Forest Star

Title: Forest Star pt 3

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: none

Ratings: It�ll vary but this part is about PG I think

Archiving Permission: Here and my site. Anyone else please ask.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the LotR characters but Stella (and any other character I make up) is my creation.

Summary: Aragorn finds a lost star in the forest.

Notes: Everyone hold yourselves steady�this is going to shock you. But this will *NOT*be a slash fic. *hears people falling over from shock* Yes, I know this is very horrifying but deal with it people! ;-)

It had been nearly two weeks since the trio had left Bree, and to Aragorn�s relief the land was becoming more and more familiar with each step they took. Soon, they would arrive at the house of Elrond, the Lord of Rivendell, and there they would be able to solve the mystery of the little blond blue-eyed, girl that walked beside him, holding his hand.

Suddenly the little girl stopped, looked over her shoulder, and said, �Someone�s coming.� Gandalf quickly scooped her up and hurried off the road.

�Stay here child,� he said and he placed her among a growth of green ferns. �Do not make a sound and do not move.� He went back to the road where Aragorn was listening to the on coming hoof beats.

�There are at lest four horses,� said Aragorn. �But I can�t hear any bells that the elven horses usually wear.�

�I know that the twins have been foregoing the use of bells if they are on a mission. So it might be them returning home,� Gandalf said as he tightened his grip on the staff he carried.

�Or it might be someone else,� muttered Aragorn.

�Its too late to do anything about it now Aragorn. All we can do is wait to see who it is and hope for friendly faces.� Aragorn took a deep breath as he dropped his hand down to the hilt of his sword. In moments, four tall gray horses came into view, two with riders and two without.

�Ahhh, see Aragorn? Two friendly faces,� commented Gandalf as e raised his hand in greeting to the twin sons of Elrond.

�Four if you count the other two horses,� added the other man with a grin.

�Very amusing Aragorn,� said Elrohir with a smile.

�Perhaps we should tell you now that father is very unhappy with how late you are,� commented the second twin, Elladen.

�You two should know that I�m never late unless I have a reason,� answered Argorn as he went into the woods.

�I hope the reason is a matter of life or death,� said Elladen, �Or father will not accept it.�

�He will accept this reason,� stated Gandalf as he mounted the horse that Elladen had been leading, �because it is just that. A matter of life or death.� After several minutes, Aragorn exited the fern patch, leading Stella to the small group waiting in the road.

The twins� expressions of surprise were identical as they asked in unison, �Where did you find her?� Argorn told them what had happened as he placed the little girl onto the broad back of the last horse and swung up behind her.

�We have not seen her mother,� Elrohir said as he adjusted one of his stirrups.

�But that doesn�t mean she couldn�t already be at Rivendell,� continued Elladen. �There is more than one way to get there.�

�Well then, we should get going. Then sooner we can get there all the sooner Stella can reunited with her mother,� Gandalf said as he nudged his horse into a swift canter.

It didn�t take long for the small group to reach and cross the merrily flowing river. And soon the horses were moving along well-marked paths, always heading to Rivendell.


Elrond looked up from the book he was reading when he heard the horses approaching. �Hopefully the twins have found Aragorn and have brought him back with them,� he said as he walked to the door of his library.

As he walked down one of the many winding staircases his daughter Arwen joined him. �Aragorn has been gone longer than expected,� she commented as they went down the last few steps.

�Yes he has been but I�m sure he has a reason,� answer Elrond as he opened a carved door and let his daughter pass before him. She smiled and raised her hand in greeting when she saw her brothers, and then gasped in surprise. Elrond looked to where her attention was and stopped in his tracks as he watched Aragorn help a child of a horse�s back.

�Father? I am seeing what I think I am,� whispered Arwen as they quickly went down the last of the stairs.

�Yes, yes you are seeing a child,� responded Elrond in a soft undertone. As he greeted his sons, Gandalf, and Aragorn; the little girl looked up at Arwen in wonder.

Arwen smiled as she knelt down to Stella�s level. �What�s your name little one?�


�That�s a lovely name. Are you hungry?� Arwen asked as she held out her hand. The child paused and looked up at Aragorn who was still talking to Elrond. Without missing a beat he dropped her hand and gave her a gentle nudge to Arwen. Stella smiled as she took Arwen�s offered hand and let herself be led up the near by stairs.

As they walked Stella said in a soft voice, �You are as pretty as Mommie is.�

�And you are a very sweet little girl,� said Arwen with a gentle smile. �Now how about we go and get you something to eat?�


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