Forest Star

Title: Forest Star pt 1

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: none

Ratings: It�ll vary but this part is about PG I think

Archiving Permission: Here and my site. Anyone else please ask.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the LotR characters but Stella (and any other character I make up) is my creation.

Summary: Aragorn finds a lost star in the forest.

Notes: Everyone hold yourselves steady�this is going to shock you. But this will *NOT*be a slash fic. *hears people falling over from shock* Yes, I know this is very horrifying but deal with it people! ;-)

They had been walking for three days on well-hidden trails. Well, Aragorn was walking and Stella was getting a free ride on his back. Suddenly Aragorn stopped, slid her off his back, and carefully drew his sword. She looked up him with worry in her eyes.

�What�s wrong?� she asked in a soft whisper.

�Someone is following us,� he answered as he gently steered her into the nearby undergrowth.


�I�m not sure. But there are few that know of these paths, save for Rangers and elves. Hopefully we can have someone to travel with.�

�Don�t you like traveling with me?� asked Stella with a pout.

Aragorn chuckled. �Of course I do. But if we are with others, I�ll be able to keep you safer.�

�Oh ok,� she said as she hid behind a tree as Aragorn taught her. He stood in the shadows waiting to see who might come by. Aragorn glanced back at the child and motioned her to duck down more so her pale hair wouldn�t give her away. As the footsteps drew closer, Aragorn tightened his grip on his sword and took a deep breath. To his great relief an old man dressed in gray wearing a tall hat soon came into sight. Before Aragorn could utter a word, the man stopped and looked directly at him.

�Hello Aragorn. Why do you hide in the shadows my friend?� the old man asked suddenly.

�Gandalf it�s good to see you,� answered Aragorn as he sheathed his sword. He turned his attention to Stella and offered her his hand. �Come on little one.� She shook her head and held onto the tree. �Come on Stella,� he said in a gentle voice. �He�s name is Gandalf the Gray. You�ll like him, I promise.�

She took the offered hand and walked back to the path with Aragorn. But still she hesitated. However he was insistent, so she followed him, all the while looking at the stranger.

�Well, bless my beard!� exclaimed Gandalf, �who do you have there Aragorn?�

�This is Stella,� said Aragorn as he carefully pulled a leaf out of the little girl�s bright blonde hair. �She and her mother were going to Imladris.�

�Where is the child�s mother?� asked the wizard as he smiled kindly at the little girl.

�I�m not sure. I found Stella in the woods three days ago. Before I had a chance to look for her mother, someone started shooting arrows at us. So I took Stella and left as quickly as I could,� answered Aragorn. �But I saw no signs of her mother,� he added in elvish. The little girl looked up at the strange language Aragorn spoke in but said nothing.

�When we arrive at Imladris, I�m sure Elrond will send out search parties,� commented Gandalf.

� �We�?� asked Aragorn with a smile.

�Yes. I was already going to Rivendell, so perhaps we should travel together,� replied Gandalf as he started down the path again. Aragon laughed and knelt down to let Stella onto his back. �If I am not mistaken, Bree is nearby. I think we should stop there for the night. Then both you and Stella can sleep in peace. And when we set out in the morning we can use the road. It will make quicker time.�

�But leave us open incase someone should try and�� trailed Aragorn.

�I don�t think any harm will come. Those wishing to hurt the child are far behind. Besides the faster we get to Rivendell the faster Stella�s mother can be found and returned to her,� answered Gandalf without looking back.

They walked down the silent trails until they came to a clearing, on the other side stood the gates of Bree. Gandalf turned and looked at the little girl and asked, �Little one could you do me a small favor?� Stella looked at him for a moment and nodded. �Oh good. Here, you must use another name.�

�Why? I like my name,� she said as Aragorn set her down on her feet and stretched his aching back.

