Who Is the Monster and Who Is the Man? Chapter 2

Who Is the Monster and Who Is the Man? (2/?)

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: Cliff/Jason

Ratings: NC-17

Archiving Permission: here and my site; anyone else please ask

Disclaimer: Nope never happened but it would make a freaky movie ;-)

Summary: Cliff is a master vampire. Enough said.

We couldn�t move until nightfall, because Randy is only a few days old and we can�t risk taking him where he could be hurt. It�s a surprising thing being a vampire. When we are first made, we are as fragile as a delicate teacup. It can take years before a young vampire can go out in the light of day being covered and even then, they can only go out for short periods.

We need to hunt soon because my children are starving.


Nearly five centuries after claiming my lion as my first child, I spied my second, a lovely man living in early Rome, Jason. He was a poet with deep blue eyes and curly hair that women would die to have on their own heads. How I wanted to wrap him in my arms are make him my second born. There was a problem that I didn�t think of, concerning a green-eyed monster called jealousy.

The lion wasn�t happy when I pointed him out. However, I thought nothing of it. I thought it was because he was tired form the no stop riding we had done and the lack of any kind of food, vampire or human.

I hate it when I�m wrong.

Jason was the lion�s polar opposite. Kind and gentle where my warrior was hard and cold. A soul whose sole pleasure in life seemed to be writing poetry. A soul who could see the beauty in everything, no matter how big or small the event was. My lion on the other hand had a taste for the hunt, and he saw very little beauty anywhere any more. I believed it came from the years of being a warrior and later a vampire. I know better now. My poor lion was insecure about his place in my heart and at my side.

So insecure in fact, that once he knew I meant to make Jason my second child he left. I couldn�t stop my pursuit of Jason to go find him, not then anyway.

Once again, I watched and learned about Jason. This time it was easier. I was able to speak to him, instead of staying as away from him like I had done with my first child. Everyday I picked a spot not far way from Jason would be reciting his poems for an adoring public. Once he was done, they put coins in a basket on the ground and left, that is when I would move in.

I was able to get his full trust without having to put him under my spell, as I had to do with my lion. Every week I would spend a night with my sweet Jason. Every week we made love in his small room in a four-story apartment house. After we made love, I would feed off his willing neck for a little while, enjoying the moans and whimpers coming from his sweet mouth as I induced another orgasm with my feeding.

Once more when I knew the time was right, I called to Jason from a small-secluded glen five miles from Rome. He nearly came at a run, much as my lion did five hundred years earlier.

He looked up at me with a smile and said, �I missed you last night.�

�I missed you too,� I whispered as I slowly loosened his robes. �I do know a way to make it up to you.� I slowly lapped at the base of his throat and nipped at his soft lips. He gave a soft happy groan and lay down on the same tapestry that I used with James all those years ago. I continued to nip and tease at his body until he gave a choked cry.

�Oh gods Cliff please do something before I go insane,� he cried out as he tossed his pretty head back.

�Oh but the road to insanity can be such a tempting road to travel,� I whispered as I lapped the head of his cock. He continued to cry out with his soft voice as I carefully prepped him. After a few minutes, I gently hooked his legs over my shoulders and slowly slid into him like a well fitting glove.

Slowly, oh God it was such a slow and sensuous experience that I could barely contain my own cries as he bucked up against me. Every minute that I spent inside of him was another moment I spent in heaven.

I reached between us and gently wrapped my hand around his cock and pumped him in time to our rhythm. When he arched his head back as he cried out with his completion, I leaned forward and sank my fangs into his sweet neck.

I felt his limbs slowly stop moving under me. When he moved no more I pulled back and pulled out my dagger. I pulled his heavy form into my arms, nicked the veins in my left wrist again, and allowed him to feed off my blood.

Just then I heard a loud snap of a twig snapping and I grabbed a sword that I had hidden close by incase I would need it. I turned my head and saw my beloved lion watching us. In the dim light of a pair of lamps that I lit, I saw the blood tears running down his face. He looked into my eyes and then left.

I didn�t see James for nearly 150 years after that night.


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