointing this out.

A certain lucky person who recently met John Hawkes found him to be a very nice and down-to-earth guy. In fact, I believe the adjectives used were "terriffic" and "very hot". This person was also able to find out that Mr. Hawkes practices yoga often. Just, you know, fyi.

The wonderful Leslie (aka Script Girl) found this article and shared it with me. Personally, I find it very cool that Mr. Hawkes is a baseball fan. I prefer the Orioles myself, but whatever. Thanks again, Leslie.

Rebecca Webb has done it again! Her very interesting and informative interview/article she wrote about John Hawkes is now available. Lots of info about the production of Harvey, and some personal stuff too. A definite must read, and it's available here.
Pictures are available on the pictures pages.

Rebecca Webb is the coolest! She interviewed John on July 12, 2001. She says he was very polite, professional, and devoted to his pre-show schedule. She also spoke with Jason Bisping, a student company member, on how it is to work with professionals (he spoke highly of John Hawkes). Read the article here. You can see a picture of the two of them here. And here is a picture of John's headshot, next to "Harvey"'s. Both are courtesy of Rebecca Webb, University of Minnesota, Morris, who, like I said, is the coolest. Both shots are also on my pictures page.

The Echo Press (the Alexandria, Minn. paper) had a feature story on John. Go here to read it, before it disappears. Also go here to read an article about the production of Harvey. Update - actually, both articles seem to have disappeared already. Try reading them here and here. All apologies to any whose copyright ideals are offended.

John returns home to Alexandria, MN! John starred in a summer stock prodcution of Harvey July 11-15, and July 18-20, 2001 at Theatre L'Homme Dieu, U of Minnesota's Morris campus. The wonderful Rebecca Webb provided us with lots of info and pictures. See above for more info. Go here to see a picture of the theatre.

John filmed a pilot entitled Sam's Circus for CBS. It it is a gritty WWII drama. Unfortunately, it was not picked up for the fall 2001 schedule. However, there is some hope that it may become a mid-season replacement. Keep your fingers crossed, and I'll let you know if I hear anything more.


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