Weird Games
Disclaimer: Yea, the Captain Planet characters aren't mine, they're Ted Turner's creations. But I won't steal them. Honestly. No need to sue me.

        The day was beautiful at Hope Island. Of course, that was no surprise, since the day's always beautiful at Hope Island. Gaia was resting and relaxing, and the Planeteers did the same. The Eco-Villains were nowhere causing trouble.
        In other words, the day was perfect. Everyone was carefree and happy. Except for one person.
        Ma-Ti was worried. It was too perfect. There had to be a catch of some sort. He walked around nervously and waited for something suspicious to happen. But nothing suspicious did happen. Kwame and Gi just stared into each other's eyes. Bored, Ma-Ti went to find out if Wheeler and Linka were worried about anything.
        He found out they weren't. In fact, they wouldn't have noticed if Hoggish Greedly would've crashed in through the window, they were so busy snogging very passionately. Ma-Ti left, very disappointed.
I just KNOW something is wrong, he said to himself. Even though he didn't know it, he was right.

        "Hope Island. The home of those eco-sissies," stated Looten Plunder. He stood on the
Trasherella, the crown jewel of the Eco-Villains' ships.
        "We'll see how well they'll summon Captain Planet with our garbage covering that island," cackled Sly Sludge, who was gathering all the garbage he could find onboard. Right then Dr. Blight and Duke Nukem arrived on the deck.
        "Right. So, let's analyze our plan for any weak points," suggested Dr. Blight. Since she heard no opposing comments, she continued. "Okay. Skumm will fly there and try and get hostages. Sly and Looten, you'll lead the landing force. And Hoggish, Duke, and I will crush those nature nerds with the Filth Cannon(tm)! They won't have a chance!" explained Dr. Blight.
        "Sounds good to me. Hoggish! Bring in the Filth Cannon!" shouted Duke Nukem. Soon after, Hoggish Greedly arrived, bringing the cannon with him. Everyone gasped at the sight of it.

        Ma-Ti saw the
Trasherella coming. He jumped up and ran to warn Kwame and Gi. He was having no luck. Those two were so busy kissing that they were having a slight lack of oxygen. Ma-Ti continued to go find Wheeler and Linka, but he was unlucky again. Those two were oblivious to the world, too. In fact, Wheeler's head had disappeared under Linka's shirt, and Linka was moaning in pleasure while massaging Wheeler's shoulders. Ma-Ti left their home and ran to the direction of the Trasherella. Then he saw Plunder and Sludge. And their landing troops.
        And the Filth Cannon(tm) was firing massive amounts of filth and dirt to Hope Island.
We need Captain Planet! I must warn the others! thought Ma-Ti. He turned around and started running back towards the Planeteers' home, but he was stopped when someone caught him and carried him out of everyone's sight.
        "Well, well... Seems like I caught a little prey... And there's no Captain Planet to save you, who would've guessed?" grinned Verminous Skumm, taking out a rope...

OK, please don't nail me on the wall and flame me to death. My mother language isn't English and this is my first Captain Planet fic. But... well, please review,  I appreciate reviewing...

FS note - I only changed two small words and put in quote marks and some commas. I wish I knew a second language so thoroughly that I could write in it so well.  =)

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