�I know you do child. But we do not know who might be trying to find you and so if we don�t use your name they might not know its you.�

�But if they are looking for me, won�t they know what I look like?�

Gandalf laughed and asked, �How old are you little one?�

�I�m five.�

�Five years old and already knows what questions to ask,� he said to himself. He looked over at Aragorn who was silently laughing at the exchange and smiled. �You are correct little one. They would know what you look like.�

Gandalf held his hand over the little girl�s head and muttered a spell. Before their eyes the blond hair grew black and the pale skin became tan. �Much better. Where they are looking for a little girl with golden hair and fair skin, all they will see is a child that could be mistaken for one of Aragorn�s kinsfolk.�

�What is my new name going to be?� Stella asked as she took Aragorn�s hand and held on tight.

For a moment Gandalf looked at her and then looked at the star filled sky above. �Do you see that bright blue star?� he asked as he looked back down at her. She gave a nod and yawned. �Well, my sleepy little star you will be named after it... Polaris.� With that they headed across the field and to the gates of Bree.

Soon they were walking through the uneven streets with people stopping to stare at them. �Where are we going to sleep Ara�� asked the little girl only to be interrupted by a gentle squeeze on her hand.

�My name here little one is Strider,� explained as he leaned down to pick her up again. �And I suspect Gandalf is going to go to the �Prancing Pony�.� Within minutes they were in side the dimly lit pub and seated in a back corner at a small table. Stella was seated beside Aragorn and Gandalf was sitting across from them watching the door.

Before long Butterbur had lain food down on the table and looked at the little girl. �Well Strider, who is the cute little button?�

Without missing a beat the man replied, �A cousin. Her mother had taken ill so I offered to keep her with me until she is feeling better.�

�I see,� said the robust man. �What is your name little button?� Aragorn and Gandalf caught each other�s eyes and held their breath.

�My name is Polaris,� she answered a smile. Butterbur chuckled and walked way. The other two men gave a collective sigh of relief and received an exasperated look from the little girl. �Gandalf you told me�� she started.

�Yes I did and I am very pleased that you remembered. Sometimes we all forget things and you were sleepy when I told you that. So I thought you might have forgotten. But as I said I�m very pleased that you remembered. Now eat your dinner before it gets too cold.� Stella smiled and started eating. After a short time she had eaten her fill and curled up with her head on Aragorn lap and fell into a deep sleep.

Suddenly Gandalf broke the amicable silence and asked �Strider?�

�Yes Gandalf?�

�Is there anything about the child you would like to tell me?� inquired the wizard with a twinkle in his eye and a slight wave of the mug he held. �Say something concerning her parentage?�

�No. As I said I found her in the woods...� trailed Aragorn when it dawned on him what Gandalf was asking. He turned a fierce red as he said, �No Gandalf, there is nothing I wish to say about her parentage other then I don�t know who her parents are!�

�Calm down my friend. I was just noticing that in the few days that she has been in your care you developed a father�s love for her.�

Aragorn looked down at the sleeping child and smiled, �She made it very easy to gain that love. Bite marks and all.�

A couple hours later Aragorn carried the still sleeping child to the room that they would be sharing with Gandalf and gently tucked her into the small trundle bed. �Sleep well little snake and let no dark dreams haunt you tonight,� he whispered as he kissed her forehead and crawled into his own bed. It seemed to Aragorn he only just laid his head down when a small hand started shaking his shoulder and a small voice sounding a little bit frantic.


His eyes snapped open and quickly looked at the little girl as he asked, �What is wrong little one?�

�I have to go to the bathroom!� she answered as she tried not to squirm too much.

�Now?� he asked as he stifled a yawn behind his hand and looked out the window. He could just see the moon dipping behind the walls of Bree, a sure sign it was no later than two in the morning.

�Strider,� she answered in a surprisingly calm voice, �if I didn�t have to go the bathroom I would not have gotten out of my nice warm bed to wake you up. So, please tell me where the bathroom is.� He pulled his boots with a chuckle. After which he picked her up and carried her down the dark stairs to the outhouse all the time thinking that being a father wouldn�t be such a bad thing.


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