Forest Star

Title: Forest Star pt 4

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: none

Ratings: It�ll vary but this part is about PG I think

Archiving Permission: Here and my site. Anyone else please ask.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the LotR characters but Stella (and any other character I make up) is my creation.

Summary: Aragorn finds a lost star in the forest.

Notes: Everyone hold yourselves steady�this is going to shock you. But this will *NOT*be a slash fic. *hears people falling over from shock* Yes, I know this is very horrifying but deal with it people! ;-)

Aragorn waited a moment before telling Elrond about how he found Stella all alone in the forest. As he finished his tale the only sign of concern Elrond gave was in his eyes. �I knew of no one coming here to speak to me, especially with such a young child with them. Did you see any signs of an attack?� Elrond questioned as he led the way back to his study.

�None where I found her my lord. But what she told me is that her mother pointed her in a direction and told her to run while keeping the mountains to her right when they were attacked. She also told Stella not to look back no matter what she heard,� said Aragorn, as he stood near one of the opened windows in the spacious well-lit study.

�Did the child say where they had come from?�

�Near the sea.�

� �Near the sea� can mean many places Aragorn,� commented Gandalf as he sat down and took out his pipe.

�I know but Stella doesn�t know the name except the part of it sounds like �doll�.�

�So, we know have a child from a place called Doll near the sea,� observed Gandalf as he lit his long pipe.

�It seems that way,� remarked Elrond as he too sat down. �Did she say how far she ran before you found her Aragorn?�

�She said a very long way. How long I do not know. But I know the way I traveled I saw no signs of a battle.�

�A slaughter would be more like it,� said Elladen. �The child also told Aragorn that there were only two others with them. So whatever business her mother had with you Father it must have been urgent to travel with so few in country so dangerous.�

�Tomorrow we�ll start back to the place where you found Stella and back track from there,� Elrond said as he studied a framed map on the wall. �With any luck can find some trace of her mother and traveling companies. Elladen, you and Elrohir pick a six other to come with us.�

�I shall come too Elrond,� said Gandalf from his seat. �I�m interested in why someone would be in such a hurry to go to Rivendell without a proper escort.�

�Had Arwen made plans to go to Lothl�rien?� asked Aragorn as he looked out to the cheerful garden.

�I believe she did but I shall ask her to stay here with Stella until we return,� replied Elrond as he turned to the man.

�Will we leave first thing in the morning?�

�Yes. If the horses� speed does not fail we should be there in a few days.� Aragorn nodded, bowed, and quietly left the library.

�He�s trouble Father,� said Elrohir in a soft voice.

�As we all are.�

*On the Way to the Kitchen *

Arwen led the little girl to a bathroom and sat her up on the sideboard. �You sit here little Stella, while I find something to wash that dirty little face and those grubby little hands of yours.� Stella nodded as she looked around the bright room. A few minutes later Arwen was washing Stella�s face and hands. �Well look at that,� exclaimed Arwen.

�Look at what?� asked Stella as she looked worriedly at Arwen.

�There was a little girl under all that dirt.�

And Stella giggled.

Then Arwen spent several minutes brushing Stella�s pale hair out. �Someday Aragorn will remember that bushing hair will not kill him,� muttered Arwen as she put the brush down and finished Stella�s hair off with a simple braid.

�But he says he doesn�t have a brush,� said the little girl once Arwen put her down.

�Yes he does. I gave him one for his birthday.�

�Maybe he doesn�t want to take it with him because he�s afraid he might lose it. And if he loses it he would be sad because you gave it to him.�

�I said this once before but you are a very sweet little girl.� With that Arwen took Stella�s hand and led her to the kitchens.

Once there one of the servants curtsied to Arwen. �Greetings Lady Arwen. How may I help you?�

�Greetings Lady Morgaine. I was wondering if you might have anything little Stella could have to eat,� answered Arwen as she motioned to the little girl that was peeking from around her long flowing dress.

�Oh goodness look at you,� said Morgaine in a soft voice. �It�s been a long time since we had any children here. I bet I could find you something good to eat. Will you be eating too my lady?�

�No thank you, I have already have eaten,� replied Arwen as she sat Stella on a small chair. Morgaine bowed her head and hurried off to find Stella something to eat. Soon Morgaine returned with a small plate of food and glass milk.

�Here little one. Eat up and then I will see if I can get you some strawberries with sweet cream,� said Lady Morgaine with a smile.

�Thank you very much,� chirped the little girl. The other elf smiled and went back to her duties. Arwen stood beside the little girl and gently smoothed some of the pale hair down; a slight movement from the doorway caught her eye. There was Aragorn, standing so the door mostly hid him with a slight smile softening his otherwise sober face. Arwen whispered into Stella�s ear and the little girl nodded. Arwen smiled and walked to the door, careful to block Aragorn from Stella�s view. Once she was out of the kitchen, she and Aragorn walked a short distance from the door.

�Where ever did you find her?� Arwen asked softly. Aragorn once more told the story and Arwen�s lovely face went pale with dread. �If her mother isn�t here by now�� she started.

�She might be lost,� he interrupted with a sad look.

�Or worse. Who will be going with you?�

�Your brothers and father, Gandalf, and six others,� he answered as he looked into her eyes. �Do not be troubled,� he whispered. �We�ll find her mother and the others.� Before she could say anything thing Stella come out of the kitchen, she saw Aragorn and ran straight to him. He laughed as he snatched her up and held her tight. �Did you save any food for me?� he asked with a smile.

�Of course I did. I�m little and I can�t eat all that much,� Stella answered as she studied his eyes. �You�re going to leave aren�t you?� she suddenly asked. Arwen gasped in surprise, she knew there was no way that the child could�ve heard what Aragorn had said.

However, Aragorn wasn�t at all surprised. �I need to go try to find your mother.�

�What if the monsters get you?�

�I�m not afraid of the monsters.�

�I am,� Stella whispered as she laid her head down on Aragorn�s strong shoulder.

�I know little snake,� whispered Aragorn as he kissed her forehead, �I know.�


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