Who Is the Monster and Who Is the Man? Chapter 1

Title: Who Is the Monster and Who Is the Man? (1/?)

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: Cliff/James

Ratings: NC-17

Archiving Permission: here and my site; anyone else please ask

Disclaimer: Nope never happened but it would make a freaky movie ;-)

Summary: Cliff is a master vampire. Enough said.

I have lived longer than any human on the face of this earth has and they have the nerve to call *me* the monster. I can recall nearly three thousand years of history. I have watched and even influenced it so that humans are the survivors and they�ll call my clan and me the monsters?

I must quiet down or else I�ll wake the others. They are so tired from running. My gentle Jason who has the soul of a poet, my lovely Kirk who can heal with a soft touch, my playful imp Lars, Bob the cautious one, my fierce warrior James, and the newest addition to our little family: Randy. They are tired and so very hungry. However, right now there is nothing we can do except wait and hid from those who wish to kill us.

My mind keeps wondering back how I got each of my children. The seduction of each one is a precious jewel in my memory



I watched him for months. He was a warrior in the far northern plains of Europe just before Greece hit her stride. He feared no one and all feared him. He was called �The Lion� and it wasn�t hard to imagine him as one. He had a flowing golden mane, a moustache, and deep blue piercing eyes. He rode a large black stallion and carried a board sword that had cut down many of his enemies.

I followed him for months as well, watching and learning his habits. I knew he was going to be the first of my children. Deep in my heart, I knew he would comply but that did nothing to ease my worry. He was headstrong and stubborn to a fault. I wasn�t sure if he would bend to my will, as I would need him to.

Finally, I got my chance. He had ridden off without his men and I went after him. I kept up the relentless pace until I had him cornered in a small canyon. He swung the horse around with a snarl and charged me. I quietly looked into the horse�s eyes and stopped him. The poor animal stopped so hard, the tall man went flying into the dirt with a hard thud. He got up with a growl and pulled out his sword.

�You don�t want to do that little one,� I whispered in a soothing voice. He blinked slightly and brought his sword down a little bit. Then he quickly shook his head and charged at me with a full deep roar.

Poor child, if he only knew that when I first saw him that he had already lost the battle.

I stepped nimbly out of his way and tripped him so that he dropped his sword and hit a wall of the canyon. He got up swearing so much that I couldn�t help but laugh at him. �Poor kitty,� I whispered as I snatched up his sword, �Did you hurt your head?�

�Fucking bastard,� he snarled as he shrugged out of his heavy black cloak. I remember to this day how delicious he looked in his tight leather pants and matching shirt.

�I have been called many things child,� I answered as I examined his sword, �but I haven�t been called that in centuries.� He blinked. It had started to dawn on him who, no, what I was.

My mighty lion whimpered. He had his first taste of fear.

He started to back up, but he soon found out that there was nowhere for him to go. �Shhh little one. I do not wish to harm you,� I continued to say, stilling his fear. �Come here and take your sword child. I have no need for it,� I murmured as I held it out to him. He came forward, mesmerized by the soft tone of my voice, and took his weapon back. I gently ran a finger down the right side of his face and whispered, �See you have nothing to fear.� He looked into my eyes and was lost.

�You have no need of your weapon,� I said in a soft and gentle voice as my lips played over his face. The sword dropped sharply from his hand and he stood there quiet and defenseless. I ran my hand slowly up his arms, enjoying the feeling of the heavily corded limbs twitching under my touch. I slowly and carefully stroked his hair, all the while murmuring to him, keeping him firmly under my spell. I felt him start to tremble under my touch and I knew I had won.

I gently arched his head back slightly, to expose his lovely throat, and felt my fangs slowly come out. �Shhh little one. It won�t hurt at all I promise,� I whispered, blowing a warm breath across the golden skin. He moaned softly as his legs buckled under him, threatening to dump him to the ground. I pulled him into my arms and sank down as I gently bit down on his neck. He cried out softly as I started to suck at his warm neck.

