Weird Games
Chapter II: Wait. UFOs don't exist.

        Dr. Blight cheered as she saw their trash ammunition fly towards Hope Island. The trash and dirt covered trees, it polluted the waters, and it killed numerous plants and animals inhabiting Hope Island. Now Duke Nukem also cheered. A big, filthy garbage ball flew straight towards the Planeteers' home.

        Gaia felt every hit of the filth balls to Hope Island as rapid trembling in her body. Then the nausea came. Gaia shrieked in pain and screamed aloud. With her screaming she managed to wake up Kwame and Gi from their trance. They shook their heads a bit, then they became worried. Usually Gaia would just tell them what was the matter, but she was nowhere to be seen. Gi looked out of the window cautiously, and then she saw Plunder and Sludge. And along with them Argos Bleak and hundreds of mercenaries equipped with Junkthrowers, their version of a flamethrower.
        "Gi," called Kwame silently next to her, "we're in deep trouble." Gi just nodded since she couldn't get a word out of her mouth. And then the garbage ball hit.

        Hoggish Greedly grabbed a pair of binoculars from his pocket and gazed towards the Planeteers' home. Then he saw it. "Blight! Nukem! We crashed a wall down!" he snorted proudly. "Ha! Why didn't we think of this earlier?"
        "Because we all were too proud to ask for help," explained Dr. Blight, "and we lost because we all tried alone. But when we work as a team, nobody can stop us. Not even Captain Planet." Then she thought that others might think she wasn't *that* evil, so she also yelled, "And shoot faster! Drop them, sissies!" Nukem shot again, when a certain spot of the crashed wall grabbed Greedly's attention. He took a closer look at it. Then he yelled, "Guess what we've hit?"

        Kwame found them at the place which was hit. The wall was destroyed, the windows were shattered, the balcony was ruined, filth was everywhere, and they still had survived. Linka and Wheeler were still very close to each other, and if they hadn't been unconscious, they still would've been snogging. With the help of Gi, Kwame dragged them away from the destroyed site. Then Gi noticed it. "Where's Ma-Ti?" she shrieked.

        Ma-Ti still wasn't sure what Skumm would do to him. Skumm looked at least able to eat him whole, and Ma-Ti suspected that Skumm wouldn't hesitate to murder him if he tried something. He just waited patiently, which was pretty well done, considering that he was in the middle of a small forest with a filthy scumbag, who could kill him if in the mood. But then Ma-Ti saw it.

        "What. Is. That?" asked Looten Plunder, very confused.
        Sly Sludge looked puzzled, but then he answered, "Uh, it looks like a UFO to me, don't you see?"          "Yes," answered Plunder. "Wait, no, I mean no! UFOs don't exist."
        Sludge just shrugged. "Tell it to that UFO."
        Plunder was about to give a sarcastic counter, but then he noticed something. "Wait a second. Weren't our mercenaries with us just a minute ago?"
        Sludge also noticed. And then he saw them. They were unconscious and had somehow moved from the woods' outskirts, the place they should've been, to the beach, where they had landed. Sludge was about to ponder this aloud, but then he was frozen, except for his eyes.  He saw Plunder didn't backstab him, because he was frozen too. Sludge started to feel something. He was afraid.

        Gi was frozen. And so were her three fellow Planeteers. Gi pondered what would happen to her, when she saw a beam come in from the place where the demolished wall had been. She felt being lifted to the air. The Planeteers flew out of their home, and Gaia could do nothing to prevent it, since she was already weakened by the Eco-Villains and therefore she couldn't even get away from her own chambers. The Planeteers were afraid. At least the ones conscious.

        Duke Nukem saw the ship closing in. No, wait, he was flying towards the ship.
No matter what they'll do to me, he thought vigorously, I won't give up. I'm tough. Then a thought crept into his mind. What if it's Zarm? Zarm could do this... But then his thoughts were interrupted because he flew inside the ship. Duke Nukem saw all his colleagues and the kids lying there frozen. But then the darkness came. Duke fought against it but he didn't have a chance. He dropped from consciousness and lay at the UFO's metal floor. And the UFO flew away...

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