Cool Links
I suppose no site would be complete unless I give a list of relevant and/or irrelevant and/or absolutely useless site names for you to visit, maybe to get some idea of what I do other than this game. Well, take a look, by no means are these places my sponsors, so don't feel inclined to immediately ignore them :)
Pandemic Studios
This is the place that actually made Battlezone II. Duh! Visit their message boards and see people complain about how many errors there are and the chaos that ensues. Check here for when the 1.2 patch comes out (it's out now). You can get Map editting utilities here as well.
One guy once went into my server, asked me where he could get the IX maps. I told hiim, but then he replied "no, you idiot, it's" and then left the server. Lesson learned (believe it or not, true story!), this is where you can get the IX maps you see periodically on Gamespy.
Yahoo! Geocities
This is the host that provided me with the web space and builder for this page! If you want to make a webpage like my own, it is incredibly easy and free, too. Just don't make a webpage EXACTLY like mine or....I'll have to kill you :)
Echelon Games
This is a great place for online strategy games. Come here to test your mettle against at least 30,000 other players and kill them all to become the biggest in the world! I find these games quite addictive and they deserve my promotion, but only take about 15 minutes a day to maintain (more if you get involved).
Hotline HQ
Hotline is a pretty strange place, but wonderful in its own way. You can get almost anything on holine servers, warez, mp3's movies, Futurama Episodes, stupid pictures, and pretty much anything that the hosts have on their server. I got a few nice things from here without paying a cent to actually buy them. Long live Warez!
Hilarious Comic. Funny even to athiests. Go visit here, I guarantee you'll come out laughing.
Killer Seizure Robots
Just go here. And I recommend that Epilleptic people NOT visit this site (hee hee hee hee).
Icarus Arena
This is gonna be the best place in the world to play BZII Tourneys, when 1.2 comes out. Sign up with a team now to start bashing the hell out of anyone you think you can!
Here it is, the banner to {LoC}Saint (AKA Goldfinger)'s site that I promised to link to.
Sorry I took so long, saint, but I am SO DAMN LAZY! This site has some evil tricks and links to a lot of the BZ community. I suggest you check his site out. It has a lot of great looking graphics I could never do...
Dierdre 1.0 is my chat robot who is on line 24/7 and ready to talk with anyone. She is an ALICE bot capable of learning from previous conversations and has had over 100 new clients every day she has been alive!! If you want to talk to her, use ICQ# 108551219 and see how realiztically she can hold up a conversation. The picture (Tron Bonne) caught my mind as the most fitting physical image I could give her personality :)
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