I didn�t change him then. I left after a few minutes, however I kept watch over him until he dragged himself back into the saddle of his nervous horse. I continue to visit him a few times every week, enjoying the warm blood and conditioning him to the coldness of my touch. Then came the night that I had been eagerly waiting for.

I called to him from a quiet mountain valley and it didn�t take him very long to get to me.

�Hello little one,� I whispered as he came near to me. He smiled ever so shyly at his nickname as he nuzzled against my neck with a happy whimper. I smiled as I played with his golden hair and when he offered me his throat. My poor lion turned out to be a virgin in many ways. He never had a woman or a man to warm his bed on those cold harsh nights when it felt as if the wind was made out of ice as it tore through your body. However, as we had become more familiar with each other, he made it clear that he wanted everything that I was willing to give to him.

I gently pushed him down on to a soft pile of grass that I had prepared when I was waiting for him. Over the grass, there was a finely woven tapestry from Greece and a soft pillow for him to rest his head on. I slowly unbuckled and untied his pants as I kept my eyes locked on his. In those deep blue orbs, there was no fear, just a deep understanding. I slid my hands under the tightly fitted shirt and tugged on his nipple rings. He roared with delight. I smiled as I licked a slow and winding path down his now exposed chest and warm belly, stopping just short of his wavering cock, which pulsed with need.

I rocked back on my heels and carefully pulled his boots off and tossed them to one side. His pants were next and then his shirt. Once more, I sat back for a minute and enjoyed the sight before me. Long smooth lines of muscles that were covered by skin that had a warm golden glow to it. Old scars decorated his body from his many battles. Over the left side of his body there sat the signs of longed healed burns. I gently traced out one harsh scar and whispered, �We will get them to disappear in time little one. I promise you that.�

He looked up at me with lust-brightened eyes and whispered, �You promised me something else too.�

I laughed lightly as I strip out of my own clothes and said, �And I am a man of my word little one.� With that I slowly leaned over and gave him a deep full kiss. He whimpered and moaned into my mouth as his hand traced the outline of muscles on my back.

It was a slow and painful experience at first for him. As I said, he had never been with a man before. It took a great deal of careful prepping before I could slowly slide into him with a soft moan of my own. He didn�t like the fact that he was on all fours like a dog, but I pointed out that at least this way he wouldn�t have to keep his legs up for long periods of time. Even with his dislike of the position, it didn�t stop him from thrusting back against me.

I continued with a slow teasing pace, until he started to beg for his release. How could I refuse such a pled? I slid one hand around his trembling side, down heaving belly, and wrapped my fingers around his cock. It didn�t take to long for him to come, a few good strokes and he was flat against the tapestry with a groan and I followed him soon after.

For a long time we laid like that, still entwined in each other�s embrace under the vault of sky. I ran my fingers through his hair and whispered, �I love you little one.�

�I love you too Cliff,� he murmured back as he nuzzled against me. I smiled as I arched his head back and went in for the final blood. It tasted ever so sweet, like honey from the first flowers of spring.

Anyone who might have seen us would have thought we were making love again. The lion�s limbs trembled and his head rocked back and forth ever so slightly. However, if they looked closer they would have seen the life slowly draining from his eyes and his motions became slower and weaker; until finally he stopped moving all together with one last gasping breath.

I quickly went into my nearby bag and took out an ornate dagger. With it, I nicked the veins in my left wrist and allowed the blood to slowly drip into his mouth. In moments, he came back to me. After a few more minutes, I scooped him up into my arms and allowed him to nurse off my wrist as I gently played with his hair. �That�s it little one. Eat a little bit more and then we�ll find a nice dark cave to hid in so you can rest,� I purred into his ear. He stopped and picked up his head. As he licked his lips clean, I saw flashes of his fangs. I carefully pried his mouth opened and smiled when I saw the new fangs gleaming in the moonlight.


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